I've been to the darkest pits of hell. Where only libs dwell

Attached: liberals.png (579x556, 38K)

Other urls found in this thread:



>galaxy brain
I feel physical pain when I read reddit comments.

I infiltrated antifa during occupy ice and remain in contact with them.

I really wish there was an undo button to unsee this retardation.

why not simply kill greedy thieving jews and take back what they stole instead of allowing them to sell it back to us?

Do you sometimes use insider information for your own benefit?

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>Galaxy brain

Attached: Intergalactic.jpg (1158x660, 76K)

What's the liberal understanding of economy?

>the market regulates itself 4Head

Money comes outta The ATM

>This but unironically.
Feels good seeing ledditors and Chapo Trap House stealing our memes.

it's r/neoliberal, so shitskins and self-hating white college students pretending to be rich shekel rubbing jews, but actually just shilling for open borders and mass immigration.

I've maintained a false tranny SJW twitter profile for nearly 7 years now, as part of an early /new/ project for accelerationism. I've got more than 50k [real] followers now, and despite nobody actually having met my persona in real life, I'm considered an authority on social justice. Whenever a reasonable voice rises, I make sure the masses crush that voice.

I know there were a lot more just like me when I started doing this in 2011, and I hope many continued like I did. The lefts rapidly increasing lunacy is our victory.

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I know who you are and thank you for what you do

Damn. I don't even know what to say about this. Everyone thinks we're close to reaching peak lunacy, but I think we're not even half way there. Not even a quarter. The worse it gets, the longer it will last.

Attached: cheeseContemplation.jpg (640x396, 37K)

Hopefully you don't. It's sort of tempting to start dumping screencaps of leftists organizations who have offered me monetary compensation to push certain agendas, but that'd mean I'd have to sacrifice 7 years of work, as I'd be easily identifiable by those parties.

I've got a 600MB folder fucking filled to the brim with screencaps of various sketchy shit that goes on within the social justice movement, and their pay-to-play schemes when it comes to controlling a narrative. I'll have to find the exact right moment to dump everything, but it's still way too early.

Typical trumpeter fire

What if there is no redemption and you're a massive proponent of the change that is dragging everything we know, love and cherish into the muck?

do it by 2020 bro we believe in you destiny

The title of the thread where those comments were posted

Attached: thread_title.png (825x572, 102K)

That is a risk I'm willing to take. I'm merely accelerating the inevitable, which means I get to suffer, and my children get to [hopefully] rise from the ashes.

Fair enough.

I Genuinely do not know wtf that means?

Sorcery beyond the witches spell

That's the correct response.

Rancor, amidst the rational swell.

Okay I figured it out, Investment Goods are things that help produce consumer goods (so factories and machines)
>So is this person trying to say that too many spics lead to the complete collapse of any means of production

more ppl = more things
we like having things so we need more people!

I'd like to see immigrants manufacture more land on the planet earth so that they can go live there.

Give them some space in the ocean and let them handle themselves.

So in other words theirmisinterpreting an already flawed economic theory and twisting it to immigration?

more people = lower wages = can't afford things

why would you care about more things when you can't afford any of it

Over time, the derivative of money being spent changed from investment to consumer. Tendency toward consumerism was directly proportionate to time.

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lol its as uppity and presumptuous as "redpilled"
i hate post 2016 Jow Forums

Killed the priest and cursed him endlessly…

You're doing God's work, user. Keep it up.

Attached: DqOqqQvWoAArDci.jpg (374x656, 32K)

Hmmm... I have to wonder now about that ONE tranny account.... But it's got a blue check so IDK... Perhaps its just THAT hard to tell real life SJWs from parody now.

A African tribesman is worth as much as a STEM-educated white European when it comes to the economy.

Good job my guy I’m in my local DSA and get beaners deported

NPC 3.0, great choice. I’ve recently started similar one, just for lulz

You have to go back

If you've been doing this for seven years now, why would you deliberately provide enough information that someone with a day or two to kill could easily discern who you are? I mean you've provided the following info:
- You're within the five figures for twitter followers
- You're probably a hardliner within the tranny community
- You have no IRL footprint (i.e. if I were to search your profile, I wouldn't find evidence of you giving lectures, signing books, etc.)
- You've been doing this for several years without having your twitter account deleted

>they can't post pictures so they describe the memes spread by Jow Forums with words instead


>lol its as uppity and presumptuous as "redpilled"
>i hate post 2016 Jow Forums
Holy shit the irony is thick! Get out ,hipster!!

>why would you deliberately provide enough information

Don't worry, the information I've provided isn't nearly enough to narrow it down to less than 100. The amount of followers is deliberately a very rough estimate.

If anyone attempting to find me had to narrow it down based on the information that I've provided, they'd be stuck with roughly 100 contenders. And if they were willing to cast out every single one them, or treat them as infiltrators, anarchy would ensue within the social justice community due to their combined influence. And that'd be worth it on its own.

>accuse leading twitter tranny of being a Jow Forums sockpuppet
>get swarmed by tranny mob threatening suicide over "trans erasure"

Also, that is obviously part of the reason I'm telling you this to begin with. I know a lot of people within the social justice movement browses Jow Forums on the regular to "understand the enemy".

Sewing paranoia only increases lunacy. I welcome it. Please find me.

Hahaha I "literally just joined twitter to oppose Trumps anti-woman,racist,and now illegal regime" during the campaign and have a ton of "blue wave " followers. I only did it for fun on a bet before but I've been recently amplifying crazy Maxines Waters/antifa shit to push people Right. I even got a blue checkmark from a leftist rag to dm me that shes happy I've "finally woken up to the corporate dems " and wants me to talk more about Ocasio-Cortez.
The journalists are definately using something to communicate on because they all use the same buzzwords at the same times.

if you want some genuine mental gymnastics, take a gander through the oregon and portland page. Especially now during the election. It all boils down to: IMMIGRATION GOOD, ORANGE MAN BAD, and everyone touting an agenda that they "truly don't like Kate Brown" but she's the best option because they'll only vote liberal.

Fuck portland for being the biggest uninhabitable liberal cesspool that represents this entire fucking gay state. Fuck all the coast hippies

But this is true. Liberals are the only ones good at economy.

If the entire world comes to America, the entire world will be wealthy.

How do I know that you're not some false flagging SJW looking to create a phantom enemy? All someone has to do then is screencap your post and pass it around to encourage moderation and in-group unity among the trannies.

Fuck Reddit. I'm going back to friendster. Who's with me?

Attached: friendster.png (660x314, 105K)

Never used it. I would go back to myspace and have a dank natsoc profile theme though

>How do I know that you're not
You don't. I can't sufficiently convince you without also jeopardizing everything that I've worked for, since people within the social justice community also browses.

Yet liberals are constantly attacking free markets and think 90% Venezuelan style tax rate on the wealthy will work.....wew lads.

>fucking Ukraine


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>galaxy brain
>nerve impulses take light years to reach anywhere
>explains why they can't think worth a damn

Not an argument.

How can you claim to have a “galaxy brain” understanding of economics but not know that taxes lead to higher prices?