Greetings fellow white people! May I have some grape drank
I be a cracker and shit
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why do americans do this? dont they have any fucking mirror or is it just mass delusion?
How dare they call her black? Fucking bigots. She is what she identifies as, she just hasn't started transitioning yet. Michael Jackson was the first transracial.
She is cute though. I’ll let her be honorary white if she’d go on a date with me. I love girls who talk as whitely as she does. Swooooon
I would love to bleach her bloodline...
Also /ouroreo/
White is a mentality just as much as it is a skin color.
This girl knows that nigs are trash. She's an honorary white.
Jow Forums will defend this
reminder that we need good niggers to rule the mass of awful niggers in their townships
I honestly love this. I'm white, female, found Jow Forums at age 11, and have been calling myself a nigger for years. Kanye's iterated the same concept- which is that we are just souls inside bodies. The financial overlords just want us to hate each other so we don't unite against the real enemy.
I want to buy her dental work and wife her
I don't blame her, Taki's are fucking good.
what's your sexual partner count?
bruh those is NATURAL NUBIAN teefs aint nuffin wrong with a lil gap now cmon son
race traitors are the lowest sub humans
>it aint called the american "dream" for nothin
t.disillusioned mutt raised by interracial boomer parents
bumping for this. i must know ;_;
she'll never say (even anonymously).. it's like asking a jew if he's a jew. They've been found out ..
Is it still being a race traitor if one or both partners are unable to procreate? Such people could be a reward to those who joined the winning side with no fear of offspring that would dilute the gene pool.
She’s in the ethnostate. She’ll need a new name.
yes absolutely.. you're making everyone else have to explain and accommodate *your situation to their kids and society. If you love her race so much ..fuck off and live with her race.
Race traitors are literally spawns of the devil. The compromised will always comprise our existence
She's woke af. Would marry.
>She wouldn’t play with the Black children,” Monique says. “Treasure would mangle or destroy her Black dolls. She would cut their heads off, pull off their arms. She would pretend that they were the white dolls’ slaves.”
“My daughter is a racist against her own race,” she says, stating that Treasure is “consumed with” the Ku Klux Klan. “If you ask me, my 16-year-old daughter has a very out-of-control identity crisis. She truly believes she’s white.”
In the interview with Dr. Phil, Treasure describes Black people as ghetto and even compares Black people to zoo animals. Delving further into her delusions, Treasure also states that she’s like Kim Kardashian, and doesn’t have Black people features. Treasure goes on to say that she has freedom of speech, and everything she thinks is true.
she's delusional and doing this for attention. You are the NPC version of boomers and based blacks in trump hats
you don't have to be white to hate niggers
At the same time, marrying a fertile woman of the same race and being unable to produce offspring would be just as traitorous. Need a better solution.
what don't you fucking rats understand.. There's NO honor in betrayal.. she's a traitor to her people and you're a traitor t yours. both of you get the gas
you can adopt a white child and we used to have a community ..there are solutions.. but traitors always find 6 million excuses first and loyalty escapes them.
That's a solution I can kind of live with. Still seems cuckish though. But, I guess it would be better a cuck than a traitor.
Are her siblings loot and booty?
I'd be racist against my race too
she is delusional about being white, but spot about blacks being retards
it's not cuckish .. even a biological child is at most 50% "yours". Evolutionarily speaking you're part of a greater organism called race .. your influence and role is as important as genetic contribution.
your role as a parent is *raising the child properly into adulthood ..not putting it on a pedestal and admiring it eternally.
She is a rare treasure. How many teens see the destructiveness of the black culture as a whole? Most teens show administration.
I'd be her sugar daddy, but I wouldn't breed her