Reminder that Israel was literally created by Luciferians and that all Zionists are evil
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Supporting Israel is essentially supporting the antichrist.
what if worshipping the beast means worshipping nigger cock, and all jews are BLACKED and satanist?
All jews are evil, zionist or not.
Daily reminder OP is a Jew.
Lucifer is not Saturn
we've been saying this shit for fucking every, but noooo Nazis and Muslims are bad. fucking jew stews. I bet you right now that we have a fucking jew kid reading this shit, paid by isreal to change our point of view, and if that dose not work they whore out their women to us, and saying shit like "ohhh look at our army we have hot long noised chicks here join us you cuck goym"
>OP is a Jew
>Please believe my autistic misinformation
Fuck off Moshe. Even your gay infographic says Saturn = Satan so it doesn't make a different at the end of the day.
Not all Jews are evil. But the leaders of the Ashkenazi are.
There was no "Star of David"
There was only ever a Star of Moloch, Remphan, Chiun...Saturn...Satan
Those who took up the star of Saturn worship have no share in God's victory.
Those who will not throw it away will not gain redemption.
Based Kuwaiti
Muslims also took up Saturn worship.
Just because one group took up evil doesn't make your side good.
israel = isis ra and el(osiris)
fake jew kikes are not of isis ra or el.
they are from nut geb and set NUGESE.
This is true, can't deny it at all.
fuck off cunt, we still kill devil worshipers here. come at me when your sissy cucked ass country dose the same. I bet you just love to bend over for your long nosed overlords or how about you getting fired from your work because you are white.
oh did you hurt your bwetty feelings.
go on you mix raced fag go on scream "USA" to make your self look big and scary.
here is a fact fag we don't have gays, jews, and we don't care for fucking political correctness thats why half of your fucking country are moving in the middle east.
The Kabah you walk around is Saturn Worship and part of Kabbalah.
Just because you are confused about which side you are on does not mean that you are on the side of right.
based and redpilled.
Look they found it, its not up there. chose wisely.
the fag is back guys
Take your fucking pill dude.
can any anons red pill me on Astana, Kazakhstan?
So you can find offshoots of Christianity or bad things that happen in America that are satanic.
I'll do one better, the Catholic Church is satanic and misled many Christians.
The Christian Scriptures on the other hand are good and pure.
Mohammed on the other hand believed he was possessed by a demon and the people around him did too. He almost jumped off a cliff because he believed it.
But instead he took up violence and took an area to worship from pagans and took it as his own. The entire worship of Islam is rooted in evil. Anger, Death, Misery, Conquest.
Christ, free of corruption, is the only way.
you cunts destroyed the bible, its not fucking pure, nothing was written by Jesus you worshiped him as a god when he never said so. go on fag go on check your fucking bible there is noting there that says "worship me for I am a god" Jesus never said that. its your so called holy men who wrote it in a different language based on rumors that were 100 year old, and how many people wrote your bible, too many I say. in your bible you can't prove shit, Mohammed blessed be his name predicted the phone, TV, and gay people on the rise go on check here watch this
how did Mohammed fake Islam when it didn't even do him any good to start spreading Islam.
He was from a wealthy family he had every thing he could have ever wanted, but he went with the hard way to spread truth. you think we hate Jesus, but you are wrong we love him as a massanger of god, not a god.
I don't worship him as a God and the Bible never says to.
Once again, that was the Catholic Church that misled people.
As for Mohammed "spreading truth"
He was a conquerer and a warlord.
Why does anyone that has wealth continue to conquer? And yet it happens over and over in history. So there seems to be a reason for it.
I actually never believed that Muslims hate Jesus.
But were led astray but a wolf in sheeps clothing.
yahweh is Ha-Satan with the tetragrammaton. Its a divine name, not a being, when it is placed in an angel it becomes the supreme controller/ruler of the world. Ha-Satan is using the tetragammaton throughout most of the old testament. He is the beast of heaven, the roaring lion, the leopard, the great old serpent/ dragon
>He was a conquerer and a warlord
Nothing wrong with that, cuck.
>Why does anyone that has wealth continue to conquer
For his convictions. Muhammad died penniless and he would sometimes go 3 days without eating
watch this. you think I am arguing with you for shits and giggles. I am doing this because this is humanity's last chance if you truly believe know who you are talking about.
I am back... Why are the jews against the guy who scares pedophiles
Have another
How did this good got win. The Jews cheated...
>World's last hope
The world has already been judged
God will destroy the wicked, it is not man's job to do God's work.
It is not for men to put himself in God's place.
It is for men to humble themselves, do good, not take part in evil, and wait for God's judgement.
checked and saved
who are you to say that the world have all ready been judged, do you know what we Muslims fear the most . I will tell you; we fear saying to another person that they will go to hell 100%. do you know why we fear saying that because it is not our place to say who goes where and why. we are only here to spread the last message. if you do not wish to read and learn what we are trying to say this is your right.
but how dare you say that the world have all ready been judged. what gave you the right to say that?
Heil Satan
And yet Muslims call others heretics and kill their enemies.
It is my place to know it's not my job to judge the world.
It is only for God.
That he is the one that does it.
That he is the one that handles what is wrong.
God judges the wicked.
And his judgement will take place on Earth.
How the fuck can you be this dumb.
the fucking crusades where what peace talks?
where the fuck is your das voult. learn your fucking history then come to me.
here we fucking opened it with out blood.
>The world has already been judged
don't come back and try to change this you all ready stated that the world have been judged where is your fucking proof. don't talk shit and turn around and say that we kill shit.
Ok we kill shit, but we never said that they will go to hell 100%
you've been arguing with me for some time now and I never said you are going to hell.
Lucifer is not Satan.
Your "" God " name
Fucking Goyim Kike Lover
explain that pic.
Goyim threat YIAKERS
what do you think are the most closely guarded political and 'life' secrets in the world? I always wonder how many sets of eyes have 'seen' it all or have reached 'the end' of where our governmental and collective knowledge goes
Bringing up the Crusades when I have already said twice that the Catholics took up evil
Not to mention the history of the Crusades is that the Muslims were conquering into Europe for hundreds of years before Catholics even decided to protect themselves and fight back.
Absolute insanity
Here is the reality of the Crusades
I know that american education is shit, but try reading this.
so by this so called historical video
was made by
Map of dead and injured in Islamic terrorist attacks borrowed from
wow much good source, no bias of opinions here.
you know what if your so called religions is so good why the fuck are you guys losing a lot of people every year and us Muslims getting more then you?
if our so called terrorist is so bad, how come we are getting more people then you Christensen with your so called first world countries?
you have the armies, the bombs, and the men to do your dirty work. so tell me this why are you guys still losing ?
It's the reality of history.
Islam started in small place in Saudi Arabia and conquered and conquered and conquered
This doesn't even include the hundreds of millions of Hindus that were killed just for being Hindus.
This is just the conquest of the Middle East, North Africa and the attempt to Conquer Europe.
It's the truth for anyone with a half a brain.
And it was only after all that conquest that Catholics fought back.
And I don't even like Catholics.
I think the Catholic Church is Satanic and the idols prove it.
I wouldn't ever defend Catholics unless it was clear that they were defending themselves against aggressors.
Don't pull Crusade BS here.
Stfu you're dumb fuck. Even official history says that Islam spread relatively peacefully the same way Islam spread to Indonesia. Deal with it, your meme videos won't change that. Most of the battles resulted from Christucks getting butthurt that people around them were converting to Islam and in their mind they were being invaded so they started attacking Muslims then got BTFO by Muslim armies. Then they claim that Muslims attacked them. Typical Jew victim card being played there.
History says that?
No it doesn't.
History says they were invading into Spain and fighting wars.
History says they were sieging Malta and attacking into Italy.
History says they conquered Constantinople.
History says they were attacking into the Balkans and the Winged Hussars fought them off.
History says they slaughtered Hindus by the hundreds of millions.
Lies and deception are from Satan the Devil.
>History says they were invading South East asia.
...Oh wait, can't use that one.
How about we talk about how Christians genocided millions of Native Americans during the inquisitions and forced the rest to convert to Christianity. BTW even when Muslims did invade, they only fought armies and never forced civilians to convert or die.
based and checked
trips of truth
Southeast Asia
Literally the work of the Jesuits
You are trying to argue against someone who flat out says Catholics have done evil and are not even Christians.
I will flat out say when Catholics did evil.
But you will not admit that Muslims do.
And this is the problem.
As far as Native Americans, I have more Native American blood than Elizebeth Warren.
What happened to them is EVIL.
Now admit what the Muslims did to the Hindus is equally EVIL.
Who helped create israhell?
The british crown who are german jews
And the rothschild who are also german jews
and they both were the reason why germans have been genocided for the last century and almost wiped out because of the EU, another german jew creation
Yeah but if you watched the video you would learn that the Luciferians were mostly Talmudic Jews.