Is this our guy in Michigan?

West Point, Apache helicopter squadron leader, businessman. Killed muzzies, bangs white women. How can we not support?

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Other urls found in this thread:

He's a boss.

Why not.

We need Michigan

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His wife's a coal burning whore

Im pretty sure his opponent wants to make us all coal burning whores

Can any of you tell me why Jackson is such a shithole?

Btw I've been driving all over your shity state this week and I've seen lots of signs for the black guy.

>His wife's a coal burning whore

Well if white women were slapped around a little bit more when they get out of line we wouldn't be in this mess.

Agreed but don't hate the player, hate the game.

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Jackson is a shithole bc the prison is there.. Shitty people move closer to their shitty incarcerated family , niggers get out of prison and just stay there robbing raping etc. That said He is a based black man and can fuck my wife etc. as long as a Dem doesn't get in

If I was in Michigan I’d vote for him but not based on anything except his not being a Dem

i’d vote for him.

What you driving around that shit state for user, i moved away from lansing bc it sucks nigger dick . Only northern MI is based

Any non-White fucking a White woman is the ultimate disrespect.
I feel like I am talking to infants sometimes having to explain this.


I wanted to see if it was a place I'd like to move to.

Is it worth having that merchant lover Stabenow as a leader?

What are your requirements? Like I said northern MI is nice but it depends on what type of work you do. Any other places you are considering ?

>northern MI is nice
I was pretty underwhelmed by everything from Muskegon North. Manistee was particularly depressing. So far I like the areas outside Grand Rapids and Grand Haven was pretty nice too but it's probably hell in tourist season.

Basically all I need is a property with a insulated workshop for my business.

Based and Redpilled.

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Nope. Plus, anyone redpilled knows you need a token niggy.

>monkey for senate.
Better then a fake indian

Based user

yea all those cities on the western side are trash . Unless you like hunting boating and fishing you may not be fond of the area in general, but if you get out of the city you can find some secluded land cheap. How far north did you go?

it's a lose / lose

nigger vs golem

You first kike

She has frens, powerful frens

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I’m voting straight republican ticket but even if I was I would vote for him anyways. He’s black but he’s definitely an intelligent white-assimilated black. He talks normal, his wife is white (regardless of what we think about that), military background is a good story. We need Michigan to stay red and there is still a lot of political blue.

We need more men like him. He such a proud family man. Something you don't see much often

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He said open borders are a moral imperative.

I would rather have Trump’s monkey than their golem

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Just up to Traverse City and down the 127. There were some very /out areas around the Roscommon State Forest.

Where? That would be bad user, show your hand

Nah, i think ill hate the nigger and thr coalburner

by jewish law these kids are WHITE.

white man stuck in a nigger body, I'd vote for him.

And by Saxon law they're niggers.

You guys are seriously fucking pathetic. The absolute state of nu-Jow Forums

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Look at their ugly half-monkey spawn. Neither white nor black, they will never be accepted by either race. They destined to walk the border between worlds, an abomination before God, cursed for their entire lives to deny their heritage.

You lied user:
I understand how to secure a border because I’ve done it before. Sovereign nations must have secure borders and entry points. I support Kate’s Law and I will support defunding ‘sanctuary cities,’ or as I call them, ‘outlaw cities

Is it because you are a golem Joob?

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He's not "Trump's monkey." This nigger hates the wall and wants infinite browns.

By American law, they're outdated farm equipment.

You glow nigger

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And Jewish law only applies to Jews. Even so, a convert's descendants aren't officially Jewish until the twelfth generation.

Gas yourself.

Keep going north and you will find what you seek... Make sure to stop before canada lol

He is absolutely our guy and God knows this nation needs much much more like him.

I honestly think Trump should rally for him once or twice before the 6th in Michigan, James is down enough that he has nothing to lose.

Jr has already rallied for him.

>i love niggers!
go back

You seem assblasted, rabbi. Did your cattle run away?

>"hey guys maybe its not a good idea to vote for a nigger with a coalburning wife"
"Y-youre glowing f-faggot!"
I didnt know Jow Forums was such a big fan of

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This. This nu-pol thread stinks of t_donald. Take your niggers and yourself and go live in Africa.

No. He's a total cuck on immigration and actually started spouting "nation of immigrants" shitlib garbage during the last debate. I couldn't believe it.

The golems cometh, always when most scared, is it because Debbie supports your kike state you cock sucking Joob?

Coincidentally, it will also take twelve generations of whitening for their decedents to appear fully white.

whoops replied to the wrong person

You haven't been paying attention, or are lying yourself.

A hell of a lot better than Stabenow. I don't even know why this is a question. I know blacks are shits, but are they worse than women? They're not if they blow up mudshits in Apache hellfire.

Rake yourself leaf

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>They're not if they blow up mudshits in Apache hellfire.

They are if they want to IMPORT MORE OF THEM to the US like this cuck does.

He literally quotes the Jewish spell scribbled on the Statue of Liberty.

>African is 100X more mudshit

Welcome moshe, we have been waiting for you

>but are they worse than women?

Yes, and neither should be allowed to vote or hold jobs in white countries.

To be fair, niggers should really have the jobs that Spics are stealing from them.

Never thought I'd see the day Jow Forums unironically defends miscegenation.

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>implying niggers want to work

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It is the world the Joob has brought us to. The boot black of our enemies enemy is our fren

don't be a fag, fag

so what is Dr. Ben Carson? He's /ourguy/, and so is this black guy.

We are going to have to be realistic here, he’s our only choice.

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He also has split countless white women with his BBC

Carson is a warm body in a suit and a literal token on the Cabinet. Maybe when he starts boxing up his fellow niggers and shipping them back to Africa, he'll be /ournog/.

I would rather have an empty suit than another SJW running the show. Would you rather allow Pocahontas to be your senator if running against a based nog?

Michigan checking voting straight R ticket and forcing my wife as well to vote R

>based nog
>has a race mixing wife
>has mutt kids
Yeah race mixing is SO CONSERVATIVE

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What’s your option then faggot. Are you even a Michigan nigger?

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He isn’t user. This nigger-shill didn’t pass the Pocahontas test. That means he has been building bombs in his fag workshop next to his glory hole and sending them to his owner Soros.

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He’s the type of nigger that has a Jew dick you fucking kike

Well he is our guy. I would rather have a token niggy than that post menopausal cunt

We need Michigan to go red at the federal level. We need to be part of the fight. The good fight

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The cunt would ruin us much quicker,
The smelly nig will bide us some time

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She has

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Taking us down

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Grand Rapids is based. Rally for John James Monday night in GR and Pence announced today he is going to be there for John James.

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He needs to hit the cities. Get the niggy vote

Hussein Obama is on his way in tomorrow to rally the NPC’s against us

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Uh, guys, I uh, I think that guy might be a nigger?

To where?

This is truth. You faggots are so despirate you will look your races death in the face and scream BASED! The jews have yoy figured out, they only need to be red for you to forget about your future children. BUH BUH BUH BASED!

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The D. The central Nog nest

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First of all, STOP WHINING!
Second, What's Your master plan for success given the current circumstances and the options we're left to work with here.
It's either HIM or more of the fucking same lame d-broad.

Lol. The Detroit nigs couldn't be bothered to get off their asses unless it was voting for more gibs from Kwame. King Nigger won because of all the retired whie libs in Ann Arbor, Lansing and Saginaw. If the UP and the West half of the state are motivated they can kick Debbie's shit in.
>but Shitmer is getting elected because Schuette is a tard

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It is either him or more Dr. Ford, more Cory Booker, more Kamala Harris, more Nancy Pelosi, more Rachel Maddow, more Chucky Schumer. This isn’t let’s take a ride with a nigger for some crack. This is getting in with your trusted limo driver who knows the way out of Cass Corridor.


Boss nigger

run a white vet against him in 6 years or you can vote for a literal jew