We love it!
We love LA
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It is a nice place.
Las Vegas is better.
wouldn't the NPC unconditionally believe a city is a certain way based on the beliefs of a group even though many members of that group potentially have neither traveled to or lived in the city?
LA is a greasy spic shitstain.
if one city on Earth needed to be nuked it's LA
literally the new Sodom
I loved it too. Before it turned into mexico 2.0.
Have it kook
Sucks if anything should happen to them. Hmmpphhh.
Not Santa Monica
Thats not LA you dumb fuck. Thats a beach city.
>not santa monica
>implying that all the santa monica tourist spots including the pier aren't rife with spics
lol ok
every conversation in LA
>hehe you know _____?
>yeah ikr
its LA
Well you can go down to newport or Redondo amd there's a lot less spics than santa Monica.
in which city do locals hang out at tourist spots, kek
LMAO no redondo still tons of spics. Newport yeah that's super white.
Santa Monica is not LA. Please die.
You're such a fucking spic, I love it
You're such a fucking spic, I love it
Your boyfriend is Jamal, delete this
santa monica is one big tourist spot. There's a fucking pier with a year round theme park on it.
Shithole that needs to be nuked
LA fucking sucks. The only good areas are, of course, the wealthy areas, but you still can't escape the traffic and air sticky with filth.
i live in LA and it sucks ass, also randy newman is a slimy little kike.
santa monica is in LA county but it's not los angeles, that's like saying glendale is los angeles
Not in my experience. Im from north hollywood and the spic density ive witness is much lower than where i live
Not LA
>North Hollywood
me too. Only mexico has a lower density of spics then us fren
Why do you keep moving away from it then?
Stay there.
LOL. Literal meme-beach thanks to The OC. Full of browns.
Yea. I remember that time a hobo died next to the dumpster outside my apartment. #loveit
Good, stay there and go out with it when it sinks into the ocean.
Couldn't get out of that shithole fast enough.
LA is a shithole.
What isn't to love?
Best part of LA is Hermosa Beach. It’s as white as snow except for the occasional rich nip.
Lived in LA for a few years. I miss having access to just about anything. I don’t miss the constant smell of urine from the 50,000 hobos that live downtown.
This. Always get a lot of boogers in LA.
It's a hideous town. And so many damn homeless everywhere despite the absolutely vast wealth in the area.
jesus christ that's a nightmare
Best part of LA is Skid Row, I can get a suck-off for $10 with whore who will let me hit her crack pipe afterward, best fucking deal in America.
What about Jews?
Shut up Randy.
>We love it!
Spic infested shit hole.
>It's official: Latinos now outnumber whites in California
Fuck off you filthy beaner. LA used to be a nice white area before you brown skinned cockroaches moved there illegally and started breeding out of control like cockroaches.
Lived here my whole life. Now that I'm a tax paying adult, I fucking hate it here.
Can't wait for the LA 2028 olympics tbhlads.
literally this, deshita.
Ngl, i'm racist and whatever but living in LA temporarily then moving back to flyover, it is the place where shit happens and has everything and is exciting. I'd like to live there as a single man as long as i didn't have a terrible commuting situation
non-driving nigger
This. Beach towns are mostly white
Kikes are mainly concentrated in pico-Robertson area and of course (((Hollywood)))
Pic related feels.jpg
thats Los Santos ya goof. and its a wild and crazy place
We shall nerve gas LA
I'm in LA right now and fucking hating it. I'd rather live in the middle of nowhere and have nothing ever happen again than have to deal with one more nigger or spic. You must have a far higher tolerance for them than I do.
I just moved out of LA after being there for two years, I feel you user. I almost (almost) feel bad for the nogs that are being genocided by the spics. The spics are much worse in many ways
During the fall/winter. Your summers fucking suck. Still 90 plus after midnight, fuck that.