
Intro twitter.com/RealVinceJames/status/1054236858291376128
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On thot patrol twitter.com/RealVinceJames/status/1050042805551128576

>2nd round polls: BOLSONARO 56% X HADDAD 44% (Datafolha)
Bolsonaro vs. Haddad run-off will happen in October 28th.


Jair Bolsonaro is the front-runner in Brazil's presidential election. He is a conservative Christian, pro-gun, a former army captain, and the only candidate with no corruption charges against him. He's looking to modernise the lethargic Brazilian economy with the aid of UChicago economist Paulo Guedes. He wants to align Brazil's foreign policy with Western nationalist governments against the influence of China, Eurasianism and regional socialism (Venezuela and Cuba). He has a hard stance on crime and supports increasing the power of police forces and the army to tackle Brazil's drug and violence problems. Under heavy fire from the media and academia, with an extremely restricted campaign budget, and having survived an assassination attempt, Bolsonaro's presidential run is nothing short of extraordinary.

JB's antagonist in the presidential race is Fernando Haddad, a sociologist, former minister of education under Lula and former mayor of São Paulo. He's running for the left-wing Labour Party (PT) under the guidance of former president Lula, who is currently in prison after being convicted for corruption and money laundering. PT had been the ruling party in Brazil for 13 years, but is facing high rejection in the polls after a police investigation uncovered the largest known corruption scheme in Brazilian history, which PT architected.

MORE INFORMATION: pastebin.com/raw/fuZH3p7g
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Alguém pode me redpillar sobre o Villas Boas?

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Buzzfeed article, they had a link for a /hue/ thread
>Bolsonaro’s rise and rhetoric haven’t gone unnoticed by Trump supporters and international far-right influencers.
>On Sunday night, Infowars’ Paul Joseph Watson — who is a vocal supporter — tweeted an edited video being shared by Bolsonaro supporters alleging electoral fraud. The Rebel Media’s founder, Ezra Levant, threw his support toward Bolsonaro on Sunday as well, saying that calling Bolsonaro “far-right” was a smear. Far-right French activist Damien Rieu celebrated Bolsonaro’s first-round win. Canadian YouTuber Stefan Molyneux released an hourlong video on Bolsonaro’s stabbing. Pro-Trump subreddit Jow ForumsThe_Donald tweeted that it’s following the Brazilian elections closely, as well. And Jow Forums users have been holding “/hue/volution” threads — a play on “hue,” a Brazilian internet onomatopoeia for laughter.
>But perhaps the largest English-speaking supporter of Bolsonaro and his fanbase has been Gab, a far-right Twitter/Reddit clone. Gab’s Twitter account spent Sunday night tweeting Bolsonaro memes and created a special section on their website for Brazilian users. The DFR Lab noted that in the weeks since Gab started to embrace Bolsonaro, their traffic had increased 18%.
>“Gab is a thing, Bolsonaro is going to win, and you can’t do anything about either. Stay mad BuzzFeed boy,” a spokesperson for Gab told BuzzFeed News.

Reminder, best behavior boys, Buzzfeed is here saving what you're saying for their "nazi, fascist, white supremacist" Bolsonaro articles.
Don't fall into discord, whatsapp or telegram honeypots

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Thread theme

O FHC dos milicos. Alguem comprimetido com o esquema comunista mas que quer ''preservar'' a estabilidade democrática até a transição para o estado comunista

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Jajá o Pujol tira ele de lá.


Através do voto você não vai mudar nada nesse país, nada, absolutamente nada!. Só vai mudar, infelizmente, no dia em que partir para uma guerra civil aqui dentro, e fazendo o trabalho que o regime militar não fez. Matando uns 30 mil, começando pelo FHC.

Bolsonaro tem razão. Que venha a maldita guerra civil e com ela o bendito vento das araucárias.

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O problema é que ai sobem novos pilantras.
Se você for forçar alguma coisa com exercito, é que sejam mudanças constituicionais pra tornar a lei muito mais severa.

I want to believe:

PT about the Army: “Fomos igualmente descuidados com a necessidade de reformar o Estado, o que implicaria impedir a sabotagem conservadora nas estruturas de mando da Polícia Federal e do Ministério Público Federal; modificar os currículos das academias militares; promover oficiais com compromisso democrático e nacionalista; fortalecer a ala mais avançada do Itamaraty e redimensionar sensivelmente a distribuição de 5 verbas publicitárias para os monopólios da informação…”.

The Army is clearly not in their hands. People are spreading fake news here saying the Armed Forces have been corrupted. Stop this bullshit.

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Maybe Bolsonaro is doing the supreme 8D chess and want a civil war.

>Nos anos 60, o nacional-progressismo uspiano transmuta-se em marxismo explícito, com a adesão maciça do estudantado à revolução continental orquestrada em Cuba. As correntes liberais e democráticas desaparecem, só restando, como simulacro de pluralismo, as divisões internas do movimento comunista: estalinistas, trotsquistas, maoístas etc.

99% dos nossos problemas tem uma origem comum: a universidade pública. Desde a glorificação do crime até a cultura da malandragem...

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I want them to regret taking out the Emperor. Will never forgive them for that

Villas Boas é o maximum cuck.
Toda vez que o Mourão (ainda na ativa) mandava uma fala mais enérgica contra a esquerda, vinha o Villas Boas em publico "desautorizar" o que o Mourão disse pra agradar a esquerda.

Uma das ultimas e piores foi a entrevista que ele foi dar no programa do Bial (isso foi em respostas a palestra do Mourão na loja maçônica onde ele falava abertamente do foro do são paulo).

Chegou a chamar os intervencionistas de tresloucados:

Todas vez que os intervencionistas pressionavam ele sobre a situação de merda do pais ele ficava repetindo "nossas instituições estão funcionando".
Essa aqui foi uma das primeiras vezes que ele foi "enquadrado" com perguntas difíceis e diretas:

Video completo: youtube.com/watch?v=XK-Y_Hnp_TA

Se você ler os comentários verá que ele não agradava nem um pouco nem os intervencionistas mais fanáticos.

How many generals Brazil have?

eita olha as medalhas do mourão

I am that guy who is interested in learning Portuguese and joining the Brazilian Military.

Would I pass as white?

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Army Generals 15, but overall is 151 if you count brigade Generals, division Generals etc.

Eu realmente espero que o Pujol seja de uma linha mais dura, tudo que sei sobre ele é que é próximo do Jair e do Mourão.

Army does not accept foreigners, unless you have Portuguese citizenship.

>also inb4 you need to get in shape
fuck off ive started lifting like a month ago.

Look, excepting a few pricks we really don't give a shit about your race around here.
You cannot join the army though, no matter what.

>Would I pass as white?
I guess, but you wouldn't be able to join the army

You cannot join our army unless you're a naturalized Brazilian or have Portuguese Citenzenship

Just join your own military and then go through courses here in Brazil like the UK and Canada does.


tell Bolsonaro to change that pls thx
will die for Brazil

Brazilian Citizenship test:


am i a citizen yet???

Dizem que é liberal:

Hi Soros

Stay away from our military.

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If wasn't for Villas Boas we would had a coup d'état perpetuated by PT. During the protests that lead to Dilma's impeachment he was asked to do a GLO to repress the people, he refused. He is just a moderate man who believes that the way out ours institutional crisis is the democratic way.

What a fuck? This much? Why? And when they retire? New generals are chosen?

Didn't your parents give you attention?

graças a Deus o Vidas-Boas vai sair.

give me a kuruminha wife and I will.

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There's no reason to, we're a Defensive based military, not offesive like US, so we don't need more people. and even if they needed they would just open more spots on courses since they're competitive as fuck and many people want to join.

t. former Sgt school student

Who the hell is gonna clear the favelas of crime then?

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He's the fucking Army Commander. He can't spread bullshit in the news like a crazy psychopath.
It doesn't mean he's not supporting the other generals in secrecy. He's a top figure in the Military Circle and close friends with all the interventionists. You guys are so fucking dumb.
He's a 4 star general and he could be arrested for treason for supporting a military intervention in public.
Read the Constitution for God's sake.
If there's an Intervention, they need to plan carefully and execute it flawlessly. One mistake and they are all dead for high treason.


Why you would want to come here? Brazil is really bad right now. When Bolsonaro Wins, he will probably stablish a base around here of the USA, try enter yours and come. It's way better be a american in Brazil.

Our country it's fuckhuge and there are bases literally everywhere, what the fuck did you expect.
They retire when they want basically and then choose the best ones from these 151 rest to be the new Generals. Here are the newest Brigade Generals.


Military Police.

>Who the hell is gonna clear the favelas of crime then?

The military Police, that's their job.

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Yeah, about that. Natives from Brazil are ugly and fat in the most, because they are born with welfare and do nothing all their lives.

I lived in Rio for a year when i was a real young lad and I liked the weather. I hate the cold so goddamn much. There is nothing I love more than working in the farm fields in 35+ degree heat. It is lovely.

Watch Elite Squad, and you will see who.

Hi buzzfeed, please include me in any screenshots, I wanna be famous

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White supremacist my ass, we're a mixed nation by nation and we still want commies to burn in agony.
I don't care about shitfeed.

wow. Sounds like any reservation in the United states. Out of like 1000 natives on a reservation, maybe a hundred will be in shape. out of those 5 would be decent looking females.

In reality when someone says they want a kuruminha they dont want a native. Natives are ugly and brutish. They want a fair skinned yet brown enough to make my peepee hard gf who likes to roleplay. :^)

by nature**

Is what i feel when reading this what the Japanese feel every day? Because if so i feel bad for them

That is not how works. We have this long argument between the Army and the government about if we should declare a war on crime and deal with them like a civil war against paramilitary troops. In all the technical aspects, the narcodealers of Brazil are organized, better armed and have lots of money. Our crime rates are absurd. But admitting that criminals are in equal level to foreign armies it is considered a offense to the Army, so they never have accepted the responsibility, blaming the State for being so incompetent at their jobs. The Intervention or Rio was extreme and Temer basically have done it because it was really unbearable. And still is. Brazil is really close to a purge like the Philippines

>In reality when someone says they want a kuruminha they dont want a native. Natives are ugly and brutish. They want a fair skinned yet brown enough to make my peepee hard gf who likes to roleplay. :^)
Don't worry, I will get one for myself and post her here

haha but not in a gay way right hahaha

Goodnight huenons. I pray that yall stay safe and have good dreams

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Are brazilian women swedish tier or they woke? Are they communist whores?

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You are crazy. Just move to Hawaii them. Or any place in the Pacific. The USA has lot of territories. Man I just want to go to New Zealand and live in Polinésia. I don't get how you can like heat. I lived in the fucking Amazon all my life. Green hell does no define

We have women of all types. Literally.

Based Poland, I wish I could move there and never leave. Also

Come on now, man.

All kinds, but they are easily shilling for the left. Keep Poland strong. You are going to be the new Iron Curtain of Europe

I am a follower of Tengri, the Sun God. The sun provides warmth and heat for the world. It is the sole source of happiness for the planet. So I must love and accept the heat. I lived in Egypt for 3 months but I did not like the dry heat. i like humidity.

swede once told me that sweden has many beautiful girls, but they are very similar to each other. the beautiful girls he met here were in very different ways.
he also met a shit ton of ugly chicks, much more than he would find at home.

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avoid the ones with a college degree. they are probably indoctrinated and will make you miserable demanding too much money or becoming empowered after marriage.

Try staying a Week in Manaus or Belém. You are going to regret it. It stink a mixture of sweat, sewer water, shit, raw fish and poverty.

Listen to this user. Northeast of Brazil is only a notch above African countries.

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Also: check this out

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The colonel is PISSED.

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Only if he likes stupid women. Otherwise he should go for those with a degree in a STEM field.
They're rare, but they're the best ones from my experience.

>all these BR anons dissing their own nation
you call yourselves 'nationalists'
get the fuck out of here. You arent nationalists. You are populists with a fascist twinge. Not that there is anything wrong with that, of course, but dont call yourselves nationalists. A nationalist would never admit that his country has shitty parts, only that it has shitty politics (leftists and communists and moderate conservatives). So dont call yourselves nationalists if you arent nationalists.

Agree. My cousin is a single mother, but became really redpilled after the engineer course. I I thought it was too late for that.

He can be punished somehow?

also what is the age of consent in brazil?

We can only hope Gilmar gets impeached
Shut up

Don't forget our best anthem, lads.

Sorry. Our national spirit was broken by the Left. We have hope now with Bolsonaro.

Why? You think you can come here and fuck our teenagers?

I'm not sure what you're expecting to hear. There are good things about the nation, but they are all in the past. I love my hometown, I love the my state. It has shitty people, but the country itself has all the potential in the world.
Are you expecting me to defend or enjoy niggers, thieves, marxists, corruption? Or maybe defend the 50% taxes that assrape us in every single purchase we make?
Go fuck yourself, dude. Your country is slowly falling apart, you're gonna deny that as well?


I guess it's different from what you're used to. Normally Brazilians love talking shit about the country, but get really fucking pissed when anyone else tries to do the same.

>Army does not accept foreigners, unless you have Portuguese citizenship

That means I'm free to suck their dicks? Great.


this is what im talking about. Never apologize for your nation or your nations history, like damn. Makes you seem weak. My great great great great grandfather was one of the guys who gave smallpox blankets to the natives in fort pitt. Do i apologize for that? No, of course not; my ancestors knew what they were doing and there is nothing wrong with it.

Let the crazy man talks. He is clearly not in his right mind. Worshipping the sun, wanting to move to Brazil and being a military,thinking he can make a parda do a Native role-playing...

thanks for the (you)

You're still gonna have to pass in one of their courses, which are competitive as fuck, so your chances are pretty low.

Look, I don't believe in historical debt. Fuck the natives and the slaves. It is not my fault. I been poor all my life, even being "white"

No. I pray for a civil war every single day. This country needs a good corrective action. We all realize that. If a civil war is imminent, you're goddamn right ill wear it like a badge of honor. Because its MY COUNTRY. my country is infallible because it is perfect by Gods grace. It is only due to the failures of the parties that the civil war will begin. My great grandfather would go and dress up the black peoples horses up in KKK robes when they were in church. I wish to repeat that, and go further.

Media in the 90s
>Dr Eneas is a fascist, crazy, lunatic, wants to kill the poor
Media today
>Bolsonaro is fascist, crazy, lunatic who wants to kill the poor

MDB/PT/PCdoB/PCC/FARC estavam planejando uma disputa entre Ciro x Haddad no segundo turno. A esquerda novamente disputaria contra a esquerda e tudo continuaria igual

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I went through the background check and passed a mental evaluation for firearms. Im mentally fine.

Aight. Im all out of topics to derail the thread with


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Gringos like you will never understand, it's like said, shittalking Brazil and also defending it to death in the same sentence is part of our national identity.

Meu pai é amigo dele

That not proves that you are not insane. Out great philosophy mentor, Olavo, says that Pepsi uses unborn aborted fetus cells as sugar.

And he also has a lot of guns

>tfw não tem filme digno do Duque de Caxias
>tfw não tem filme que preste de nenhum dos nossos heróis
Eu quero um filme do Conde D'Eu com a cena dele atacando os paraguaiano safado quase que sozinho, só pra 2 oficiais puxarem ele de volta porque estava se expondo demais, deixando o cara tão puto que quase matou os dois. Eu quero um filme da batalha do riachuelo com efeito especial foda. Eu quero um filme da guerra do paraguai.

Eu não quero porra de filme ou novela com D. Pedro cagando no ipiranga enquanto proclama a independencia ou Travesti lacrando no tempo do império. cinema brasileiro foi um erro.

Eu desenhei umas putaria da Manuela D'Avila só que eu to com medo de postar por aí e o Google me esculachar quando ela abrir um processo, tem base isso ou eu posso ir tranquilo?

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Bolsonaro 55 - Haddad 45 is my final prediction

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