Friendly reminder that if you think it's fair that people who work their fingers to the bone get $15 an hour while others sit with their feet up and make 100x that you are human dogshit and fucking retarded.
Friendly reminder that if you think it's fair that people who work their fingers to the bone get $15 an hour while...
I guess I'm human dogshit and fucking retarded
Still better than a communist tho
The Jews did this obviously
that's why I'm a National Socialist
>while others sit with their feet up and make 100x
Like who?
i bet whatever kid took that picture came to it a thousand times
What are you on muhamad, you’re on gibs in bongistan, go groom some lad
I’d lick her thighs desu
reminder: lolifags go in the ovens first.
Menial labor deserves menial pay. These menial jobs wouldn't exist if it weren't for those who you seem to wrongly believe just "sit with their feet up."
Who is this qt?
I fucked an Aussie girl like this with her uni on....
I feel bad you you incels - forwarded 8 years later, nothing changed mate. I'm still fucking people...and I found my love.
It's not fair, but it's justified.
Jedem das seine you dirty commie faggot.
>how to tell if someones never worked a minimum wage job before
I sit with my feet up for just over 3x that. Comfy.
Daily reminder that if you think people that dont work to better themselves via education are entitled to the same pay as people who have studied and worked their way up a corporate ladder you are in fact a dumb fuck child
My work creates more value than yours. Simple as that.
Yes, I do think smart people should make more money than idiots who are willing to work their fingers to the bone for the minimum wage.
>implying life is fair
I’m guessing you’re against slavery...
While the others played sports and had parties, I studied.
Now I make up to 100k (depending how much I want to work) in media related fields.
Most of the party folk of the past is now moving third, fourth time with the whole family. Getting outpriced by booming cities while having a cap on your job worth due to meme education.
I would at least expect them to have gained any experience or "wokeness" by spending their youth partying, dropping drugs and spending nights at the foreign beach.
No "woke" people to be found. It was just a chain of wrong decisions.
i know i did
Actually if you think that it means you finished high school
Yeah, college for you
A doctorate, you finished your doctorate if we are sincere
>sit at home in my underwear in front of PC jerking off and shitposting all day
>leveraged bitcoin trading makes me more money than some wagecucks earn in a year
Some people are born ugly
Some people are born useless
Some people are born to suffer
Tough shit. Not worth destroying society over.
If I 'work' by digging a hole in a random place 10 hours per day, do I deserve an income?
That's the risk you take by not being an entrepreneur - if you don't bother making sure a job is worth doing, somebody must do it for you. If you can't adapt to changes to get a job and you also can't manage to go live somewhere where you could or even rob someone with a gun, you are supposed to die out. It's better for everyone.
If you argue for the labor theory of value, then you're arguing for slavery and communism. Labor theory of value can be so thoroughly eviscerated by a mere sixty seconds of 100 IQ level reasoning, I can only assume you're either a nigger or a sand nigger.
I work part time and self employed simply by being vastly more intelligent than wagecucks who provide basic services that anyone else could do. You wage-cuck gibs obsessed plebes can't imagine what it took to get to my level of economic success and comfort, because you're not capable of it. Capability cannot be separated from understanding, you judge out of pure ignorance. That so many NPC retards like yourself have been empowered to have any voice at all via democracy, is the sick tragedy of our civilization. You're begging your fellow plebes to gang up and vote a certain way so you can receive gibs on a mongolian basket weaving forum. Show some self awareness and pride and cease this niggerdly behaviour immediately. If that black girl on Dr Phil can act relatively white and resist her base urges towards niggerdom then so can you.
>while others sit with their feet up and make 100x that
Believing this cartoonish nonsense.
Hello wealthy person.
I have very valuable skills.
I can restructure your finances and tax liabilities to make you better off by $300k.
I charge $100k for this service.
Hello wealthy person. Do you want fries with that burger? That will be $5 thankyou. I make minimum wage.
Stop being port fag
Do you really believe that anyone making 15 an hour is working that hard? And do you really believe that CEOs don't work hard?
If you think someone making $1,500 an hour with their feet up, then you do not live in the real world.
What normies do not understand is that as you move up the corporate ladder into management and eventually C level positions, demand on your time goes up rapidly, most C level staff are working 70-80 hour weeks and not just casually working, they're hyper productive because they work at a rate that exceeds the output of like 5x min wage workers. They can do that without needed to have their hands held either which eliminates the cost of managing them, they don't need to be constantly told to work, they just get on with and do what is best for the company. Most of them are working odd hours as well, during the night, they'll be taking calls with clients in different timezones at 1am.
I'm a group IT Director and about to become a CTO of my own business, everyone at the C level works their fucking ass off and is hyper productive, those people are rare and so get rewarded for it. If you want the rewards that come with that, then you just need to work that hard and you'll get them. Most people cannot, they choose to live a more healthy work/life balance and as soon as it hit's 17:00 they're out the door to go socialize. 95% of the staff in a business is like that and that's why most of them get min wage or something close to it.
Fuck off owen jones, go back to sucking nigger cock
Dont post bitches without oosting sauce or nude
Post the sauce or some nude you faggot
Work smarter not harder, faggot.
It looks like her female friend took it.
Simply this
>people who have studied and worked their way up a corporate ladder
L0Lno fgt pls
Regret has a /thread...
>Oh boy, the 'I was too good for everything', thread.
>Some people are born ugly
>Some people are born useless
>Some people are born to suffer you are three-for-three?
>yells at scroungers
>throws pigeon head
>complains about how nobody wants to work for min wage
>imports poos
>Country shitted
>CEOs don't work hard
L0Lno fgt pls
More like seven-seven-seven
Do I need to state the obvious? Not all work has equal value and some skillsets scale better than others. If you're flipping burgers, there are millions of people who could take your place anytime and even if you have some special talent for the job, it cannot make a huge difference, as you're severely limited by the speed of your hands, number of hours you can work each day etc. Now let's take a guy who invents a burger flipping machine, leases it to a bunch of restaurants and spends the rest of his days with his feet up, making millions. Is that "unfair"? Maybe in a naive sense, but he did something useful and complicated nobody else could and he was aptly compensated for it. In a free market things like this always happen.
Anyone dumb enough to work for minimum wage doesnt even deserve 15 bucks an hour.
Those jobs are for kids and retards, not adults.
>everyone at the C level works their fucking ass off and is hyper productive
...while the angel investor agents are making $1,500 an hour with their feet up.
Furthermore there's nothing stopping the people who flip burgers by hand actually innovating and building a burger flipping machine themselves. They need to invest in their own skills to learn how to build things, that means spending some of their spare time getting educated, building simple things to build up their skills and knowledge.
Most people flipping burgers simply wont do that, come 17:00 they run out the door and go watch TV or play games or hang out with friends. The few people who go home and spend 2 hours studying a night before relaxing are the ones who lift themselves out of that position and make a better life for themselves.
>have worked various min wage jobs that are dangerous and laborious
>have never seen kids doing them, just hordes of exploited foreigners
I mean coal miner and factory worked used to be a job for kids. Why not go back to the good ole days? Those fucking fat coal miners in W. Virginia shouldn't be making $80,000 a year. It's a job for kids. Holy fuck, I should be paying $1.00/year less for energy.
>1 post by this ID
Stop bumping this trash.
>Is that "unfair"? Maybe in a naive sense
If it's unfair in any sense, then it's unfair.
Fairness doesn't exist. It's a completely made up concept.
>I mean coal miner and factory worked used to be a job for kids
Back before the workforce allowed women and doubled, sure.
Angel investors are overwhelmingly people who climbed that corporate ladder, started their own business through blood sweat and tears, and then cashed out by selling the business and have cash they can then invest, look at the statistics, most people who are very wealthy are self made.
Also if you look at the stats of people who either win their money or are handed it, like lottery winners, they're typically broke inside 1 year. Why? Because they do not have the skills necessary to asses whether a business venture is worth investing in, 10 out of 11 startups fail and so angel investors are those people who have a lifetime of knowledge in business and are savvy enough to pick the 1 in 11 businesses that will give them a return on their investment.
I'm seeing this at several of the plants nearby: long hours, meager pay that barely keeps pays the bills, no one wants to put up with that so boss man imports hundreds of Flips and Somalis, now the town is shitted. But the local Lutheran pastors praise these factory owners for being exemplary Christians. National socialism NOW!
"Life is unfair"
- Jimmy Carter
>one post by this ID
You are all trash
The difference is simple.
I do a job, and they do a job. But they can't do mine. In fact one in a thousand or more can't. But all thousand, and myself, can do their job drunk, blind, and high.
So yes. I bring a rare skill and dominate a difficult task they cannot. And it isn't just training. I've trained tons of people. Probably a few hundred and of those I've hired one that was smart enough to pick up the other jobs I didn't have time for.
Rare skill and capability commands rare pay, not based on opinion but results. We get shit done that thousands of other people could have wasted hundreds or more hours on. We do shit in two hours and relax for the rest of the day.
Skill and competence commands pay by results. The market pays for that only.
Her name is Bianca. That is all I'll say. cheers m8o
thats right. in that case ill conjure up a bunch of goons and we'll break into your home and steal everything. i'm sure you wouldn't mind because "fairness doesn't exist"
How about 1000x?
> the world should be fair
And here your whole argument fells apart because the world is not supposed to be fair. Your premise is just wrong and that is a good thing. I don't wanna live in a world where everything is fair, fuck that.
>their fingers to the bone get $15 an hour while others sit with their feet up and make 100x
Because they work their fingers to the bone but do nothing with their brains.
The guy that sits feet up doing nothing, as to think for all those fools and has his mind filled throughout the whole day and night.
And one wrong decision and all those 15$ people end up in the streets without money to feed their kids.
People should get paid according to their responsibility.
Then get off your ass and start laying a foundation for your kids to start off on and have a better chance of success. All wealthy people had someone in their history work their fingers raw and back breaking labor in order for their descendants to live it good.