So Jow Forums i live in texas

So Jow Forums i live in texas

gonna vote for cruz too

however, i know nothing about beta o burke.

now, to at least seem a little intellectual and open minded i should at least have reasons to not vote for him. Can you give me a few things to just say to ppl as why he's a cuck.

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Socialism is cancer.

anything else?

10/10 trap.

lol, ted cruz is a fucking leaf

>why he's a cuck
Trump insulted his wife and he took it like a bitch.
Oh, you mean Beto. I got nothing.

we'll tell you when he tries to run for president. he's already lost in texas

this. How do republicans justify voting for a hispanic millionaire who doesn't mind being friends with the man who personally insulted him for months?

>im gonna vote for person 1 while knowing nothing about person 2
>give me canned reasons why person number 2 is bad so i can seem intellectual
This is your brain on amerishart education.

i judge every democrat as a cuck that panders to degenerates, and i know enough about ted cruz to be fine with voting for him. Thats my rationalization, but i know i would get judged harshly for it so I want to at least seem like i done research.

He's a fucking dbag. What else do you want to know.

I also saw him rape two passed out women at a frat party. Afterwards he did a keg stand and high fived all of the other guys in the room. They started laughing and he skateboarded away. The laughter is indelible in my hippocampus.

Only Dems would hoist a loser at state level politics as their next savior. I mean let's elect someone with zero political or real world business experience.

why aren't you a betophile?

Robert "Beto" O'Rourke is a fucking liar.
Beto is not his real name, and he's not Hispanic. He's a fourth generation Irishman with a shitty tan, pretending to be Hispanic. It's actually pretty fucking racist when you think about it. He may as well be wearing blackface.

Wants open borders

Supports kneeling niggers not cops

Wants to take away semi auto guns

Wants state income taxes

Gibs for niggers and spics

How can you not know this shit user

This response couldn't have been better at illustrating my point.

You are a moron.

Don't forget, he wants to abolish ICE and impeach Trump.

how about first start by using his proper first name?

If he was a republican I am sure they would be crying about appropriation.

beta wants open borders and said he would grant amnesty to the caravan. Move along now and vote for cruz

Democrats vote as a block. A vote for a Democrat is a vote for Schumer and Pelosi.

Attached: Schumer_meme_100118-370x355.jpg (370x355, 24K)

lmao! You fucker. Im in a study group trying to /pol incognito and I just yell laughed at this post. Ha!

Beta is nothing but a muttxican-larping socialst. They don't call him beta for nothing. You want to accelerate the mutting of TX? Vote for Beta. You want to turn TX into Commiefornia 2.0? Vote for Beta. If that doesn't make him look bad to you you should probably kys

Voting for LyinTed lmfao can’t belive Texas so cucked you have to vote for Trumps monkey. Also hilarious how you all called him lyin’ Ted and now he’s Mr. Cruz lmfao such fucking cucks