Help Me Jow Forums

My libcuck friend is asking whenever the left has ever false flag attacked themselves for sympathy and/or to demonize the right.

I know there's so many instances, but I can't recite them all off the top of my head. I know there's a lot of black lives matter faking hate crimes, but don't have the hard evidence.

Jerk is in a blue pill bubble and being all "if you cant give me dates and names, it's all infowars conspiracy blah blah blah..."

Help me put him in his place.

Attached: 920x920.jpg (920x653, 27K)

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Look up the case when the one jew made up 9% of the yearly antisemetic hate crimes

Cui Bono?

Holy fuck i looked for cases of the chimps doing false flag stuff
They really memory hole this shit dont they?

post YFW you realize the fake "git er dun" flag is a LITERAL FALSE FLAG

Attached: 1431801798614.gif (260x146, 1.16M)

Stop using (((Google))) and you will get better results.
2016 black church, burned and "vote trump" spray painted on the side. turned out to be a member of the church

Look up the false attack’s on Muslims and minorities after trumps election. I recall a few were arrested for filing false charges.

Tell them firstly about operation Northwoods.

Remember that historic black church that was spray painted with vote trump and set on fire a few days before the election? Remember that it was a black man who did that and not a racist white trump voter? I member