Why did having a black president break so many minds?

Why did having a black president break so many minds?

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Because he was unqualified and inexperienced

People literally jumped on the first nig to run and then we’re baffled that he did a shitty job.

he's mulatto by every definition

He did a GREAT job for (((those))) he represented, he just wasn't working for you.

it wasnt his color, it was his policies. if he was white Id have hated him just as badly. fast & furious should have been grounds for impeachment and obamacare financially ruined me

He was chosen.

>letting a member of a slave race rule over you

it's always a bad idea

I don't think him being black has to do with his horrible presidency, he just fucking blew.

he was a professor of constitutional law, he was not unqualified, especially relative to certain other recent presidents.

republicans got almost 60% of the white vote in 2012 and still lost. racial polarization could only get worse after all the stuff that went down that year

His mediocrity vs. the way he was treated in the media and academic culture. It was too big of a gap and people's minds couldn't take it.

>financially ruined me
>posts on Jow Forums
>pays for internet
>on computer/phone that probably costs hundreds of dollars
>financially ruined

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Whew, those digits.
He didn't do it; this place did.
It just happened to coincide with his tenure in office.

>Because he was unqualified and inexperienced
yeah good thing we replaced him with someone with even less experience

>dat post get
>Jow Forums knows not to fall for your bullshit.

Anything good he did was his white side. Everything else was his black side.
He never did anything good. Even his kids aren't his. Even his wife is fake.

b-but maga user!

It didnt, no one cared. He was just as shitty as every other one.

Don't you dare put Coolidge in the same boat as Obama.

It was never about him being black.

He had really bad policy and expanded government.

I would gladly vote for a Tomas Sowell type or any black candidate if their policies were aligned with my views.

The left will use him being black as a reason for why he was unpopular with white people, and not that he had pretty unpopular policies.

and this is coming from a hispanic male. I've had more black people be racist to me than white people.

>professor of constitutional law
>"which means unlike the current president I actually respect the Constitution"
What a load of bullshit. He never cared about our constitution.

It wasn’t that he was part black, it was because he was such a shit president who hated our nation

Obama is half white btw
>pic related

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It nearly broke the nation with his nigger-tier "LETS BE LIKE EUROPE!!!" plans, good fucking thing we're changing all that shit. He was proof nigs fuck up everything they're put in charge of.

every president is just the same jew

I voted for him in 2008. I even campaigned for him during the primary.

The problem was that he was just yet another corporate stooge, as corrupt as any old guard GOP neocon, but worse... someone who bailed out banks that gave him financial contributions, protected and promoted industries that paid him, gave sweetheart deals to companies his friends founded or ran (see that wind turbine company) and intentionally destroyed those businesses that didn't.

A lot of people can't stand the idea of a black guy being their boss let alone the president of the united states.

>Even his kids aren't his.

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Shit my bad, I didn't mean to post this.

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Amazing how the inexperienced one actually fixed the economy. Makes you wonder of Obango even tried, doesn't it?

>Even his wife is fake.
Busted “Adjusting” his package

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>white momma
>black president

you can only pick one

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NPCs of that time werent happy


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>A lot of people can't stand the idea of a black guy
He’s half white, a lot of people can’t stand his character being a commie and all, not his skin color

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>black president
indonesian musselman

Post some of his law reviews.

President's and representives are supposed to be of the people. All the founding fathers had day jobs, skills, professions. If someone is experienced in the trade of politics, like the Clintons, it usually means they are paid for their lies.

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>"community organizer"

Well, you see little Jimmy, blacks thought that Obama would do things that would lead to economic and social improvements in their lives. Instead, he made it all worse.
Niggers got mind broke cause they thought that with a nigger in the oval office, everyone would become niggers. Unfortunately for them, while everyone got more miserable, they didn't turn into niggers, leaving the niggers the only niggers around.
Little young Jimmys that were just old enough to vote for him got their mind blown because he broke every promise he made on the trail, making them wonder if they could ever believe in hope and change and Santa Claus and the Easter bunny ever again.

Even niggers in Africa browse here.
The internet is even more accessible than you think

See for your self
Someone got sloppy with Adobe

probley a drug stash
just like pizzagate it's all drug code

Ok, but stash don’t bounce around and don’t usually have a shape of a banana

I got a bro in Oz that is homeless. His iPhone contract ran out. He still browses the internet and plays free to play games and shit posts, thanks to free wifi all over the city. All he ever worries about is finding free spots to plug up to charge up his phone.

TLDR: Even homeless bums can shitpost on the internet thanks to all the free wifi hotspots around.

I shit post from the public library.

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Yes, Obama while being inexperienced, fixed the financial crisis left after the housing crisis facilitated under Bush. Then, he brought prosperity, the stock markets have been posting all time high since 2013 and unemployment has been dropping since 2010.

It's silly that Trump is trying to take credit for Obama's successes.

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Lol, nobody is buying it

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>worst recovery in the history of the US

he'll be going into the pit
for 1000 years in place
of satan.

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>looks at birth certificate
Race: African
>continent = race
>question could be a fraud
>nope your racist accept it no questions
ten years later
>"yeah duh it's fake, so what? It doesn't matter anyway. Why you don't like black people as president is that why?"

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Then those not buying it are delusional. These are easily verifiable claims.

Yes. Fixed. He facilitated the greatest economic growth seen in modern times, and drastically reduced unemployment rates. Both things that Trump is trying to take credit for.

>bush caused the housing crisis
That's what "they" told you, huh

oh thats rich.

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Better make more room

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Listen man, I want you to hear what you said.

because niggers ruin nations while whites rule nations


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You mean what happens after any fucking financial crisis? I wouldn't say it was the greatest growth either. We've had worse finacial downturns they were just fixed by far more competent leaders. When you put FDRs and Obamas and other Socialist Keynesians you get prolonged financial trouble instead of the fast turnaround.
I see this literal brain damage across socialists who don't understand this.

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>my definition of financially stable is a handful of hundos, a couple twankies, a 40oz, and a nugget of marijuana

Because America is a White nation and should only be represented by White men.

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2 reasons

He routinely ignored law & created his own with the stroke of a pen
He introduced the US to socialism

I didn't think he was any worse than most of the other presidents before him

That's upper middle class a few hundred years ago.

>Because America is a White nation and should only be represented by White men.

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2008 when everyone loved McCain

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he failed at everything and white people thought black people were good at everything.

also suck it boston your shit bots are light years behind gook amusement level bots

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>facilitated the greatest economic growth seen in modern times
nigger what?

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Obama happily sold his daughter to the notorious sexual predator Harvey Weinstein.

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Surprise he is a liar see for the easy description

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I can't wait till people start strapping guns to them

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it's already foretold, she goes into
the pit with him too. they know their
fate and do these kinds of pieces to
ward it off.

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I said facilitated under Bush, not caused.

>I can't refute his claims so I'll call him an NPC.
You do you, if that helps you keep your delusional fantasies alive then go ahead.

I'd say the markets posting historical all time highs would be considered the greatest growth.

Have you never seen any charts like the Dow Jones? Jesus.

None of this disproves anything I said. Economic growth and unemployment rates aren't even on the image. Jesus, how fucking delusional are you people?

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Yeah, Michelle hides his drug stash in his giant black cock.

being black in Maine must be fun

Did it? There were no race riots, no protests specifically against having a black President. Black conservatives have been pretty much worshiped by right-wingers for decades now.

The Right would have been just as angry had Hillary became President instead, if not more so.

Because progressives

>finally have a non-white president
>"yay we're moving FORWARD (whatever that means) we're moving in the RIGHT DIRECTION (whatever that means)
>have him 4 more years
>progressives want to keep moving FORWARD
>we then get a white male president again who loves his country before all others
>progressives think we are now moving BACKWARDS (whatever that means)
>and that the opposite of FORWARDS is BACKWARDS
>so now they think america will become more racist, sexist, misogynist homophobic, xenophobic, transphobic etc etc

Basically college has taught liberals that good and bad are absolutes and that the world is black and white. Personally I feel there is a time for a Republican president and a time for a Democrat. Other than Democrats becoming complete monsters these days I'd say it's time for a Republican.

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>no race riots

8/10 bait

He was multiracial and he barely thought of himself as black.
Plus, some say his real dad was Frank MarshaII Davis, who was African American but with a bit of european white. So that makes O LESS than 50% black.

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>already rich jews and goys getting richer means the general economy is good

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Only because Whites have been indoctrinated in Scools and the media to not act in their racial interests. If Obama had lost you can bet your ass Negroes everywhere would be rioting.


how did that happen?
is there just no roof on the place?

>this hammered dogshit is now american history

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He was ready in his 20s

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Because he was objectively a terrible president. He baited racial strife and implemented pro commie and pro tranny policies. He also made the health care industry in this country multiple times worse than it already was and increased everybody's premiums by a substantial amount. And he freed Pollard

Looks like someone left their door open in Russia.

and none of what you said disproves anting either, markets bounce back after a recession, there WAS a recovery under Obama just the worst one in US history

why is corporate wealth a measure of the economy?