It's over

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HAHAHAHAHAHA. I love this timeline. I love Don Jr. I love Candace.

yeah right, if anything having more blacks in conservative party will just deform and destroy the conservative party. take that nigger loving trump supporters!

Stay mad Jew.

im so mad keking all the way to the fucking bank

>add that to the Starbucks black guy getting his MAGA hat knocked off by a white guy in jean shorts.

KEK! NO sensitivity training will be required.

bye shill

we niggers nao

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imagine the smell

Ok now go back to Africa fuckin silver backs

I will the "based black man meme" over white cuckservatives any day.

Heeeeey Moshe, how ya doing?

true Shontavious Jackson (R) bringing section 8 housing to my neighborhood isn't much better than Shontavious Jackson (D) bringing them

Sqad up!

Why do you think Democrats aren't focusing on race right before the midterms?

Who are the Democrats pandering to right now? Women, trannies, and illegals

They know they can't pander to blacks right now

alright man, when your elected republican official starts supporting section 8 housing and affirmative action to keep black voters, i don't want to hear any complaints about it

i like her
shes a bit strong for me but if it wakes up the hood and divides the blacks into takers and builders i think that it is easier to help the responsible ones separate themselves from the gimmedats and build themselves a better future
the entire lot staying on the plantation doesnt help anyone and it just costs the white taxpayers a fortune in lives and treasure

if it takes tricking niggers into voting red to end the tide of communism rising in this country, then i say fine. we will deal with them after we remove the kikes.

Oh look. Another nigger sucking up thinking that it will keep her from getting the rope.

I don't hate blacks, I hate niggers. You know what? Blacks hate niggers too.

you have no power here shlomo

>MAGA bucket hat

Fuck off, We'll accept anybody who wants to vote for rule of law, and the constitution. We will fight to unshithole their communities, and fix their schools, police forces, wages ect.

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left wing in this country isn't close to being communist. they love their gadgets just as much as you do.

I welcome the new Conservatives over the old
Based black man>scoundrel globalist kikes like Shapiro hedging their bets and maintaining property in Israel

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so the jews won right?

so you are an establishment republican then

They're champagne socialists AKA hypocrites. We all know that.

le epic and based my fellow kekerino civnat 4 lyfe no racists allowed!! we love our legal immigrants!!!!

this won't be popular on this board but ultimately black people are people and want the dignity of providing for themselves instead of relying on handouts
they've been conditioned to grow up fatherless and rely on handouts but they're getting fed up

>faggots here laughed when I said the black libertarian movement was coming
Gg fags

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That's not the narrative the right uses to get black voters. You frame it around anti-illegal alien policies taking black jobs and democrats manipulating blacks as slaves by giving them welfare.

then why is there always talk about how the democrats will soon enact communism? seriously, you think most shitlibs want the US to become the USSR or Cuba? at worst, they want sweden, which is basically a market economy with a bit higher tax for social welfare.

fuck niggers and fuck jews... Candice Owens literally said "Let the Caravan in LEGALLY under one condition; they reveal who funded them"

Fucking retard monkeys will only water down an already diluted last stand against the liberal onslaught of progressive ideals.

Conservative whites are slowly realizing the world hates them and this "1 out of 100" nigger votes conservative bullshit will only confuse this dwindling race even further.

You fucking retards.

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Yes, and I hate white niggers and spic niggers too, every race has its own niggers. We need to rise above race and focus on exterminating all the sub-90 IQ scum that infest our earth instead of irrelevant shit such as race, it is our only chance in the war against the kikes

If we cant send them all back to Africa then I'm fine with teaching them not to be leeches desu

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I really fucking hope everyone votes red. So many people have been abandoning the left that I would be surprised if they got in.

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We just got BLACKED (and that's a good thing)

>the "ree chad kill all the niggers" virgin vs the de-zog civic natty chad

And if we can at least get them to ACT respectable for a few moments, then that's a bonus as well.

>just deform and destroy the conservative party
Love how the republican blacks are a problem and not whites voting liberal. Jew logic

I dont want niggers in my movement nor country

to have one is to have the other my goy

those issues i mentioned are still very popular in the black community. whether they vote R or D, they will advocate for that and you will give it to them. i can already see it happening:

>hey man, blacks are fellow americans, we owe them affordable housing and affirmative action! just not for illegals!

blacks fight for black interests, whites for everyone else's interests

these niggers better get back to the democratic plantation otherwise they're going to lose their gibs once the blue wave wipes out any trace of red in the house

They are both a problem retard

>Look guize i can maymay just like you

>t. democrat


You seem mad.

Holy fuck I hope this is true and US borders can stay safe and get even tighter

20 bucks says she's sucking Don Jr's ding dong



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>They are both a problem retard
Blacks voting republican is not and will never be a problem you brain dead politically castrated fuck.

And here we have the Jew in his terrified state, for even the most easily controlled races historically are now banding together to dismantle their control over the American people. Watch as he desperately attempts to cause division and strife where there is none, to promote his own self interest.

Well, I guess Jow Forums is now civ nats?

I think you forgot that people in DC aren't allowed to vote. I can't wait to drink those sweet, sweet Jow Forumstard tears when the Dems take back Congress

So many civic cucks in this thread

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good point, unironically

Blacks have been here longer than most whites, this is their country as well.

Larper faggot


Yep, I truly believe all the black conservatives in America are in that picture.

Stormcucks are missing the point here. Right now, less than 10% of blacks vote Republican. If even 20% do this generation, we offset their hispanic hordes coming to replace us at the polls for 30 years.

This is like slavery. The gains aren't worth it

yes i'm sure jews are totally scared of you guys turning this country into brazil

Because the ideology liberals espouse will eventually lead to communism. They support the government redistribution of wealth to correct wealth inequality. In their mind, wealth inequality is a sin that must be corrected. However, as history and today show, redistributing wealth never actually works and just makes everyone poorer. The policies they advocate for will never actually works, so liberals will merely double down and advocate for more and more extreme versions of it which will eventually get to communism. You already have some democrats today running as open socialists.

ameri/pol/ has a secret soft spot for our blacks.

They're huge pieces of shit, but been our problem for centuries. We always want them to just be white at the end of the day, them at least trying makes us genuinely happy.

umm....what about the settlement at Jamestown and the Mayflower voyage?


If Trump could peal off 15-20% of blacks, the democrats would be finished.

This is also a valid point. Desperate times

enjoy destroying each other, atleast when the right was pure it had a chance of survival to be my foot rest. now both sides are destroying each other aswell as destroying themselves

quite jovial really

It's okay for blacks to be identitarians but not white people, I see. civnats are retarded.

And here he again strikes with the intent of fear. Misinformation and misrepresentation are his only weapons, and each passing day he feels safe only behind the walls of his precious Israel. Soon, nowhere else will welcome him.

We Republicans now senpai

Neocons and cuckservatives are 1000x worse than actual conservatives. Fuckers like Bush Jr have done far more irreparable harm to this country than Clarence Thomas.

I love this timeline

If you're part of the anglo/german master race who descended from them it is safe to say youve been here longer, but the fact is most european immigration came AFTER the atlantic slave trade ended.

You are a canadian progressive shit eating liberal faggot.

Stay in your own deranged faggot country and keep your rainbow bullshit out of ours. You Brits and Canucks always inject your progressive agenda into OUR conservative movements... The USA is still FAR more conservative / right wing but faggots like Sargon, Milo, Gavin Mcinnes, Paul Joseph Watson inject their faggot loving bullshit into the general dialogue of the right in the US and you significantly subvert otherwise traditionally right wing individuals into being indiferent to trannies and bullshit of the sorts. GTFO YOU FUCKING FAGGOTS!

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See, take a close look there.
Quality clothes.
Clean and neat.
Everyone looks well put together.
No "gangsta" wanna be shit going on.

This is what black America needs. These are black people with self respect and Republicans are the only party that offers that to anyone.

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republicans are able to ignore black interests largely because we don't win them. but if we did, then that means black issues become conservative issues.

remember how the GOP used to be the party of the liberal northeast? and how that changed in the 60s once the CRA was forced on southerners? the republican party changed to appease the new southern voters and became more conservative. you start winning blacks in large numbers, and next thing you know the party will do what it takes to appease them. then you'll have guys on Jow Forums arguing for affirmative action for blacks because they are "real americans" or whatever.


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actual black conservatives*

why do retards like you even bother opening your mouths? you think you're some super woke freedom fighter or something but in reality you sound like a fucking retarded set of dicklips.

you should probably leave the heavy intellectual lifting up to the grown ups.

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kek, the democrats are destroying themselves too. now the republicans are destroying themselves at a similar rate with the influence of blacks

say that shit to my face pussy

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you aren't much different from a leftist you realize that. the only difference is you accuse me of being jewish rather than a racist.


>remember how the GOP used to be the party of the liberal northeast?
This is not actually true. The GOP has always been historically more classical liberal. The only actual issue they flipped on was abortion.


I would but there is no ethno state movement in real life, it's just LARP on the internet by jews and other people afraid of American unity

a majority of blacks will never be conservative, thats ok. the welfare line will catch most minorities for a good few decades
the good thing is, even taking 10% of the black vote from them means Republicans win 100% of the time.

>ignore race, focus on shared values!

you are literally saying the same shit the GOP has said since goldwater, and think because a few blacks are parading around in MAGA hats that it will work this time.
raw video of the event

Did they smash?

I am a Classical Democrat meaning; I support slavery, the KKK and Eugenics like Abortion for minorities.

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>anglo-german master race
Oh, and I'm not a retarded nazi.