Saturn cube

Can someone drop some red pills on this and what does it have to do with the Jews. Why was Christmas the celebration of saturnalia?

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>space hexagon

I love Saturn

where jews go when they die. its essentially hell. havent you ever seen Beetlejuice?

yes good goy, always question, always debate, nothing you read is true

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8 stars = maga, can time travel, controls jupiter

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jews came from saturn to subvert african society by creating wh*toids

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dark sun
pole star
sacred geometry


>Why was Christmas the celebration of saturnalia?
It was a way to get pagans to convert to Christianity by keeping parts of their culture. Really Christmas is a Christianized reinterpretation of Yule.

Saturn has HPV

>black intellectualism

People think Satan is beneath earth, nay, he is on Saturn

What do you think has been happening on Jow Forums all year exactly?
The cube is cracked and the 2nd sun is breaking.

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I'll give you a hint

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the six-sided seal is the key to this prison, the reason they're suppressing space travel is to stop us from interfering with it

space travel is impossible

>Giraffes are jews

Good album bro

I will have to actualize this...

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Seriously though Rabbi what do you expect to be told?
A plan?

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Its for galactic UFC

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Saturn's rings are a tool made by the reptilians to transmit mind-altering EMF waves that then get amplified by the moon onto humans and resonates with junk DNA the reptilians put into us. The EMF waves delude perception of reality and eliminates the feeling of bliss and well being. Religions work as catalysts; amplifying the energy with symbols of Saturn (christian cross, Star and crescent, star of David, etc.).