Meanwhile, on Roman Jow Forums

>Meanwhile, on Roman Jow Forums...

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fuck off with your gay thread you faggot

fuck off niggerfag

yo this gaul finna get dabbed on

i fucked OP in the ass but it wasn't gay because it's rome and only the receiver is considered gay here

Fuck the aristocrats and Italian barbarians

recommend some good Roman kino to me. I'm in the middle of watching I, Claudius and its got me intrigued.

After all the evil we've done, don't you fellow Romans think we should let Germanic tribes settle our lands? We have oppressed them for centuries and they're hard workers who will never harm out great Roman society. Rome has always been multicultural and Germans will add to that strength

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This doesn't even look like a wojak meme. It just looks like Marcus Aurelius, the Last of The Good Emperors.

Attached: 9987.jpg (790x622, 170K)

guy hannibal is coming to my town the FUCK do I do FUCK FUCK FUCK

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