>they're murderers, they're thieves, they're rapists, and some of them I assume are good people
Charles Smith
god damn gas these propaganda fags now
Brandon Cox
I'd much rather donate toys, and clothes over just opening the border and letting them in. Why is there just no way to help them in a different manner?
Dominic White
Mexico is asylum. They can stay there where they speak the same fucking language.
There are little brown American girls who could use your toy donation, user.
Gavin Cruz
>Asylum applies to the first country entered Nope kike. The last caravan was only a few hundred people too. Trump didn't deploy the military then, they don't have to take asylum requests, it falls under USMJ.
Brandon Gomez
then it ceases to be loopholes and becomes gaping wide open goatse holes. nuke everything now plz and start over.
Michael Edwards
If she only stayed in Honduras she would still have her doll...this is all her mom's fault. The kid didn't want to leave her Honduran friends, her mom insisted because Soros paid good money...and now her doll is gone...probably being raped by some ICE jackboot.
Follow Sen. Eric Brakey on twitter. Internal polls are showing a very tight race. A good number of Democrats and independents are on his side. twitter.com/SenatorBrakey
Pence the other day said Venezuela was helping to fund the hordes. So if they want to play stupid games...
James Stewart
You apply for asylum from your country of origin, not when you show up at the border.
Logan Howard
My grandfather voted for Goldwater. Unfortunately he's no longer with us, but he lived in Illinois at the time. He wrote in a diary about how the left said that if Goldwater were elected the US would go to war, but under LBJ we went to war anyway.
Nicholas Turner
and stealing cars. it's literally impossible to count. might as well just get a horse and buggy, they won't take that.
John Hughes
For what purpose would the US want war with Venezuela? Take their oil, I guess? Fair enough. The Marines need something to do after all. It's been, what, 30+ years since the Marines did Marine stop and stormed beaches?
Colton Ortiz
Hudson James
how do you even get addicted to heroin or opiates you'd have to be a fucking retard to even try that stuff once.
Jaxson Young
>senate seats
Shouldn't liberals be focused on the house more? It's the 10th hour and the senate meme is history. GOP will retain it and gain a few extra seats as well.
Elijah Brooks
Oil, but Venezuela isn't worth the effort to even bother with.
So...I have been taking notes on you Trump cultists here for a while. I believe I have you figured out pretty well. The bottom line about Donald Trump supporters, is that somebody who supports Trump, believes the following:
*Women are useless chattel or property *White people are better than anybody else *Discrimination from establishment(s) that are open to the public regardless of the prices that are charged for such services, products or accommodations, or all three. *Everybody but themselves should get the shaft.
*The Media is there to serve Trump, Trump supporters or the alt-right agenda.
And the bottom line on people who believe such things, is that they're violent, and stupid. Because these are violent and stupid beliefs.
And that's the truth about the South, especially the rural South, or the Republicans in the South.