This is all just a big bunch of BS. Migrants will be allowed in and they will get jobs undercutting US citizens. That's what always happens. It's not different this time.
The military isn't going to be allowed to do shit at the border
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Keep telling yourself that.
She's such a beauty.
> It's not different this time.
Isn't it though, user? Isn't it?
Of course she'll say that, she's DHS, not military
And of course the military will say the same, they have to control the optics
We will see
the US is an open borders cuckhole
They won’t do anything long as they obey orders and turn back to where they belong everything will be fine.
If they did nothing Trump would lose re-election in 2020. Trump knows this. He will use the military to stop them saying he doesn't want to use the military but Cogress forced him to because they refused to fund a wall. He will use it in an attempt to get the wall funded.
they're gonna get naturalized