My libcuck friend is asking whenever the left has ever false flag attacked themselves for sympathy and/or to demonize the right.
I know there's so many instances, but I can't recite them all off the top of my head. I know there's a lot of black lives matter faking hate crimes, but don't have the hard evidence.
Jerk is in a blue pill bubble and being all "if you cant give me dates and names, it's all infowars conspiracy blah blah blah..."
Look up the false attack’s on Muslims and minorities after trumps election. I recall a few were arrested for filing false charges.
William Scott
Tell them firstly about operation Northwoods.
Cooper Lewis
Remember that historic black church that was spray painted with vote trump and set on fire a few days before the election? Remember that it was a black man who did that and not a racist white trump voter? I member