Is there worse country than North Korea? No internet, almost no human rights...

Is there worse country than North Korea? No internet, almost no human rights, cities look like shit (it should be said that communists never had any taste in architecture), terrible relationships with other countries, very low diversity of food, and the list goes on and on.

Attached: northkorea.jpg (600x386, 73K)

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It’s one redpill Jow Forums refuses to take, much like the redpill on Russia which is also a shithole

no jews

yes, Russia is a giant shithole. It's ironic in a way that it's the biggest country in the world and at the same time the one of the worst of them.


Russia will be super power by 2020

much of sub-saharan africa

Russia is not the worst country in the world, we are still better than Africa and Latin America.


You saw that kpop shit and regretted defecting, huh? I don't blame you.

NK is sovereign and and can do as it wilst

Eritrea is pretty shit.

no internet, no food, no freedoms of any kind

They have an intranet

So basically the West under Natsoc

What other countries don't have internet? I never see Jamaican flags on here

Eliminating diverse cultures does not celebrate diversity. You may not agree with their culture, but they are by definition diverse.

+15 lahtaholes

NK is probably the best example commies have

Eritrea is most likely the worst considering it has the most human rights violations than any other nation on record. It’s a living hell for anyone even though it’s incredibly small.

NK is most likely purest ethnostate too, just to piss in the punch bowl memflag

pretty sure north koreans live better than ex-soviets

Keep believing your own public relations, faggot, we will be glad to take you down a peg when you get too cocky.