Democrats are going to fuck us in the ass so hard when they get power
>not taking the accelerationist pill
They'll fuck each other in the ass so hard they'll get AIDs, you mean?
Relax. Democrats will win the House, Republicans will keep the Senate, and not a fucking thing will get done in the federal government for two years. It will be glorious.
How? Better healthcare? That would suck.
they're never gonna have power again
some of us have kids
God that movie was such trash. I can't believe all you plebbit fags think it was so "woke"
>muh ai waifu
please resize that damn photo too. we dont need to post fucking wallpapers on Jow Forums
Kys you fence sitting nigger. I want a wall, I want sanctuary cities banned, I want affordable healthcare, I want deep state investigations and swamp niggers going to jail.
Then you have a reason to fight
let nature do its thing, acceleration only aggravates the process
what are you willing to do for this?
>he thinks we won't have a military dictatorship by 2025
Wew lad.
Who knows. Maybe they’ll become less partisan.
Then you need to teach them to fight.
Thing is though, you're not. It's starting to look very likely this is Operation Paperclip in action:
>Give the left enough rope to hang itself by spreading fully in its decadent, degrading complete glory in a way even schoolchildren will be able to recite decades from now
>Make the U.S. public so weary of the left we cry out eagerly for fascists to rescue us from you
>Then Auschwitz and vaporize all the left who were used, as lebensunwertenleben (look it up), and not only be rid of it forever but establish an eternal Reich on U.S. soil
Here's how I feel about that: Fully Erect
Sieg Heil
And you brought it on yourselves. So your time is short.
Based and redpilled
All they do is oppose the Donald and grasp at straws in an attempt to find things to fight for. I don't see that happening in the near future
>Obama care
I would actually like to hear how? My suspicion is that it will involve someone else paying for your needs at a greatly increased cost to themselves with a significant reduction in the quality of care themselves and to many others.
>I want affordable healthcare
Why do you hate freedumb? It wouldn't be America if getting an ingrown toenail didn't cause you to go hundreds of thousands of dollars into debt just like George Washington would have wanted.