Keep NYC Trash Free

Thread part II.

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kikefree fp

Why don't they want southern white male immigrants? They'd do all the jobs the NYC residents wouldn't do.

For the dude about to head over,
Autist user here.

How about using the earlier anons joke about Chinese not playing with their food and a picture of the guy that made it (when he's playing with his dog)?
Just write "Don't Play With Your Food" over the photo of the Chinese guy, then post it over it.
Ultimate bitch slap.

What is the plan now? Do we have an user at the scene?

Yeah, one on route.
He was helpful in the triangulation, I have faith of deliverance.

>Keep NYC Trash Free

Purge the spiggers.

do one about communists or satanic drag queens

So why don't you start at Caton Lounge NY, user? It is pretty damn clear

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It's the drug problem. Most of us don't mind 'rural white' people when they come to town as long as they act right. Problem is, they come, get on meth, welfare, oxy, start using racial slurs against anyone with a tan, leaving fentanyl needles all over the fucking place … really, they should stay in West Virginia and Mississippi and fix their own cultures.

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70 bowery one is easy to find too.
just up from Manhattan bridge

But Caton Lounge one will probably be a less well lit area.

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someone replace it with a jew in a yarmulke please
or a nigger

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long time resident of this fucking city
there are a lot of shitty things here, but this looks to be a fake ad
should this be defaced? sure
but it is unlikely to be actually a product of "NYC Sanitation" as much as some left wing nutjobs trying to rile people up

no, HRC

How about we bring Shia back in for a new game?

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get on meth?

>start using racial slurs against anyone with a tan
GTFO nigger.

i don like this picture

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the game is still being played. It's at Muzeum Sztuki, Łódź

The French finally got it????????????

how does it feel to watch america label political opinions as actual religions and then persecute people for them?

>Muzeum Sztuki, Łódź
Poland, retard.


This would probably trigger them the hardest.

The French had it up for the longest time, retard.
Also, world champions here. So suck anus.

NYC is full of fucking trash and it ain’t exactly white

It isn't an ad. The chink artist called it "street art"

>tfw subways are trash
>gov't officials are trash
>k-12 edu is trash
>trash people
only redeeming thing is the skyline and a few neat looking buildings

>Yeah, one on route
Praise, Jesus

More like a hate crime and hate speech.


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>Too busy disgusted by pic to focus

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No way in hell this is a real sign from the sanitation department.

>openly persecuting people

>one on route
One Kekistani lad assigned to take NYC down.....

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just start comparing the MAGA hat to the Star of David patches. Watch how fucking fast this shit stops

The left is a cult but certain right wingers can be cultish as well. I just want this jew created nightmare to be over

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Leftist chinks are the most repulsive of leftist shitskins.

MAGA is the fastest growing international religion in the world, past and present. That's why other religions are scared of us, they're all trying to stop our religion.

Don't they have a homeless problem? Sound like they love trash.


Let those calls for violence continue. This is getting good

I apologize for my people, I can assure you not everyone are like them

Mott St is a pretty well lit touristy area.

Jew York can drown on a bowl of dicks.

Don't you want him to have the appropriate lighting?

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Ironically, most NYC homeless are from out of the City and move here for the benefits. Under the new mayor and his kinder, gentler policies, the homeless population has doubled.

Sound about right

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They would like that

Yeah it's definitely fake. The city is pretty regressive left and has no problem megaphoning for trannies and shit all over the subway with those gay 'resist' banners in the subway cars and shit that come out of my tax dollars, but this is way too on the nose for the cowards in charge of this piss-scented dump of a city.

>turn jews into soap
>use soap to clean city

>long time resident of this fucking city
Get there and do your duty faggot

Shut the fuck up you bigot! I feel like we need to place quotas on WV dreamers to give NYC some diversity.

someone needs to organize a massive maga hat/chik fil a soda cup march through Times Square. confederate tats optional of course.


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Fake News

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But drug addled niggers and spics are A-OK!


I like it


Well of course they would it was a white flag.

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>Fake news
It is there but it isn't posted by the city. Does that make it less irritating?

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the mad man