Post your best NPCs

Post your best NPCs

Attached: 1539852207056.png (540x650, 32K)

Other urls found in this thread:

this one right here


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trash from a tryhard

That is the old guild leader

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Fresh OC for ya

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bring up my post

Attached: NPC projection.gif (750x1250, 116K)

Problem with this is... It takes an exceptional amount of individual thought to come to unpopular conclusions, such as the non existence of the holocaust.

Making them all say "Jews are victims" would've just been infinitely more accurate.

Terrible effort, NPC-tier reasoning skills, 2/10 meme.


said it better than me

trash from a tryhard

Attached: snoopy npced.jpg (800x641, 278K)

>Take pure gold meme and turn it into dogshit like some kind of reverse-alchemist
>Shit it up by adding symbols and alter the meaning entirely
>never create anything original just co-opt and change ineffectively
Is there anything more NPC than this?

jesus these memes are awful. no wonder i dont come here anymore

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This doesn't work since this is not a popular or encouraged form of opinion in the majority of society. By birth in a Western nation you're subjugated to constant propaganda from childbirth to know how terrible the holocaust is and mentioning any form of anti-semitism is immediately responded to with shame, violence, and isolation on top of risking your chances at a prosperous life. It takes someone to break through these chains and then notice that the media that they've been watching since they were a toddler is coincidentally owned by the Jews and that majority of the actions and laws were linked to the financial backing of Jews.

tl;dr: the left can'ty meme

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>reddit is a heavily left-leaning website
>Jow Forums is the opposite
>Jow Forums is reddit

It's weird how lefty shills always just take our insults and copy them exactly, with no attempt to think up their own

Attached: NPC in Reality.png (1865x1984, 3.95M)

Is that Ashley?

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NPC meme generator:

Attached: npc_meme_generator.jpg (879x826, 150K)

Attached: npc maga.png (960x576, 508K)

Attached: 20181025_111229.jpg (460x489, 138K)


hows that false flag coming along? hows the blue wave? explain to me logically why diversity is our strength, no one actually goes into any depth into it, they just parrot npc lines, hence the meme.

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I love this one.

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Absolutely based.

Attached: NPSoy.png (540x476, 72K)

>most avid and influential meme since pepe
>implying you're an oldfag

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