I think National Socialism is cancer
Unpopular opinion thread
She could have been a nice wholesome wife but she decided to be a anime cosplay slut for fat virgin losers.
Strong life decisions.
you're right, that is pretty unpopular here because it's retarded. good luck on reddit
cool slide thread, rabbi
I think that a nuclear apocalypse that would wipe out this disease know has humanity would be the best thing to ever happen to this planet.
Circumcision is genuinely better and I would fuck Stormy Daniels.
I think pineapple is an acceptable topping for pizza.
Of course, it is a NPC state fetishist ideology.
most jews and other minorities aren't as bad as people here want to think
I am white, male, married to my first love, no ex's, had more than two kids, am member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I am buying a house, I garden, I do a lot of DIY projects, I have a good income and career.
And I am not sorry at all!
Who the fuck is this. Since there is literally No source of it...
is thataway. You can get your fucked up refrigerator fixed there
Traps are fucking gay. Since virgins on Jow Forums think otherwise.
She could have been a nice wholesome wife to someone but lets be honest she was never going to be your wife.
unpopular for pol, popular for the world.
Is she supposed to be persona Ann?
I think Sargon of Akkad and Lauren Southern are doing good work and get attacked too much, especially Lauren.
i think OP is a pretty good guy
If you can apply a popular label to your political beliefs, you've already lost.
She looks like a 4th round draft pick
Why do you think this user.
I'm starting to think that this place is populated with morons with zero critical thinking.
It's good to question the media, it's good to question the Holocaust, but if you systematically take an opposite view on literally everything, then you don't have any critical thinking because you're still as easy to manipulate as before; they just have to invert their narrative.
It's appalling to see all the larps, shilling and conspiracy theories here. Bring evidence or GTFO. When people want me to believe global warming or the Holocaust, I want strong evidence. Yet I see people here accept any random LARP or fucked up theory with no evidence whatsoever, as long as it reinforces their prior beliefs about the left, the media, etc.
Mormons always have their act together
Also seems like they're the only religion that isn't watering down their traditions to appeal to casuals and degenerates
I'm not religious but I respect LDS
Divide and conquer
Gross, wtf is Wong with her tits.
I think Ben Shapiro is a good bridge to get normies to take the red pill. He has good conservative views on the news. He obviously doesn’t get into super controversial topics and will not support your retarded ethnostate.
because it is an inherently militaristic and aggressive ideology that inevitably leads to war. Plus it destroyed Europe forever
If you want the existence and safety of girls like the OP and pic related then you should care
Same, with out the two of them we wouldn't have to gotten this far.
Its a joke to think America will ever be nationalnsocialist unless its "minorities" (not minorities worldwide) vs. Whites. The "minorities" being the national socialists.
Any white nationalism is a pipe dream for America.
Those are fake tits before fake tits got good
I think Puerto Rico deserves statehood
Kek. Though to be fair he's got a better shot than you and I because of his accent alone
i enjoy some of crowders videos even though he doesn't go full 14/88. he's good at arguing with normies, which is fun to see from time to time.
i think he serves as a good gateway for people who are still bluepilled
Welcome to post-maga Jow Forums.
Leave then.
Same. They've done a shit load more good than any of the faggots attacking them.
All socialism is cancer, national or otherwise. Capitalism is the only system that works. Fuck commies and nazis
She’ll never love you, faggot.
You're fucking stupid, capitalism is the system being used to alienate and destroy our homelands and culture for quick buck. Neocons and capitalist shills are equally as destructive as progressives and communists.
Waiter where is my appetizer?
Yeah goys, sargon of applebees is gonna save duh west!!!
I don't need her to love me
I need her sister to
I wouldn't even serve you
Good, I don't want your shitty applebees food.
She literally quit like a pussy. Shouldn't have, she had some based followers. She had good immigration views, but I didn't hear a holistic representation of her views from her videos.
With a face like that that bitch better have a killer body
She didn't quit, she's "serious" now and doing documentaries. I just wish she would do one on the replacement of whites in North America, so far she only cares about SA and Europe
Thats not an unpopular opinion
>whites in North America
Shut up orbiter. Lauren hasn’t contributed any valuable or meaningful input to the conservative movement, she just acts as a token hot woman to prevent accusations of misogyny towards us
> A literal cultist and heretic
Wednesday afternoon shift at your local strip club
Jow Forums basics
>Who we are against.
>What we do. What we want.
White supremacist,Nazi,Alt-right among others are just labels given to those who speaks for white people and to those whites who want to preserve their culture,heritage & identity. So situation is like -Die or be the "bad guy"
t. lonely incel
Finally someone else speaks the truth.
Some of you really are schizophrenic
Yes. Someone just keeps spamming that one single pic on /v/ all the time as a thread starter
Fake blonde hair, fake blue eyes, and a borderline Jewish nose. I'm surprised her breasts aren't fake as well..
Kyle Kulinski of Secular Talk is the best Youtuber for politics
>Oh no! Someone is actually trying to do something useful instead of being a useless meatbag like me! What a stupid faggot!
How is that relevant to his point?
jeez man, butthurt much?
>same girl
Also correct
Every day I look in the mirror and I love being white.
She thinks she's cute but she's got a nasty ass kike nose.
I don’t know if its the lighting or the colors, but something seems very off with OP pic. Great body with birthing hips, but something is throwing it off
Makoto > Ann
You can kick a field goal through that tit gap. Absolutely disgusting.
it's a trap
Okay yeah that's a straight up jew.
Tattoos make girls go from 10s to 0s.
maybe its the lack of cock that's throwing your stroke?
It's her fake face. Colored contacts, wig and foundation that doesn't quite match her readily visible skin tone elsewhere. The half sleeve on her right arm also looks like a shadow at first, which makes the lighting look weird. But man... those hips, shame she blemished such a body with that tattoo.
Ew, I'm glad Trump is saying he never fucked her, if he did he'd be gay now.
I think people who start any thread with "we" are cancer. Like this is their little gang of groupthink fucktards
that’s a popular opinion tho
and you’re wrong btw.
OP, that's probably the most common opinion regarding Natsoc
not on this board it's not
>mutual virgin marriage with two kids, follower of Mormonism and independently hands on, growing your own food and building things yourself
so fucking based
>Ben Shapiro will not support your retarded ethnostate
Yet that kike will support his retard 95iq ethnostate of Israel
>girls like the OP
>that's right goy, stop trying to have a homeland of your own. You'll NEVER achieve it, now let your daughters get fucked by primitive monkeys and let your sons die fighting in ME for Israel
agorism is not that bad
Man hands, square features narrow hips. That is definately a girl goy.
10/10 would cum on and slam, and welcome to my jam
Either way, it is a logical conclusion, not an opinion. This board has done the most amount of Socratic method to different systems, I can only name 5 that have never been proven incorrect throughout the years, Natsoc is one of them.
Ur mom gay
There's several claims the person in the photo is a trap. But no one is providing a source or name. If it is a tranny, then they're one of the best out there. To which I say "good for them".
She's not a trap and yes that sleeve is horrible.
Free Market you love is going on in Africa and as you can see its working lol
>I can only name 5 that have never been proven incorrect throughout the years, Natsoc is one of them.
lmao cuz it ended so nicely last time right?
If you can't see it, then you deserve to be the bottom bitch you faggot. No woman has wider shoulders than she has hips. No woman has square features. No woman has man hands.
I thought Jow Forums was supposed to be one great big unpopular opinion.
never proven you probably think Kav raped Ford.