The democrats are about to fuck up a huge opportunity. The writing is on the wall for the midterms, the democrats have the house in the bag and the republicans will keep the senate. But the events next year will determine the fate of the democrats in 2020. By the looks of it, the democratic platform right now is REEEEE IMPEACH DRUMPF and that’s going to be their Achilles heel. An impeachment push is going to piss off Trumps base and some moderates that 2020 will be an uphill battle for whoever the democrats pick.
Trump will get 2020
Evan Sanchez
Dominic Rivera
>the democrats have the house in the bag
i'm not even convinced they will take back the house at this point
Isaiah Turner
this. the caravan shit and trump putting the military on the boarder is a fucking blessing.
Christopher Butler
I don’t know their polling well enough.
>inb4 2016
That was an outlier.
Austin Sullivan
> Moderates
You're not from America are you?
Jordan Davis
By that I mean moderate democrats and republicans
Carter Reyes
Lincoln Cox
Was an outlier with polls
Tyler Jackson
No, you really are fucking retarded
Dominic Hernandez
They exist, look at Governor Hogan or Marco Rubio