Why do liberals always get away with racism?

Attached: liberalracism.png (770x1000, 678K)

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black people are the most racist

fired for talking about blackface...hired for wearing blackface

Niggers are not a different race, they are a different species

She didn't even approve of blackface, she just asked why children can't dress up as a black person for halloween

Megyn was a leftist

Silly goy, it's ok when jews do it.

I'd like a mud mask for halloween

Attached: mud-mask-face-spa-13449690.jpg (299x450, 39K)

>Megyn was a woman
ftfy women are a liquid. They take the shape of their container.

It's an apple-to-oranges comparison
Megyn was already on her way out, NBC just needed an excuse to dump her

>one-line writing prompt


Lol i forgot about the karl malone sketch.


Attached: homo erectus nigger.jpg (544x665, 137K)

Those are jews, user. jews are allowed to get away with it

She deserves this for trying to take out Trump during the first 2016 GOP primary debate. This cunt pandered to the progressive mob and now she's paying the price.

well that's the whole point!
When crybullies go after people for being racist they're lying about their motivations. They don't actually care, and on the whole are incredibly racist themselves.

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I mean this is the truth, bitch should have stayed at fox

inb4 she was a spy for fox

>watch random Bill Maher episode
>talking about trump's casinos not doing well
>"Even INDIANS can run these things"
>"...well i mean its not in their heritage"
>no one gives a shit

Attached: IMG_20181025_195131_848.jpg (470x480, 34K)

not according to science

To be fair, that is really funny.


The most famous blackface.. ALSO A JEW. I'm shocked.