Attached: habbedid.png (597x364, 43K)

I'm pretty sure we already know what they look like.

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I need my beauty rest. hurry up niggas and get that dem

I wonder who

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it's at the top of drudge, they found him

Attached: bomber.jpg (640x1065, 56K)

My money is on:
>Latino gangbanger Bernie Bro from Florida with a criminal record longer than the bible

uh oh

Attached: wassermanschultz_013117getty.jpg (640x360, 41K)

our hispanics are not industrious enough to pull this off, Swissfren


We all know it's going to be Sam Hyde.

He can't keep getting away with it

I bet its a cool wine aunt.

It was mossad

checked. kikes did it

Attached: DaA5wikV4AAeBwv.jpg (924x960, 75K)

found his pic

Attached: 3613302-a-happy-man-in-disguise-with-wig-and-comedy-eyeglasses-on-white-background-.jpg (450x299, 16K)

>mentally challenged stormfag?
>deranged Bernie bro?
>incompetent leftist false flagger?
>sortition terrorist?
Whoever it is this sure has been entertaining. Bravo.


>”finding” the person they set up
Cuz they never do that u no

it was me guise sry

inb4 Adam Lanza looking fucker and so begins the ostracizing of "white males" on an entire highly new scale that the (((media))) and their NPC drones will endlessly push until the elections

Please be white


Attached: SHOOTER-art_2_1024x1024.jpg (1024x1024, 169K)

His Tums bomb is particularly lethal

Attached: rryr7r7yr7y.jpg (595x379, 50K)

In all seriousness, the likelihood that the “bomber” turns out to be jewish is close to 100%. And when it happens, the real tragedy will be that their tiny little objectively evil tribe won’t be collectively punished. No criticism. No concentration camps. Not even pogroms. They’ll just get away with it to jew another day. And in prison they’ll become an Israeli citizen if they aren’t already and Israeli leaders will call for their release which eventually some commie nigger president will do

Well that shit takes putting together a 4cm PVC pipe, gluing a 99c watch to it and run a shitty "speaker wire" trough it. Like 2min max per unit.

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It’s going to be a deranged “I’m still with Her!” lady Boomer

Attached: 34224716-C443-4546-B5C1-7FBB09D3DB1B.png (600x718, 281K)

roll for leftist

Occam puts it 80% deranged white guy.
Hope I’m wrong, but the second derivative false flag theories are more rare even with the oddities in the evidence.

who ever it was has most likely already done his/her early voting and once prosecuted way after nov 6th. That will be the last time bomber fucky twat will ever get to vote again. Felons are forbidden to do so.

Attached: bidenween.jpg (683x1024, 182K)

lol this, I can't wait to see what bullshit story they're gonna push this time. my bet is the suspect dies in a firefight.

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not if that florida nigger has anything to say about it.

We all know they will pick someone up tomorrow to keep this in the news cycle till the election is over. We should place bets, I'm calling:

> white male in his late 30s
> living in Florida
> easily traceable right wing views on social media
> priors or outstanding warrants which will justify the FBI arresting him and keeping him in custody till after the election

Afterwards, we'll find out it wasn't him and the pipe bombs were fake. The actual person that sent the fake bombs will never be caught. The white guy from Florida will still go to jail, maybe will a defamation lawsuit 20 years from now.

Attached: 2018-10-25 14.13.14.png (1524x1903, 260K)


Attached: Florida.png (585x673, 374K)

I am hoping that they arrest a literal retard. please happen. I want to see guys in FBI jackets hauling a tardo.

yes got it better be in South Florida and not lead back to us

Attached: 1483389586719.gif (472x360, 2.18M)

you don't know any spics, do you mountain jew?

You mean (((((white))))) guy

RIP based Florida

Attached: 1439278743794.png (1280x720, 727K)

Pitch for yearly movie franchise. Take all the best "Florida Man" headlines from that year and weave them into a single movie where the character has all these things happen in a single day.

Why do you guys think random Twitter users are considered reliable news sources?

I bet it was a mexican

Attached: lowjump.gif (450x253, 649K)

At this point i don't believe anything any American agency says

dude is probably shitting bricks. will they be more lenient with since there were no explosions?

Why does this random group of unrelated people look so similar to one another?


They probably already have a suspect and are releasing this information to see if he reacts to it

What is the JTTF anyways? The jewish talmudic task force?

It was jews. jews did it. Death to all jews!! Death to israel!

how the fuck can people be so triggered by Eric Holder, it was just one clip taken out of context

Will it be MAGA or Chapo fag? Boomer or zoomer?

Let me take a wild guess of what the bomber looks like

Attached: CU7cA7uUkAAKYiK.png (516x749, 405K)

Advance knowledge:
>registered Democrat
>previously worked as a Bernie campaigner
>will be identified by printer microdots matching hate mail sent over last 2 years

Attached: 3659C79A-09CC-408E-827A-A2F330344877.jpg (223x360, 182K)

They need to stop calling them "bombs." Bombs are typically rigged to explode. These are simply packages that LOOK like bombs and test positive for explosive material.

My bet is that they try to pin it on MUH RUSSIA... just watch.

Attached: 1530941226195.jpg (680x509, 65K)

Joint terrorism task force

when it explodes it lets out a high pitched laughter, not from this earth


Attached: sam.jpg (220x170, 12K)

Son of a bitch...

"Highly credible law enforcement officials"... as compared to what, just "law enforcement officials?" So there would be a reason to assume that a "not highly credible" law enforcement official may have had a chance to offer up their take?

CUI BONO is more appropriate.

I showed him my Wendy's ad once

Good one FBINiggers, but I'm already back home!

Attached: 1539311920480.gif (202x360, 2.19M)

Hurry the fuck up otherwise she's gonna flee the country


they literally dont you mouthbreather

Highly credible probably means high ranking.

it was debbie this whole time.

I want to see your Warhammer figurines

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>South Florida suspect

Attached: 1521930848984.jpg (513x558, 68K)

I know a lot of them. I work for the swiss embassy and currently saying hello from Cuba.

Haha yes, go catch him goys. It was definitely him.

Probably a cia nigger patsy

>A CNN employee

How did the packages get all over America without being mailed by just one person? Seriously, if couriers are the answer, do couriers deliver across country? I want answers.

Jow Forums is under arrest again...fuck you Jow Forums fuck you

Inb4 they pin it on some scapegoat larping as a trump-supporter.

i bet it was a faggot

They just said in France they released a sketch of the suspect.

Attached: suspect_sketch.jpg (2500x1250, 461K)

>Implying it won't be some mentally unhinged chub who looks exactly like the type of person the MSM has been trying to claim its been all along

They probably have had a patsy well in advance.

>suspect is fleeing

Attached: 1535154782303.jpg (630x583, 36K)

Facial aphasia is a common symptom of autism, let him alone.

Attached: 1525786803436.png (701x670, 687K)

In before it's a liberal Berniebro again (James Hodgkinson.)

its probably a foreign intelligence agent asset

south florida is a jew nest

Prepare for the dem to pretend to be MAGA


Bullshit, but I believe it

Daisy noooooooooooooooo

occam doesn't work like that, retard. occam states that something is 100% likely based on simplicity.


Attached: STRAW.jpg (4009x2673, 2.92M)

6 is pronounced ‘liu’ in Mandarin Chinese, and this sounds like the Mandarin Chinese word meaning ‘flowing, smooth, or frictionless’. Therefore the number 6 is considered lucky, especially where it occurs in multiples. In feng shui, the number 6 represents authority and power.

So highly is the number 6 prized that a motorcycle dealer in Zengcheng of Guangdong Province paid the net sum of RMB 272,000 (USD $34,000) for the motorcycle license plate AW6666.

Young Chinese netizens widely use ‘666’ to express admiration for people or things.

6 stamps on each package. 10 packages. It was chinese spys pol.

>In feng shui, the number 6 represents authority and power.

They are undermining Trump because the trade war scares the fuck out of them.

The eggman cracked!

>printer microdots
Go on...

they're just going to scrub some loser's social media and suicide him, then plant some maga shit in his house and say he killed himself when they closed in on him


fake & gay