I'm worried about the future of my country Jow Forums

We chose a senile populist leftist president, meanwhile South America is choosing right wing presidents.

What's gonna happen? We are literally building one of the biggest and most modern airport ever but it might get cancelled because of our new president.

Attached: 4c57959b6fec25c3e9a3073400b21b18-dcnvgml.jpg (684x1024, 451K)

Everything will be ok

>We are literally building an airport

Not trying to be a dick here but why would anyone fly to Mexico?

Because it's the most relevant Latin American country and the 6th most visited in the world with over 40 million persons visiting the country

>Because it's the most relevant Latin American

Which means it is exactly equal to nothing.

Fuck spics.


It wasnt that long ago when Mexico was a very popular vacation destination.

You and your country are trash get the MILLIONS OF YOU THE FUCK OUT OF THE US

Because that shithole can't manage much more than drugs, whores, and donkey shows.

When will we get a reasonable candidate that endorses gun rights for its citizens?

Now chop his head off with a chainsaw! That’ll show him!

Mexicans are so ugly they have to use pictures of Korean girls in sombreros

i blame the united states for not just taking over all of mexico back during the mexican-merican war

She's Mexican

Dude, the photographer was Mexican

Not necessarily incorrect though

i have a suspicion, you've never meet a mexican?
i have plenty of family who looks just like her.....

Womp womp, join the autodefensas and something might change.

>The most mixed nation on earth believes that nationality is tied to race
Can't make this shit up

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>sees op pic

How so?

>Pic is a white-Korean HAPA
You fucking greasers are the ugliest subanimal race on the fucking planet. Keep fantasizing and thinking your women look like that.

>he doesn't know

I live in California you brown niggers disgust me and your woman have wine noses and a body shape like a potato


yes, the person in op's pic is the quintessentual korean hapa white qt... kek

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>plz whites tell me everything will be ok, also take my wife

Kill yourself you fucking boot licker, you must br honduran

>future of my country
What could make things get better? What do you think Mexico will look like in 10 years?

How are the Hondurans? Are they really acting like a band of Huns from the fifth century, raping and looting everything they come across?

Never they dont want people to have power remember what happened to the auto defensas?
I have a friend from chiapas he said they are indeed causing a lot of mess.