WhiteDate awaits

How are you fighting for this pol. Do you actual want it? Are you just larping or do you actually care for the future of the white race? If you do then I suggest you get in the game. Tell your friends and family about it.

Although the community is still pretty small, only about 18 hundred strong, they seem to be growing steadily.


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That place is for chomsky honks like you.

didn't they somehow ban this from the app store despite black dating apps being a thing?

I'll charge the machine gun nest so that man does not have to.
Not every man should reproduce. Every man reproducing without filter or challenge is what fucked up our civilization in the first place.

If you're married to sweet lady justice, it makes sense, cuz only a BLIND girl would marry you.

I'm white and married to a blonde hair blue eyed girl. The thing is, she's actually Jewish. We already have two Aryan-looking children with a third on the way.

Have I betrayed the white race?


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Is this legit or are there a bunch of kikes on there that are going to dox me?

I honestly don't understand why anyone believes these ethno-state / race supremacy shills when CRISPR exists and is working.

Lol, who knows. Obviously someone wants us gone, I doubt they'd tolerate a site like that if they weren't running it themselves.

Feel free to look into it. Its endorsed by Amren and jared taylor for what its worth.

Male user who has done the online thing and also made a fake account as a female here. I can guarantee I already know what happens on that site.
>be average 6.5/10 tradthot
>make account on whitedate
>ratio is 10:1 male to female just like pof
>get 100 messages in 24 hours
>start acting like a 10/10 tradthot
>end up using profile for self validation and never even meet anybody

Boy I sure do hate living in a small town infiltrated by Mexicans i tell u what.

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I'm Hispanic, white-passing. Definitely signing up.

I should write a script to pull off everyone's profile data and expose all you stormfront faggots. lol

lol same anonymoose we are legun

Lol, wouldn't want white people reproducing, now would we?

nice idea i suppose. i bet the members are about 99.5% guys though.

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Have you used it before?

I'm a 21 year old alright looking guy. I just want to find a cute white girl with traditional values that isn't a complete whore, maybe interested in starting a young family too. Can't find anyone remotely like this at my uni though.

Not at all, just speculating.

Gotta be careful of any Jewesses on there that might pretend to be White. Don't get lured by the Khazar milkers, lads.

>when CRISPR exists and is working.
Since when? I thought that still had a few more decades to go?

shes a grown woman with a kid why the fuck is her hair like that

It would be nice if there were some kind of forensic testing that could determine if a woman's had sex with niggers. I'd start a dating service where both partners submit to discrete testing for a whole host of things like STI's and in the case of the women, whether or not they've let niggers inside them.

If every female on there is 100 percent legit (ill be honest i doubt), the demographics is 6 to 1 m/f. Obviously there is a some disparity but as word gets out i imagine that will change.

don't be a faggot

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how about a test to see if someone's posted on Jow Forums?

It's going to be a real sausage fest

Nah, I'll just find a big titty hu'White bitch instead.

No that will never change. Online dating is always more like 10:1 male to female. Never tried this site, couple others though. I got probably 90% response rate, 7 phone numbers, and ZERO dates. This is also in a town of 16,000 people, not a city with endless profiles. Girls have way too many choices on these sites. Get a phone number and just keep in mind she has several hundreds of other options and shes actively talking to a few of them.

Lol, what a rat crazy rat-race. Our society is boned.

The idea for this is great, but I do wonder just how many men/women are actually use this website though.

>when CRISPR exists and is working.
It exists, yes. It isn't working enough to actually make any changes to the human genome just yet though. You can however, use IVF measures to select the very best sperm/ovum you and your wife have to offer though. They can select based on the following traits:

> Height
> Hair Color
> Height
> Intelligence
> Disease/defect free
> Skin shade
> etc.

As for right now, that's the best we can do. In 10 years, that will most likely change significantly though.

>In 10 years, that will most likely change significantly though.
Let's hope so, user.

Be european female trying to find white husbando,

be told what to wear on first date as a "safety tip".

White men don't get to date white women because they don't see us as equals.

I see you took my suggestion to create a dating site seriously, OP. Well done.

my profiles is stuck at 56% complete and wont let me continue, por que

I think this site is from the same people that were behind WhereWhitePeopleMeet.com which went down.

Y'all are all begging for white pussy but don't want to work at all to get it. Just want a completely idiotic white-fu to be your 1950's housewife when none of y'all are up to aryan standards of manhood. What's your job? What's your family values? Will you instill strong leadership in my kids?

No. So why do you think you deserve a "white gal who isn't a whore"

I guess you'll just have to move to non-Western country to find equality-minded men. You retard.

Im a white girl looking for a white guy should I use this.

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"Aryan -looking-"
Yes. Remember Loki LOOKED like a Yser but was really a fucking troll

I don't call any woman a whore. This is a dirty pond, so it's only natural that we are dirtied by it.

Lmfao or I can let my "good ova" die with me and y'all can just sit on Jow Forums and whine about how all the good white womyn r wh0rEz

White woman are best women specially when you have a brown dick

Because there are almost 8 billion people on this earth and a series of international cabals want to eliminate the concept of sovereignty and eliminate culture that cannot be bought (yet) with it. This gene engineering shit being extended to everyone is unironically more farfetched than what people like Richard Spencer believe.

Digits confirm. Can't fully clean it up without getting the (((pulp))) of the dirt out first.

sounds like a great honey pot to categorize "white supremacists"

Nice try

I tried making an account on this site several months ago. Every time I tried to log in, it kept saying "failed to log in, try again later"

Hmmm... I wonder (((why)))?

People will just forget about race, am I right? Not that it has never happened in the thousands of years of human history.

Civicnationalist are such stupid fucking cunts.

There is much cleaning to be done. No fight, no blame.

One drop, Abbo chink

Stop it. Dont act like this is something that happened to you more than once, and dont pretend like you dont have back burner guys lined up.


More indian than Elizabeth Warren.

Safety tips? Safe from what

She's also the smartest and kindest person I know. She didn't come from money but got a PhD from the number one university in the world for her engineering degree. She's a kind and compassion mother to our children. I guarantee you she's a better person than any faggot in this thread.

Inuit arent Indian there mongolian.
Mongols arnt chinks.

Can some photoshop-fag edit the text with a 1488 friendly caption?
Something like

> I asked her to recite the 14 words
> She asked for me to breed her 4 more heirs.

>Let's hope so, user.

I'm sure it will, but I don't think it will happen before that. With that being said, both Japan and China are investing heavily into it. It would be naive to think we (America) hasn't been doing so under some black budget projects for super soldiers either.

The public is always a little bit behind what's happening behind the scenes. With that being said, I do plan on using IVF for all my children within the next few years. The only problem is the cost. It costs roughly between 2500-10,000 for each trial, depending on what you have done.

With that being said, one could think of it as investing within their future.

Everything is a honey pot when you've convinced yourself it is. How is anything of substance supposed to form if you shy away. if a racial civil war happened im sure you wouldn't even fight because it was a "honey pot" fuck off

Who do wh*Tes act like such fags
White pussy should be at the tip of my BBC
Y’all wh*Toids can go fuck some gook-tier pussy who you all love so much

Is it Jewish run?

But black men are ugly and majority want to fuck up the ass. Fucking gross. There bodies are ugly and black

Nice LARP, Shlomo.

Not the user you responded to, and I dont think this is an intentional honeypot. However, you can't deny that this has the potential to be really bad dox bait if somebody wanted to use it for that.

You a aren't even black. We all know it.

Must take the fist fighting to LGBTQ fags

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We're all on a list somewhere anyway, user. I refuse to be afraid of ZOG. Fuck ZOG.

No I can't

>It would be naive to think we (America) hasn't been doing so under some black budget projects for super soldiers either.
Come on dude. China has the largest gene-sequencing labs in the world with billions of dollars invested into them. PGD is already more popular there in absolute numbers, and in few years per capita aswell.

There used to be great big science projects done in the US, like during the space race, but not anymore AFAIK.

His queer mohawk is bullshit.what a bullshit looking family.thats not a white family.probably listen to coontunes nonstop.

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>using "coontunes" unironically

It's like you cucks live in a different reality or something. you've created this alternate dimension of pure faggotry.

Kikesses and negroids, a match made in Israel!

The faggotry coontinues

Yea I know that, but white only online dating is not a hill I want to die on. I'd rather stay lonely but otherwise happy than have even 10 seconds of false hope from some kikebot. Online dating is the biggest confidence killer in the world anyways.

Stay mad fag

you have no idea how much this post made my day.