Jewtube propaganda

Youtube now shows the definition of "jew" whenever something related is searched but doesn't do this for "Christian" or "muslim". How much more blatant will they get?

Attached: Jewtube.jpg (1080x1077, 354K)

Other urls found in this thread:

this is only for you burgers
seems like your owners are actually getting scared

>How much more blatant will they get?
The NPCs won't even think about it.

Attached: NPC golem.jpg (666x714, 144K)

It's Okay To Be Antisemitic

I don't know what's worse the fact that YouTube has done this or the fact that someone is racist enough to discover this

Attached: Capture.jpg (997x762, 83K)

fuck off, rabbi

Attached: jew subversion.jpg (2909x2068, 1.35M)

fake and gay it doesnt show for me

Attached: 1514482860167.png (1674x1251, 1.01M)

All you do is post propaganda pictures and tell people to fuck off. people who are neutral will not respect you. Only other stormfags

Attached: 1540303096170.jpg (1024x663, 52K)


>(((Users may see information from third parties, including Encyclopedia Britannica and Wikipedia, alongside videos on a small number of well-established historical and scientific topics that have often been subject to misinformation online, like the moon landing.)))

Wow, they are fucking terrified.

>mfw it's real

Attached: 1448101896118.jpg (911x540, 66K)

Not for me either. Ask an american friend, it seems to not show the wikipedia propaganda outside of the US.

Also, try"holocaust"

Wtf I love being replaced now
Guess you forgot to fuck off

I've never seen this on any other video. Is this new?

Attached: ChristianityTrueJudaismFalseMeme.jpg (724x447, 94K)

you can drop the stormy daniels beta orbiter insult, it has been a dead horse quite a while

They do the same thing with Holohoax videos. Even videos on the Holodomor. The audacity of these kikes.

Propaganda brainwashing to the max. Its not from a video. Its an explanation from "why am I seeing this" for the (((definition))) hyperlink they provided for Jew.

How long has this been a thing? I watch holohoax videos all the time and there's no way this wouldn't have caught my eye. Advice for other platforms, how's bitchute?

about the holodmor and the balls of shit eating kikes:
>ADL bullying Ukraine into downplaying the Holodomor as serious as the Holocaust

go to about 5:00 and listen to the cunt speak about how "guilt" is their only weapon. So the trick is to teach the rest of the world not to feel guilt for anything

Sadly true. Yuri Bezmenov was right.

New Jersey user here, shows up for me.

They did the same for Freemasons.

I only see this for Jews and Freemasons.

Did they just exposed themselves?

Attached: Columbine.jpg (723x689, 159K)

Fuck New Jersey

doesn't show here in sea mexico

americano, confirm does it for me

>How long has this been a thing?
It's been going on for awhile. Probably almost as long as they've started putting )))controversial((( videos into (((limited state))).

No disagreement here. I wish I had enough shekels to get out of this kiked up shithole.

Holy shit I knew I should've stopped using youtube a long time ago

>any person whose religion is Judaism

Problem is the alternatives suck. BitChute works like shit especially if you're trying to watch an obscure video, and PewTube is gone. As far as video streaming is concerned, we're largely under kike tyranny.

its because the ADL has Jewish lizard brains and they didnt see the problem with showing everyone that there are Jews walking around

When do we create our own

Attached: 1539742364376m.jpg (1024x683, 77K)

You can't even Talk about Talmud Tommy Robinsons' connection to the frisbee heads w/o seeing it. Look on the bright side, their naming themselves

Attached: Screenshot_2018-10-25 Talmud Tommy surrounded by Jews outside court - YouTube.png (820x1080, 797K)

Jesus liberate you from all their guilt and made up sins.

Need to pool together lots of capital first.

We don't even have to put the stars on them this time

Attached: 1540467824087.png (796x512, 170K)

How's ol' Musky doin these days?

Here's proof from a video about the Holodomor. It's always gotta be about (((them))), no matter what.

Attached: Fucking_Jews_man.png (980x417, 81K)

I wish he would go full Henry Ford already.

He came so close to calling (((them))) out during the whole journalism thing. It would've been so easy what a missed opportunity

Attached: 1540243258886.png (726x767, 580K)

>African American
I bet that headline opened up new veins of salt in the twitter mines

>Users may see information from third parties, including Encyclopedia Britannica and Wikipedia, alongside videos on a small number of well-established historical and scientific topics that have often been subject to misinformation online, like the moon landing.

Apparently jews have often been subject to misinformation

easier to do that yourself without the help from the Flavian Caeser family, you know, be your own god?

Let's hope

Image an updated 100th anniversary edition of The International Jew in both digital and paperback formats with information about what international Jewry is up to and will do in the third decade of this century.


user I can only get so erect

used VPN from my country to the US. its true. made this.

Attached: jew.jpg (1900x1242, 452K)


Attached: Why therre.jpg (719x1280, 209K)

Attached: 20181025_211501.jpg (1069x1067, 383K)

Literally a rabbi dressed in full garb could go on national television, look with dead eyes into the camera, and scream at the top of his lungs with arms flailing: "DIE FOR ISRAEL, YOU FILTHY NON-JEWISH GOYIM!!!' and most would STILL not wake up.

Let me hold on to the little hope that I have

They're name the jew bot got Tay'ed. Too many Talmudic videos and the nightmare glasses made everyone jewish. *grabs popcorn*

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