Can I get a rundown on Kratom from an actual user?

Can I get a rundown on Kratom from an actual user?

> Is it safe or dangerous?
> Youtube is packed with videos from users shilling how harmless and fantastic it is.
> Jow Forumsquitting kratom makes it sound like its almost as bad as heroin to quit

What's the real deal? Should it be avoided at all costs? I've already quit nicotine and caffeine in my life, is quitting Kratom really any worse if you get dependent on it?

Attached: kratom-starter-pack.jpg (600x538, 79K)

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It's harmless, you have to go nuts to get even a mild buzz, apparently the raw leaf is much more potent. Also, if you take more than a few pills you'll induce vomiting.

Shits okay paired with weed, don't drink with it in your system or you might die.

Not as bad as heroin to quit, but I would highly recommend to not start it.

Its alright at first, but it places weird thoughts in your head. It'll warp your brain chemistry while you're on it and you'll have these terrible thoughts. Like you will KNOW its the kratom, but you still will feel it. Quitting takes a week or so, you'll throw up and feel like shit during it. Its not good.

It's not that great when you use it daily for months, but in the beginning you can get a nice high.

Very mild buzz similar to a caffeine or nicotine rush in terms of potency and longevity. The amount you need to take though is a lot, and it all tastes like garbage. I vomit nearly every time I did it because the taste was that bad

Never heard of this, is it a psychoactive?

Just smoke weed like a normal person

Attached: 1523868105144.jpg (477x417, 47K)

I've been using it daily for like 9 years, heres my two cents.
It's a fantastic thing, it helps with
>will make you super motivated
>will want to be around people.
It also comes with a great euphoria. That said, anyone who says it's not addictive is a fucking flat out liar. After like 3 days of consecutive use you'll have withdrawal symptoms. They're not so bad after only a couple days though, its like quitting nicotine, just a little annoyed and shit. After like a week of constant use they get much worse.
I'll continue in a second, but I want to say when this thread gets pruned if you want we can continue on 4plebs

I can't say that I had these experiences. You need to dose properly and take good quality. Starting users should get high on a tablespoon of enhanced maeng da. Mix it with some hot water and then ice cold water or ice tea, gulp it down and eat some candy.

What kind of thoughts? Can you give an example?