Be from Calgary

>be from Calgary
>go to Toronto for application
>meet up with girl, go on first date
>our parents were high school friends in China, telling me I should date her since we were children
>never met her in person until now, literally 10/10 looks like a kpop idol
>She owns an apartment in downtown Toronto, has a good job, new Audi
>I'm a NEET incel but also secretly a crypto millionaire
>she tells me I should move to Toronto

Wat do? All I know about Toronto are Jow Forums memes about it being a leftist multicultural shithole, the shootings, the gay parades etc.

Attached: 1496430053321.jpg (454x256, 21K)

follow the pussy

Go post this on your goddamn blog.

fucking Chinada

neck yourself, slope

>Crypto Millonaire
Fuck that I'm your girlfriend now.

Attached: winkety wink.gif (500x281, 569K)

>be from Calgary
Goldberg did nothing wrong

Don't tell her you have any money and leech off her as long as you can. Then when you're bored get another one. Repeat.

>our parents were high school friends in China,
>Wat do?
Go back to china you fucking dog eating chink

>get 10/10
>should i go for it Jow Forums?