Islam and the west

So Sinead O'Connor has changed her name to Shuhada Davitt and become a Muslim.
As soon as Ireland's out with the Catholic church and they're in with the call to prayer...
what's wrong with western women? Are they retarded or is it just a big collective shit-test?

Also... Don't say Sinead has mental problems cus it's demonstrably not true.

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>Sinead O'Connor
Yeah, I know who she is

and yeah again, she is mental

Goddamn dude, she's like Kelly Mcgillis levels of wall hitting.

I remember reading an article many years ago which included Sinead O'Connor telling a tasteless joke. She said:

"What did the Palestinian woman on the bus say?

Does this dress make my bomb look big?"

there is an old legend that ireland will sink into the ocean just before the arrival of antichrist

Kek... nice one user

First she turned into Martin McGuinness and now she wants to blow herself up? Seems like a natural progression desu.

>what's wrong with western women? Are they retarded or is it just a big collective shit-test?
Everything is a shit-test with women. Everything. If you find yourself asking "Is this a shit-test?" stop yourself immediately and try to identify if it's a biological female. If so, you have your answer.
Western men need to stop jerking it to anime waifus and playing vidya and instead tend to the increasingly dire state of the nations they've allowed women to run for some reason.

She's always been batshit insane. She's careening down the purity spiral, like all leftists.

Count her fingers.

top kek

She did say that she wouldn't join Sinn féin as they weren't serious enough... it all makes sense now

This is the last stage before suicide. Surprised she hasn’t topped herself already. Shame she’s whelped four bastard kids to carry on her loony genes.

I hope she realises that there's no leaving this religion alive. Actually, I hope she doesn't. I would look forward to seeing that unfold.

Very good.

Good to see the IRA finding god

>Don't say Sinead has mental problems cus it's demonstrably not true.

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So the abortion referendum has some use after all. Thank fuck for that. Need to encourage all the normal people to proliferate and fill the void. Added bonus being that the democratic process will take a turn towards the more sane.

Just hoping they haven't held the gates open long enough for the barbarians to sack us in the time it takes for the new generation to BTFO all the shite that's been accumulating over the years

Wait, I thought this bitch died like earlier this year or last year.

Islam is just the natural state of humans.
It's feminism that is the anomaly.

Does that mean we'll never see her with long hair cause it will always be covered in a burkuh hat?

You wouldnt have anyway because shes literally cancer brah

Bäsed und redpılled

You're probably thinking of Dolores O'Riordan, singer of The Cranberries, an Irish band. Dolores died surprisingly in a London hotel in early 2018.

She and others like her will learn the hard way eventually.

YEAH! WHAT THE FUCK didn't she kill herself and it was a big news fest jerk-off session about "muh depression"

nono, she did that too, i remember this shit
or maybe she just "went missing" or something

>literally Shithead O'Connor


Didn't she say herself that she has mental problems?

You're right.
Nah now that I think about it the other user who replied to me is right. It was another irish singer

yeah it feels like some weird mandela effect shit right?

the absolute STATE of Irish people

She's some old hag that for some reason was famous for shaving her head

I guess it's possible. Sinead is crazy and clearly seeking attention. Wouldn't put it past her.

true words

Islam is the last refuge of the retard.

Isn't that Liam Neeson?

Is she going to sing "wild world" with Cat Stevens?

She’s just as authentic as Cat Stevens

That being, not in the slightest

she turnt into a fucking gypsy lmao

>Western men need to stop jerking it to anime waifus and playing vidya

Fucking make me. Women are a lost cause, and a net drain, financially and intellectually

>what's wrong with western women?
Everything. That's why she finally did something intelligent.

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She's severely mentally ill and has been on drugs for a while.

Big pop star in the early 90s. Had some decent songs iirc.

You would literally need to be as Chad as Brad Pitt, and types like him are having a great time taking advantage of it.

This will have to crash on it's own.

this guy again

From wiki:
>While her shaved head was initially an assertion against traditional views of women
So she converts to Islam. Mental illness at work.

He's not entirely wrong.

It's just childish contrarianism. "Daddy is a Catholic so I'M GONNA BECOME A MUSLIM because Islam is like controversial and stuff (because they bomb people)."

Does anyone remember when she went on Twitter and asked if anyone was interested in having anal sex with her? She called It will be “difficult brown”.... The bitch is clearly nuts

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I knew an Irish girl who did exactly this, as a rebellion against her being sent to Catholic school.
Last time I spoke to her she was wearing headscarf and complaining that black people spat at her..

Good for her. Now you are on their side and they call you sister. But you are only sister when you convert to islam. Otherwise you infidel

>allow divorce
>allow abortion
>allow gay marriage

Ireland should unironically be burned to the bedrock. They want to forsake God? Let's fuck them up, I say. Raze that entire worthless island to the ground. What value do they provide any more? None.

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90's pop singer who got famous by ripping up a picture of the pope on SNL while declaring him (and by extension, the Catholic Churth), "the real enemy".

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Yeah, she left some attention seeking "nobody respects me, I'm gonna kill myself" message and then hid in a hotel for a few days

>demonstrably not true
she is fucking mental, she has always been

When was that?

I can't wait for all these cunts to find out, that their western society and religion was actually the lesser evil.

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Natural conclusion to her life-long quest to be a morally superior phoney.

Jaysus lads, can yous not Google?
I'm trying to take a shit here.

Y'all ain't ready for da revoolootion

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Not really wrong tho.....
She was just confusing, I remember that. everyone was just like “huh?”

I thought you were kidding ...

I would also like to know who this man is and why I should care?


She wanted to crowd source her suicide

Paganism is the true state of humanity

What did she mean by this?

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Yeah I remember this.

She's right about the Catholic Church though

some crazy taig becomes even crazier.
imagine my shock.

What did she mean by this???

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Islam is based and redpilled.
Good for her.

Judaism can be pretty based.
Just go for the traditional stuff that's combined with Kabbalah.
Don't go for that cucked Reform Judaism.

No woman is worth the gigantic amount of energy and resources required for my metamorphosis from volcel to chad.

Make women worth it and then we'll talk

Do you want me to tell you why she converted?

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A crazy Irish lady who used to be a famous singer.

She got diddled by a catholic priest when she was a child. This is just the reaction to it. I pity her.

Are you gay or something?

t. Rabbi Hershel Kaplan.

Exactly what you think it means.

Chechens aren't real Muslims.
They're Caucasian pagans who only converted recently.
The United States CIA promoted Wahhabism in Chechnya to try and provoke a separatist insurgency so that the US could turn an """"independent"""" Chechnya into a NATO colony.

Or she's just lying about it to rationalize her own psychosis, like most accusers.

She is way past the wall. Can't kill someone. Can't do porn. Has to do something to keep in the headlines.

She's also been a pagan priest, a lesbian for 15 minutes, the cunts fuckin insane

I'd like to see her rip up a picture of Mohammed now, see how the religion of peace responds.

Like I said, the Jewish people are based.
The Jewish people are blessed.
The Jews are all Chads.

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Alright so Sinead O'Connor is clearly batshit insane but there is definitely a phenomenon of white female converts to Islam happening in the West. Just search #revert on Instagram. It isn't just crazy middle-aged women looking for a purpose in life because no men are interested in them anymore.

I think history will give us the answer. Women ALWAYS side with the invaders. French, Italian women with the Nazis, Greek women with Ottoman soldiers ect..

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I'd like to see Catholics chimp out after seeing their statues getting destroyed and desecrated

I mean, she isn’t wrong about Catholicism, but Islam? Seriously? Give up Catholicism for a literal death cult? I’d rather be Catholic than Muslim.

>What value do they provide any more?

Ireland could become what it has traditionally always been.

Ireland could become fertile ground for foreign invaders and colonists.

It's happened time and time again with the Vikings, the Normans, the Tudor conquest of Ireland, and (more recently) with the Germans through its will joining up with the European Union.

Lying about being a victim of sexual assault is pretty based.
You have to admit it.

what's she going to do about that jesus tattoo

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It makes sense really from an evolutionary perspective, doesn't it? Side with the victors.

The only caveat being that Jews and Muslims invariably build awful societies and are generally awful people. If jews and muslims succeed at toppling the west, we prove that whites build superior civilisations. Either way, whites win again. I actually feel sorry for them. The only way they could defeat us was by getting us to turn on ourselves due to our natural human kindness and tolerance towards others. Once we're gone, they'll be living in shit again. They never learn. Parasites can't stop being parasites.

This is good. We can't have white sharia without white people converting to a white version of Islam.

Conor was right about Khabib. It's a backwards culture. Now she's joining a cult that literally treats women as 2nd class citizens.

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>Now she's joining a cult that literally treats women as 2nd class citizens.

That's called patriarchy.
It's pretty based

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>Don't say Sinead has mental problems cus it's demonstrably not true.
whatever you say Shuhada Davitt