Why are Mexicans portrayed as lazy when they work so hard to support their families?

Why are Mexicans portrayed as lazy when they work so hard to support their families?

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Stuipid idiot

It’s to dehumanize.

I'm Guatemalan and Mexicans aren't hard workers. They're lazy and discriminate against Central Americans.

>they're portrayed as human
retard detected

digits confirm
Now stay out of my country

literally anybody works hard to support their families

I don't think they are lazy, I think they're cowards for running from their country instead of changing it

>liberal america tries to portray them as hard working

>OP is a huge faggot and lies
They are objectively not hard working.

They work fast when the boss is looking and nap when he isn't. Their work is shit btw. Never hire one to build something. There's a reason Mexico is a 3rd world country.

>hire Mexicans to build house
>house falls in on itself within 10 years

>stereotyping a race to create a caracature which then you attack and associating with an entire nation

Yeah, i’d say it’s accurate, or are you too dumb to understand how dehuminazation works?

>A siesta (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈsjesta]) (Spanish, meaning "nap") is a short nap taken in the early afternoon, often after the midday meal. Such a period of sleep is a common tradition in some countries, particularly those where the weather is warm

Stereotypes exist for a reason.

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this. only mexican shills spew that hard worker bullshit. Starting at Mexico, every last country in central and south america is a shit show.

>to support their families
funny way to say blow all their cash on booze and hookers then beating their wife and kids for being poor.

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>All white people are racist
>Stereotypes exist for a reason
I agree in that stereotypes aren't unfounded, but don't pretend that simply because it's a stereotype means it's true.

In order for there to be dehumanization they have to be humans first.

>Mexicans are hard workers
>Too lazy to work on their own country

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Ive worked with hundreds of Mexicans, they DONT work hard, are weaklings, and dont deserve the credit they get.
Lazy, Slow Beaners. LSB's

OP is a puto

Thanks for proving my point