This is why white people vote Democrat

This is why white people vote Democrat.

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so obama is crack head thug nigga? sounds about right

Only low self esteem whites vote Democrat

never mind, I just saw the middle finger.

and seeing their Dad cheer and deify NFL players every weekend.

You forgot all the white liberal boomers who make sure to say how much of a great president that Obama was just so nobody thinks of calling them racist. They are literally brainwashed to respond that way and feel that way, and are completely oblivious to the fact they only do so because he acts like the whitest of white guys.

The future is colorful and Latinx!

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Obama was a great president?

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I had that pistol (tec-9), it was a piece of shit.

Replace with NPC wojak

>and the MSM never bothered to cover anything
I'm sure glad they picked up the slack with Trump. These hourly updates on Trump sure are nice; now I can time my shits and meals to be inline with him.

Most people only look at presidents as just good or bad, a good example is how people view Trump. But all of them did good and bad in their time in office

There are so many people that just automatically feel hate towards Trump at the very mention of his name. It's crazy what the MSM is able to do to the average person.

I like how occupy democrats actually lie, they don't slightly mislead people, they flat out lie.

Literally none of those things are true and everyone knows that. Is this an actual meme?

The best propoganda is a blatant lie. Read the protocols

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They are all accurate? Other than I think the Afghanistan war is technically still going even if we aren't super involved

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>Stock Market
None of your policies even touched it (except capital gains tax, which wouldn't help)
Service Industry doesn't mean shit
>Two Wars
and replaced them with 1 in Syria, and restarted the war everywhere else for pulling out early.
What is the Mid-west
An actual lie
>Bin Laden happened months into his election so he was pretty much already found. Doesn't go to Bush, but it does go to the military.

HE STARTED MORE WARS THAN HE ENDED RETARD WHAT WAR DID HE END?!?!?! Watch as we overthrow every country from the Nile to the Euphrates for Israel. Look up what a central bank is/does for fucks sake do someeeeeee investigation instead of listening to mainstream news and pretending you are holier than thou. Fucking absolute faggot with your fat ugly slam pig of a mother

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Afghanistan war oh my god I’m rolling!!! What in the actual fuck are you fucking talking about????

trips of truth

WTF is "that?"

your average zoomer

>Got bin Laden

Funny, I thought a Navy SEAL killed ole bin.

Mr.Snek Man I am new to the Kekistani way, so I must know what days of observance do the followers of Kek and practitioners of meme magic hold sacred?

this "nigger" IS bin laden

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