First date this Saturday with irl female since getting divorced. Feel good about it, like somehow I am making progress. Tell me your experiences with being divorced Jow Forums. I'm not gonna lie, I'm really struggling with it, any advice for dealing with divorce. Like the song says 'life after shorty shouldn't be so rough'
Meme flag
this is a slide thread and a Jewish propaganda piece
fine, I'm a leaf, don't be a faggot about it
Okay, I'll bite. I might be getting divorced. My wife and I separated for 5 months. During that time, I moved to Colorado for work and to stay forever. Now she's here, and it's fucking weird.
Thank god for the red circle, I don’t think I could have possibly noticed the sign otherwise
Why is it weird? Will divorcing screw you over financially?
wow thank fucking god for the circle on that image i would have never known what it was about otherwise
kys you'reself op you fucking dumb cunt
What happened? Did you have kids? I got married over a year ago and we conceived on our honeymoon and our daughter fills us with joy. I don't have experience being married because we're so new to it but my purpose now is to provide a good household for our children.
Dont be a cuck, make enough money, fuck good, and your wife won't leave you.
Means you didn't do those. Loser
My wife and I never seperated, she just bailed, it's fucked up, one day I was married the next I was not.
you're like 16 or something right, remember there is an age requirement for the site.
Daily reminder that every meme flag might as well be treated as if they are Israelis
My advice would probably be kill that little voice inside of you that searches for meanings in things external that don't share DNA with you.
>Means you didn't do those. Loser
This, fellow alpha tradcons. Listen to this man.
Women are rational, fair-minded creatures. Which means if you are alpha and fuck good enough, they will stay with you, even though they can divorce you and take half of your possessions as their own whenever they choose with the full support of the court system.
I was living in California with her (she's from there)... She just lost her mind, could not be an adult. One day, after a particularly bad week of lots of fighting she just up and left, went and.lived at her parents house (like a child). I never saw her again, a few months later I drove home to Quebec from California with my dog...this was about 18 months ago. I never had kids with her, precisely because I thought she couldn't handle it. We we're married for about two and a half years.
Thank FUCK you posted that red circle user. You’ve saved me hours of time, like where waldo that imagine.
Been there. Today is actually the anniversary of me leaving her sorry ass. It takes awhile but it does improve. Take the time to inventory yourself and pick out some things you want to improve on personally, whether it's your career or health or hobbies. Focus on those things and the women will generally follow, don't try and reverse it. Don't get in a serious relationship for a few years at least. Your ex wife is depreciating but you are not, have fun eventually fucking younger and hotter women than your ex wife, there's no better way to get over it.
Don't get into a serious relationship, don't wallow in your misery, find new healthy patterns for yourself. Come out of it stronger.
Women like a divorced man, it meant someone wanted to go down the aisle with you once. Don't spend a lot of time hating your ex even if she ruined your life up until now. It's yours from here.
>date girl for 7 years
>things get rocky for a few years due to depression/bad job situation, sleeping in until 3 PM and shit, but still think my relationship is fine, because we're special and we can do it
>finally pull through, get a good job, get a great promotion really fast, saving for wedding
>year 8, things looking up
>she tells me she no longer loves me like she used to and has feelings for someone else
I wish she had just cheated so I could move on faster
but she was a legitimately good girl and i just fucked it up
but I still feel betrayed
what the fuck
Rule one after divorce: Fuck as many high class prostitutes as you can stand in a short period of time.
Nah, i divorced mine because her face was aging like milk and we both loathed each other and made each other unhappy and i knew i could get a newer model and she knew she could get a sugar daddy (oh, it didn’t work out though.. oops, sad). Now i just pump n dump younger thots and use them. Will settle after it gets tedious.
>Rule one after divorce: Fuck as many high class prostitutes as you can stand in a short period of time.
I just want a wife
it's like a fight man, you shouldn't get excited until the walkouts start
Listen to this guy, he gets it. Don’t browse Jow Forums, browse Jow Forums and you’ll be bouncing back to life in no time.
I swear Jow Forums is the biggest group of autists on Earth. Maybe, i didn't put the circle there and just found the image like that... NO THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!!! Bunch of fucking potatoes you are.
>has feelings for someone else
That means she already fucked him and was not a "legitimately good girl"
Legitimately good girls never even THINK about cheating.
Divorced. Dating girl 16 years younger than me. Teachering her how to take a dick currently. Just take care of yourself op.
Obviously she did cheat or how would she have "feelings" for someone else. If she didn't cheat it basically boiled down to "Yes I will fuck you but I need to get rid of this loser first."
You know it in your hearts mgtow is the way
Do you fuck paki sluts?
1 gorillion percent chance of unfulfilling life with that attitude.
Its cliche but women want to chase. If you're that faggot always pining for fulfillment through a woman you're going to get fucked.
Focus on yourself your career your hobbies and your physique and the women fall into place if you're not a complete fucking autist.
No no. Delete this right now jew.
Do not listen to this jew fellow alpha tradcons. We all know that as long as you are alpha like me and us, women will be loyal and flock to you and stay loyal and not divorce you and take your shit.
Everyone says this but in this case I know she didn't, obviously I can't prove it and it'll just end up being us sperging out at each other so we'll have to agree to disagree
Basically on the "all women are whores" spectrum she's at the far end, near the unicorn end as far as dependability goes, she just lost the tingles for me I guess
>inb4 we get stuck in this debate and "she 100% fucked him bro"
agree to disagree I guess
I'm not an autist, I was just ready to settle down and start a family and pump out a bunch of kids and get old
Yes brother open their eyes
>I wish she had just cheated
Don't worry, she did.
you guys are autistic and useless, I'm here to vent and I just have these early 20-something incels posting generic shit at me
damn it
>actually giving a woman the opportunity to take all your shit
Saged. 3DPD will always unironically be worse.
>getting divorced
I hope you learned your lesson, user:
Don't marry a white woman
white male here, I'll only settle for non-white women, since I actually want a happy family
There is nothing wrong with feeling that transiently but internalizing it as your narrative was your downfall.
Thats the womans dialogue.
They want your dialogue to be to keep conquering coupled with the vague threat of finding a better piece of trim as you continue to be successful.
Well, I know that now of course, but I don't think it's possible to salvage and I'm not sure I want to
Strangely enough I haven’t, though plenty match on tinder. I wouldn’t want to accidentally get one of them pregnant and end up with a monobrowed abomination who’s grandparents are cousins and abrahamic koran thumpers. Too much of a risk, some look pretty good, Lebonise shia’s in particular.
>>she tells me she no longer loves me like she used to and has feelings for someone else
>she tells me she no longer loves me like she used to and has feelings for someone else
>she tells me she no longer loves me like she used to and has feelings for someone else
Man how did you make it so old without learning anything shaking my head fampai
OP comes for divorce advice.
Anons only notice red circle.
OP ends up divorced because anons cannot move beyond the red circle.
Sorry user no advice for you, only the red circle of death.
Been where you're at. Best advice is don't fall for some thot. If you have kids, be a good father. You've already probably fucked up so straighten that shit out. Remember that women are inherently self-serving so treat them accordingly.
have you considered that not everything fits exactly into your worldview? that it might be possible that I'm correct about this
>nah because if you were she wouldn't have said that at all xDD
No, its over, you cut your losses and move on.
Don't stew. And probably don't hang out here. Although its more r/Donald diesel than a place to learn anything anymore so actually you're probably fine hanging here.
Fucking degenerate race traitor.
Tell us your color leaf, are you ching chong, brownie, or the rare breed of white european that is going extinct in leafland?
How about nigger sluts? Bang any of them?
Thats woman code for I fucked someone else and its embarrassing it took me all but spelling it out to you, guy.
You're a simple man eh
>And probably don't hang out here
I probably just need to spend less time on Jow Forums in general, there just isn't much for me here anymore. I used to use it for news but even that is pretty sparse here now. It's all just white noise and young kids posting the same old shit. I just dunno what to do, I don't give a shit about my job or where I live or any of that, so I'm just sort of directionless
k thanks for the insight t. wise 19-year-old who reads Jow Forumstheredpill
it doesnt matter whether you made it or not you still posted it which makes you complicit in the retardation
kys yourself you dumb cunt
What’s he coming to Jow Forums for? He should go to Jow Forums or something, this is clearly a sage thread.
I want to get a married to a woman who's EXCITED to have kids, and furthermore EXCITED to be with me.
A cute non-white chick will legit be excited just to be with you - like an inspired 1950s housewife. You will not find that at all with white chicks.
You'll eventually learn this after you get your heart broken, don't worry :)
>being this angry about a circle.
Shut up, faggot, you're embarrassing our cuckhole of a country further.
Don't blame yourself for anything. Bitches follow men. If one refuses to follow, get a new one.
>might get divorced
where are you at in the process user?
I'm the same guy. Yeah take a break for a while. Piece it together. I can't beat you over the head with this to make you see man. Its not fucking quantum computing its tictactoe. If you can't read these patterns idk brother, innawoods. Never a bad option.
Bro! You've got to get down to the border now! Theres a whole caravan of turd making it's way north as we speak! You can take your pick of the lot of them!
Again, chance is there but the risk. I could honestly not see myself walking around with a boon kid and loving it. I don’t like condoms. Tempted to try.
nah don't worry about it oz-bro, I could never hate you guys, I actually really wanna go to your country. I would love to check out the west coast of Australia, something about the solitude of all those pristine beaches that no ever goes to.
If you’re not huwhite who cares, but if you are, you should seriously reconsider if you want to get into bestiality.
Yeah, that's not what bothers me, it's just the sheer amount of time I put in and the fact that I was pretty much on the cusp of the next phase, doing it all over again is gonna suck
I know all the memes and most of the traditional wisdom on this stuff
>I'm the same guy
oops, anyway yeah I know as I said but in this case it's wrong, without going into detail I know for a fact that she didn't
ok I'll go into detail
she's a farm girl with a healthy sense of hierarchy
we were betrothed early on, it was arranged basically
she won't leave me for those reasons, she's just unhappy and told me how she was feeling after some coercion
I work for a large lender from a home office and we're literally in each others' presence 24-7 and only have one car which only I use (simplifying here)
I have access to her phone and control basically everything
the "other guy" isn't someone she actually knows (basically)
"feelings" were my words and not what she said to me, probably a bad choice
anyway bottom line, she didn't fuck anyone or anything like that, it's just that my relationship fell apart and is clearly over, didn't really want to type all that shit out
>inb4 she has a burner phone and fucked some guy in the 10 minutes I was in a meeting or something..
like I said I know all the memes, this is not my first relationship nor is it a "traditional"/conventional one, I just know it's FUBAR based on my previous experience and etc.
Any other whore would have fucked someone but this is indeed a unicorn good girl
My mom is quebecois and my dad's family is from Ireland. I guess I'm white, sort of...
Try not to talk about your divorce with your date. She's going to ask, so you should say something respectful and then see if she will let you redirect the conversation elsewhere. Be relaxed, don't overthink it and don't have more than two drinks. RELAX. DON'T THINK. CHILL. Good luck!
the "other guy" isn't someone she actually knows (basically)
"feelings" were my words and not what she said to me, probably a bad choice
What the fuck does this even mean then
Anyway if its fucked its fucked. Sorry its fucked guy. No unicorns thats some gay shit. Some are better than others. Maybe you fucked up. She also quit even if you were a sack of shit so sounds like you got the horns either way.
Romanticizing it wont do you any good and I'm not playing 20 questions to figure out what the fuck you're actually trying to say.
You struck the fuck out, come back swinging.
fuck off dumb cunt its because of people like you that retarded shit circles like that even happen
truly the dumbest of cunts
this whole shit of ‘i don’t love you like i used to’ is absolute bullshit.
in fact, love in general is total bullshit. yes you can have strong feelings for someone but these change over time. i’ve been with my wife for about 7 years now and we’ve been married for 3. feelings now are different than when we got together but i still love her.
honestly, divorce should be made illegal except for extreme circumstances and fathers should be able to choose who there daughters marry like they used to. women learn to love whoever provides for them, it’s in their nature.
i already have a young son and have daughter due in a month and honestly i’m worried about the future with dating etc as the dad has no power nowadays. all i can do is be a good role model and hope she makes good choices.
Dodged a Bullet desu
What does this mean? Do you make wine out of potatoes then?
Fuck off Tariq.
>What the fuck does this even mean then
Look, it means I am not an idiot and I extracted this info from her and I know where it's going. It's fucked, that's my point. If she were like most women maybe what you're saying would apply, it fits the template, but what I am telling you is that in this case I know she didn't cheat, I just did the shit that would have lead to another woman cheating (possibly) in other circumstances. I didn't want to do the back and forth on that but of course nobody will give you the benefit of the doubt on that kind of thing.
>Romanticizing it wont do you any good and I'm not playing 20 questions to figure out what the fuck you're actually trying to say.
Not trying to say anything here, it's like what you're saying except she's a sort of classic daddy raised her properly kind of girl rather than a modern whore with no self control, so she didn't go and cheat but it's practically over unless I just force her to stay in this loveless relationship, which I can if I want, but that seems pretty fucked up
>this whole shit of ‘i don’t love you like i used to’ is absolute bullshit.
>in fact, love in general is total bullshit. yes you can have strong feelings for someone but these change over time. i’ve been with my wife for about 7 years now and we’ve been married for 3. feelings now are different than when we got together but i still love her.
Yeah, I know that, and I tried explaining that to her, but it's like she's got a very childish view on this shit and I can't get through to her. I completely get what you're saying and I agree, we're not kids anymore and it's not always going to seem magical, etc.
My problem is this: we have a unique situation and we had an otherwise "perfect" (strong air quotes there) relationship outside of this sort of blindsiding me
that's what I am talking about
ya probably, the hardest part about is that I really did want kids. Now I feel like it's not gonna happen for me, I'm getting older (38 next year), maybe it might but I think this dubious at best. It's a shame too, cause I make a decent living, I work in a good field (commercial property) so I could support a familly, one, possibly two kids.
Nah it means I wanna make a poutine but don't have any potatoes cause potato famine...
Let me put it this way, her family is super trad and she's a legit trad girl, not like the meme girls on youtube but an actual trad girl who despite being fairly attractive knows her place and doesn't screw around. The problem is that she's got this childish worldview about romance, I know if I'd just put a bun in the oven like two years ago she would be too busy to worry about all this gay bullshit that she's basically just imagining, but I fucked up and failed to do so and now these are the results.
Our arrangement is such that I could "force" her to stay probably but that seems like it's just asking for trouble and is definitely uncharted waters for me.
She's reliable and dependable though... I have a safe with $250k in gold and silver sitting here for example and she could have just taken that and gone whenever if she were so inclined, cucked me with another person, whatever, but without going on at length about how she comes from a traditional family and she'd never even consider that, idk if you guys will understand the relative rarity of this kind of relationship
Can you shoot loads? If so you can still have kids. Don't give up.
How long have you been divorced for? You should be alone for a while before you get back into dating. Also, the bitch you divorced sounds like a nightmare waiting to happen
I mean you could probably make it work still. Generally women are flighty and stupid no matter what kind of special fucking magical fairy dust you think is sprinkled on your situation.
You probably killed her libido being a lazy sack of shit for so long and coasting on a presumed pussy pass like your ass was at Six Flags skipping the line.
Try to look at it with new eyes again and see if you can make her see that too.
I want to break up with you just reading this shit.
Try to make her wet again with whatever think you works on a horse hymen'd Mormon or whatever the fuck the situation is.
Or just don't maybe its fucked. What you're doing is still not driving the car. Take the wheel man if its fucked then do a barrel roll or straighten it out.
>honestly, divorce should be made illegal except for extreme circumstances and fathers should be able to choose who there daughters marry like they used to. women learn to love whoever provides for them, it’s in their nature.
Alright so I skipped over this line by accident, but that's basically what happened here. I come from a small town and essentially I got the pick of the litter in an almost but not quite arranged relationship (should have been marriage but I screwed up).
Basically I tried to give her the rundown on this,
>love in general is total bullshit. yes you can have strong feelings for someone but these change over time. i’ve been with my wife for about 7 years now and we’ve been married for 3. feelings now are different than when we got together but i still love her.
but she's a bit of a simple, naive girl (not dumb, mind you, tested high IQ)
>Generally women are flighty and stupid no matter what kind of special fucking magical fairy dust you think is sprinkled on your situation.
I know that, I was just going to the trouble of explaining my circumstance since you were giving me the "lol she fucked him and now wants to leave you" routine, which isn't quite applicable here
>You probably killed her libido being a lazy sack of shit for so long and coasting on a presumed pussy pass like your ass was at Six Flags skipping the line.
100% this, exactly
I just don't know how to fix that
>Or just don't maybe its fucked. What you're doing is still not driving the car. Take the wheel man if its fucked then do a barrel roll or straighten it out.
Yeah, I know.
The prob is that basically whenever I go into "okay, bitch, then we're done and I don't have any interest in you anymore, and oh I'm going to start talking to Suzy again" she suddenly seems to do a 180 but it also seems like the issue still remains which as you suggest is probably just me but what the fuck more is there
I made it, & about to do all the usual shit and she bails on me
it about 18 months she's been gone...
>Sounds like she was a nightmare,
Ya, she was. She just couldn't keep her shit together. Unable to accomplish basic daily tasks, crazy irresponsible with money, unable to delay gratification and most importantly, unable to make sacrifices for the future.
>she’s got a very childish view
yeah, she’s a woman. that’s my point, most women have this retardedly childish view of everything but especially love. this is exactly why patriarchy used to be a thing and should be a thing again now. i see it all the time, young teenage girls dating teenage guys most of the time they don’t stay together because neither are serious, but the girls are in their prime stage at that point, when they have too many relationships they become to jaded, not necessarily useless but it’s a lot more work.
the whole system needs to go back to the natural way of meeting someone at teenager when you’re both virgins, having kids in 20s and staying with each other for life with no option for divorce. this makes both parties more happier in the long run
women moan that they don’t have freedom under patriarchy but most are much happier when they are forced by patriarchy to make good decisions rather than being given the freedom to fuck their lives up
only advice i can give someone else in this situation is you have to make woman reliant on you. i am the main breadwinner and basically my wife knows she would have terrible life in a ghetto council house if we split up, that’s not the only reason to stay together obviously but i think it helps. of course there are certain aspects that make this harder eg if her family has money or if she has a good career. of course she could try and be a total bitch and take your money but from what i’ve seen this a small monitory.
>Ya, she was. She just couldn't keep her shit together. Unable to accomplish basic daily tasks, crazy irresponsible with money, unable to delay gratification and most importantly, unable to make sacrifices for the future.
is this not all females or am I missing something
checked. I’ve never been married but I just got out of an awful dating relationship and am very happy to be single. good luck user
Nah, it’s not, but they’re rare.
In that case, congrats on the divorse. And 18 months sounds about right
I mean look tell her ass straight up man women like that shit.
"I know I fucked up, I still care about you and value what we have and I want to make this work with you but if you're not having it lets just move on because I have goals I want to achieve like having a family and continuing to build this career and if you don't want it someone else will."
Boom competition anxiety while also being a straight forward guy.
Sounds like you're in a good place personally and if she doesn't want to work on shit fuck her she isn't that special I don't care how many times you tell me she grew up in a commune.
You're not thinking of yourself enough man thats what turned her off in the first place and turned her off with this limbo and why she gets interested when you present the fact she might be missing a boat with you that got her down in the first place.
Time heals everything anons
>gas wars: race the jews now
>tfw hitler just wanted a super mario kart like game against the jews
My father was 55 years old when he had me, his first child, with a woman much younger than him. You don't have a reproductive clock, don't worry about it.
>skipped over this line
yeah it’s good that the betrothal stuff is still going on, not sure if it is here outside of pakis. the problem is this within modern pozzed society were women can have divorce for any reason. not saying it’s your fault just fault of system, divorce should be illegal apart from extreme circumstances then these tragic situations would not happen, she would stay with you have kids and i’m sure she would be happy, instead of having her ‘freedoms’ to go ride the cock carousel and becoming a shrivelled up bitter wine aunt
So everything you said applies to my situation. Basically, I have this weird, straight out of 1850 relationship. Yeah, you're right about women being women--I understand that. She's dependent on me directly, but she has a strong family background, so she's got that safety net and will just go back to them, so it's not like it "used to be" or whatever in that sense, partly because we never got married, so that's my failure.
I guess I could turn it around and it's my decision in that sense, but as a romantic myself, it seems pretty fucked up. I feel like I had what you're describing here and I sort of drove it into the ground with my early mistakes.
In fairness I had a shitty home life with a literal psychotic single mother (diagnosed borderline personality disorder) and only due to circumstance did I happen to fall in with her family and get "betrothed" and all that (long story)
>You're not thinking of yourself enough man thats what turned her off in the first place and turned her off with this limbo and why she gets interested when you present the fact she might be missing a boat with you that got her down in the first place.
100% probably true
The other factor here, and this is the curve ball, is that she's half Chinese, half German (think Pennsylvania Dutch kind of thing...) and although she's a solid 8/10 I kind of worry about my sons becoming Elliots, and I'm a pretty handsome guy and frankly I have a lot of money and I'm not that old yet, so I think if there's a time to jump ship now is it
- lost my sweetheart
- romantic illusions shattered
- might want to leave and have full blood white kids anyway
thanks for talking to me bro
yeah, that's just the thing, it's basically my choice right now, she's not brainwashed or anything like that but I and her family exert a lot of control over her in a patriarchal sense so if I cut her loose I might be "dooming" her to the cock carousel, but she isn't going off on her own
Fucking shitskin. Go away.
why are you stalking the man?
have a (you)
What if I told you even the best women take more than they give and any man who chases women is by definition at a lower stage of consciousness
What does a man ACTUALLY gain by being with a woman? If you feel lonely, make a friend. If you are lustful, practice total chastity until your urges go away and use that energy on something else.
Sex is a tool women use to get something from a man, whether that is money, protection, support, or status.
You know in your heart that this is true. The family bloodline is an old meme and in any case to think that your family line is so important that you must sacrifice your personal body and life force to ensure its continuation is both delusional and a sign that you are allowing yourself to be ruled by your flesh and not spirit.
>I wasted all this time trying to make Supreme Gentlemen
Fuck it I'm going to bed.
No problem /b/ro we're all gonna make it.
My 2c but I have never touched a LTR that long because I don't have patience for that shit and pull the rip cord because old sex is old and I could never spend that much time with someone if I didn't have a kid with them.
I'd say fuck it dude. If she don't want it she don't want it. You're good now. If you don't mind hapahapas and are caught up in the feels then deliver her that ultimatum, else eject and don't let it drag you down, you fucked up but you didn't do anything that bad man you're being too hard on yourself.
Take it easy m8 just either way don't overthink it, go with your gut its usually right.
I know you're right
my other fear is that the world is full of filthy whores and from what everyone says, what I have is extremely rare and I don't want to end up settling with some nasty roastie when I inevitably can't replicate this situation I have now
Because it's a shitskin ISIS recruiter. Fishing for disaffected losers.
Don't you want to teach your son to walk up right in the world?
that's a really weird claim, why do you think that?