Why could China control its population and even India will apparently be able to

but Africa is not able to do whit to control their people from going to 5 billion people from 1 billion???

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Have you ever been to Africa? I work in Angola and people absolutely couldn't give a shit.
Having 6 to 8 kids is what every man is expected to do. Your family and friends will laugh at you for not having any kids at 22.

the pic resembles the ancient buildings in China and India

Pretty early to be that drunk, chum

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Because your stupid fucking illuminati government is funding them.

Attached: china-pagods.jpg (1699x2358, 646K)

How can we change this attitude? Handing out vidya and NEET guidelines? Sending all girls to university making them SJW career wymen?

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Because niggers are dumb. Niggers are only race on the planet that were unable to create their own culture.

Lol and Africa is a fucking pyramid