So what do you fags make of this

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oh my god who the hell cares? its obviously a hoax.

Why are liberals complaining? I thought they wanted an end to civility. Shame those bombs were fake.

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Another celeb to blacklist



Well, the media is responsible for inspiring their own employees to make fake bombs for some sympathy gibs

>Jason Alexander
I genuinely thought this guy was dead lol

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what a faggot

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Oh, so it’s okay when a leftist calls someone a subhuman, but not when we do it?

The funny part is, this guy who he voiced would fucking love Trump. Just spam the fool with Duckman quotes.

What the hell are you staring at?

Attached: Duckman2.gif (272x394, 22K)


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He's a faggot right because of the rainbow reflection on his face from the light

I feel dehumanized

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That Jews lack critical thinking skills

Why do I get blamed for having original sin? I thought we were all created equal but now I have something wrong with me that is fundamentally inborn?

Oh look a jew dehumanizing non leftists

Nazi-esque language. Deeply inappropriate and disturbing. Shame on you sir!

>There are no subhumans
>Trump is a subhuman

Ya caught me OP.

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>one of six billion humans
Oh shit, is he writing off all white people as non-human?

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>be a president who calls for mob violence by his supporters and is silent when his political opponents and the media are threatened

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Washed up kike makes annoying post, what else is new?

You know what's diffrence, you have born-psycho's in your beautiful USA, in Eastern european countries we need media or real reason to start conflict.

>a plastic tube with a clock taped to it

What does OP make of this?

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I had no idea he had a twitter, I figured I'd know about it by now. Tell him his smug mug is famous on a neo-nazi website

Well, he's not wrong. Trump handled it like a pro during his press conference, then undid all of it with his stupid fucking tweet. Then followed it up with another moronic tweet denying he tweets from his iPhone by tweeting from his iPhone. The man just isn't very smart.

Partisan hacks do not add anything of value to discourse. That's all this is.

Duckman: Boo-freaking-hoo. Like I am supposed to take women and how they feel seriously? You ought to be accepted for your minds but you throw a hissy fit royalé if someone isn't saying you look great 30 hours a day. You say you want a nice guy but you only give it up to the creeps. You get to stay home, not go to war, live longer, and have sex whenever you want! So remind me again what exact is there to complain about!

I thought he was blackballed after losing his cool and calling a comedy club audience niggers.

Jerry and Larry are cringing at this right now.

Jason, you're better than this. What role are you selling your soul for?

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He liberally bandies about the term "subhuman", so maybe he knows?

That was Michael Richards, aka Kramer.

Well that's disappointing. Seinfeld is one of my favorite shows of all time, now I won't be able to look at Costanza the same. Wish I didn't read this tweet.


Why aren't you doing your part user?

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Jesus Christ he sounds like the most adamant racist on Jow Forums. Thought those cantstandya memes were just memes

>voice of duckman is now a loonie lefty

What a cartoon.

Well, Trump isn't wrong.


Oh no. A failure is upset.

Caring what a jew thinks, nigger please.


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I agree with him. Fuck Drumpf.

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usa make dummy problems and fight with these , even normal people from us, 50% problems in world is not need to happen, that's true that big multi-culture country have problems, but i personaly dont need to hear that shit, after work i only things about vodka and other comforts

Another one bites the dust

Suck a dick you fuckin loser

>a disgraceful sub-human
someone needs to send him back to the jerk store

Is this the guy from KFC?

lmao based costanza

I hope George checks these godly trips of truth

Jason Alexander is a closet fag who likes to sit on black dicks and bounce.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

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>1 post by OP
Ah, so this is one of THOSE threads.


With jews you lose.

I wouldn’t cast him in anything. To me he’s typeset. Anything you put him in suddenly has Costanza in it. New blood in Hollywood needed badly. Fuck these outdated pricks.

Look at the bitch tits on this faggot.

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Any posts about praising or bragging about consuming onions

another jew hates trump
imagine my shock
totally ignores the fact that the media has been lying since day one to hoodwink the normies

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he's gonna get burned

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so the git er done flag on the bomb is a literal FALSE FLAG
whoever is doing this is cheeky and there has to be a reason for this, i dont think the dems would be this brazen about shit

I mean I like seinfeld too but
they're all KIKES
what did you expect

whelp, countdown to trump curse.
place your bets, famalams.

Ahhhh who are you and how are you relevant? I see you're not, well fuck off you fat little has been.

If the bomber is a Bernie bro:
>He would be pissed about the dnc fraud and would blame these same people who received bombs
>He would be particularly pissed at DWS, sending her multiple bombs
>He would be pissed at fake news media such as CNN for spreading lies about Bernie’s loss
>He would also be absolutely fucking pissed off every time the fake news deflected to Trump instead of acknowledging Hillary’s theft at the dnc WHICH CAUSED ALL OF THIS IN THE FIRST PLACE.
Face it m8, it literally is the media’s fault for stoking the fires of war against Trump while completely ignoring th hypocrisy that the dnc conspired to produce during the 2016 primaries.

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Wait..."subhuman" is literally Nazi vocabulary. So much for the progressive left.

remember the 6 gorillian subhumans user


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yes, i need because im drunk everyday after watch world fucked up things because some idiots watch and must inspire i mean kerch school shooting in russia (example) real person if have problem just go and solve somehow even if that will be blood-way that's no need to stole young life's because some idiot watch your fucked up virginia or columbine shit on web or other brainwashing shit

Jason Alexander is a pedo checkem

Why hasn’t twitter banned him for dehumanizing speech?

Who is this kike? How many people died from these """bombs"""? How is this thread politics?

>(((Jay Scott Greenspan)))

Kikes have an obsession with the 6 gorillion

Just do the opposite of what he thinks is right, and you'll find success

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Just gonna go ahead and point out that this is a 5'6 kike who was bald by 30 calling the 6'3 white president of the united states a subhuman.
Projection, anyone?

Leftists are, as usual, assuming a conclusion. They have already made up their minds that this was a Trump supporter inspired to terrorism by Trump. Nothing else matters to them at this point. Doesn't matter who the bomber ends up being. Doesn't matter what kind of evidence comes out. Doesn't matter if leftists have been equally inspired to violence by media.

All that matters is orange man bad.

> (OP)
> Why hasn’t twitter banned him for deh
i dont know my friend but i think twitter and other big social media websites don't watch to keep level because it is not in their interest to look at good things, we need fear, fear, fear just because solve, solve, solve, that's way of life? shit

Trump takes drugs that literally make your dick stop working and cause you to bleed uncontrollably from your nipples to keep his hair.


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I thought he was /ourguy/

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>tall, athletic funny man leans right
>small, unathletic bald man leans left

What did they mean by this

I really liked Jason Alexander :(

He refused to come to /sp/ during the height of constanza posting.

He has been dead to us for awhile.

Have you ever heard of the destruction of the temple of Artemis? One of the ancient wonders of the world

Based and marine biologist pilled


This guy is saying Trump is the wrong for criticizing the media and inciting the actions of the "bomber" and then he immediately does what Trump is criticizing the media for doing. All he did was prove Trump's point.

my hatred of jews is literally the only thing keeping me from killing myself.

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thats your president, he's represent your big country, i personally think that's not bad guy at all. But, jesus, how to talk seriously with frivolous people like americans, or worse, south-americans xd

seinfeld was only a good show because seinfeld is jewish

Trump is sub human

Let's keep an eye on him when he inevitably throws a fit after seeing the results on November 6th


you only see power in fear, why u offend person who think in good-way in way that's was learned, what the fuck is wrong with some people ? i dont know maybe i never will

>What does OP make of this?

If Alexander can associate with Michael "Fucking fork up your Ass" Richards he should be able to accept God Emperor President Trump

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"George, you just activated the Trump curse!"

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>not having Trump derangement syndrome

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Seinfeld was great back in the day
Still enjoy despite rpills
Enjoyed curb too
LD makes fun of himself and his (((own)))
This is a key ingredient that is lost in today's culture where certain words or dissenting opinions are grounds to destroy ones life career and family
Nothing and no one should be above criticism or ridicule
This is why the number of polacks will continue to grow exponentially my fellow nigger faggots