Why is Pride a Sin?

Why exactly does Christianity teach that pride is a sin?
I just don't get it: a complete non sequitur.
If I'm proud of myself who have I wronged?
Don't you need pride to have dignity?
Everyone has pride.
What is wrong with Christianity???

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They want to hold the White race back

Notice how our age of greatest achievement happened after we started to ditch the Christcucks?

Most of the conquistadors and conquering colonials didn't give a shit about religion. Minus of course the Protestants but the British and Germans did impressive empires in Africa without the christfaggery

Vainglory is the sin you're thinking of.

Whenever pride is mentioned as a sin, they either refer to vainglory, as said, or hubris, as in being so prideful that you think of yourself as on par or superior to God. Both are and should be considered sins, in my opinion.

MEAN WHILE the mashed potato whose country is widely known for their gross overenjoyment of an old book comes in and tries to lecture Anglos (who have objectively discovered and conquered more territory, the potato fields included) about moral systems.

Go fuck yourself, we could have eradicated the niggers by now and had Africa fully white if it wasn't for you.

It's not so much about pride but rather about being self-obsessed, egocentric. There is nothing wrong with being proud of your acomplishments just don't be a dick about it.

I agree with the sentiment but as a catholic raised I can say the sentiment comes from the idea of “treating others as equals” hence you shouldnt feel superior and too great to help others, as in you are above them

The language should be interpreted with nuance certainly, but when you feel proud you often forget what God does for you; people should not relegate God to only large, “serious” matters—a lot of times at work when something goes well I try to be at least a little thankful to God—in a way even what we think of as luck is actually being blessed with a moment of grace, when I can stick with this mindset I feel happier and like the world is full of little glorious moments.

Pride is that fine line between humility and arrogance.
The average person is far too emotionally unstable to tread this line, they often fall over into arrogance.
Arrogance separates you from people; it is competitive.
Humility unites you with people; it is cooperative.
Pride makes us artificial, and humility makes us real.
I have lived on three continents, in Muslim countries, Central Europe, and now Australia. And I have noticed that pointing out arrogance is a massive taboo in Western culture. Westerners do not want to hear about it. I think it's because individualistic cultures thrive on arrogance. Everyone is their own personal fiefdom and they will never forfeit any dignity to anyone, even if it benefits the group, because they do not believe in groups. So what you end up with are scattered competitors divided by suspicion and envy, as our more humble enemies unite around us. It will be a rude awakening for the West when they realize just how untenable their social structure is once the Muslim hordes consolidate themselves.
And that is why pride is a sin.
It strengthens an individual at the expense of the group.
Humility is a survival necessity, and it makes people more authentic.
Pride weakens a group.
Pride is rot, it leads to downfall [pic related]

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you are correct
and you are a miserable idiot

Because pride leads one to assume that they have no superior.
Satan did this.
It is bad.

To be safe for all eternity:
A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour.
B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for you sins and rose again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God.
C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord.

Some resources that may help:
TTB.org has a verse by verse Bible Study for download or daily listening.
Chuck Missler’s Learn the Bible in 24 Hours (youtu.be/PZ3hESj__M8)
Robert Breaker’s Bible Study and Topical Sermons (youtu.be/H124iZiyGUs)

The End is nigh. Tomorrow may be too late.

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Arrogance is supposed to equal success in the west, because our myth says that failure is only our doing, that when someone has a hard time they essentially have done it to themselves and there is no room for the tragic or sympathetic in our lives. It’s why we are so rich and yet sustain the highest suicide rates and diseases like anorexia which do not exist in poor countries.

Yeah that’s why you you colonized all the niggers and ended up letting them in in droves because “Muh commonwealth”

Fix your fucking teeth

Arrogance causes you to look down on people.
It separates you from others and cuts the reality-feedback loop.
You end up with a hideously delusional personality (Hollywood celebrities) and make a huge mockery of yourself before you are forgotten.
Humility does the exact opposite.

STAY HUMBLE OR BE HUMBLED (like Conor McGregor #lolrekt)


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didn't start with Christianity

Still not convinced.
Anton LaVey was right.

>mashed potato
>he thinks I’m Irish
Burger education, everyone.

Servants and slaves must remain humble even of their highest achievements
You can't rebel against the masters if you don't believe in yourself
It's another kike trick

American pride predates things like anorexia or the high suicide rate.
You're mixing things up.

Mutts should be banned from pol lmao

Arrogance is a sin, and normal/non autistic people recognize that humble and modest people are far more desirable. Arrogance without achievement is pitiable.

Lies, moronic lies. You are hardly humanity's greatest achievement. You wouldn't know a thing about humanity's greatest achievements.
Also your history is rubbish you subhuman

The ancient Greeks considered hubris the greatest of sins. So much ignorance in one thread? Some people really need to clear themselves out of the genepool. Wait, they already did

That's fucking Italy you inbred moron

pride is a form of idolatry, pride is imagining that you're strong, just because you are alive and succeeding within your context

in reality, you control next to nothing, not even your own existence

>worshipping god of lies and deceit
>being "right"
you are an enemy of the truth

Geez, is everyone colorblind or what? I’m an italian living in my country, med master race here.
Yes, and? Hubris was considered a sin by the ancient Greeks, it is a sin going under the name of pride in Christianity, and it should be considered a sin in modern society as well. I don’t think I’ve said anything wrong.

The sins themselves are not evil. But they are the motives of evil. And it cannot be denied that most of the world greatest mistakes were caused by pride. Romeo and Juliet is a classic example of the destuction of excessive pride.

I wasn't criticizing you, but the guy talking crap in reply to you, maybe I should have made this more clear

Stop making America look like more of a joke than it already is. Fucking Hell.

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Ah, of course, I only realized that might’ve been the case after sending my message. I apologize for jumping to conclusion.

There never been anything wrong with pride. The real problem is arrogance. How much does a person likes himself and is proud of himself is irrelevant as long as he isn't a dick about it. For exemple, prideless arrogant people are probably some of the most disgusting subhumans around, and that category encompasses well the urban left-wing bugman

exactry :)

no worries luigi

Besides the right stuff people have said in this thread it also facilitates other sins:

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well put. Balanced pride is essential in any functioning human. Or probably indeed any mammal. Overweening, unbalanced pride or arrogance is toxic, undeserved, and cancerous. Just look at typical snowflakes, they all suffer from entitlement-syndrome, this is a form of arrogance and it is toxic.

>or probably indeed any mammal

Not including Cats

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where's the lie?

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So in your view cats are not proud, or their pride is not balanced?

It's not just Christianity.
If I'm not mistaken, all the great epic greek stories about the gods advise against hubris. Excessive pride is a character flaw.

Pride is the first sin.
Satan's pride/hubris in himself lead to rebelling against God.

Isaiah 14:12-15
How you have fallen from heaven,
morning star, son of the dawn!
You have been cast down to the earth,
you who once laid low the nations!
13 You said in your heart,
“I will ascend to the heavens;
I will raise my throne
above the stars of God;
I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly,
on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon.[a]
14 I will ascend above the tops of the clouds;
I will make myself like the Most High.”
15 But you are brought down to the realm of the dead,
to the depths of the pit.

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Pride is an attempt at stealing the glory of God.

They are excessively proud without any drawbacks.

The "early Christians" had nothing to be proud of. They were vile creatures, the original Untermenschen: Jews, slaves, dumb, weak and oppressed.
One would as little choose “early Christians” for companions as Polish Jews: not that one need seek out an objection to them.... Neither has a pleasant smell.
Just look at how Paul, the Jew, talked to them:
>Brothers and sisters, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him.
These people had nothing to be proud of, not a single good quality. And they hated everyone who was proud, they were jealous beyong belief. But you have to act on such strong feelings, however these people were too scared to act, so they turn their own feelings into sins.
However, they had to somehow attack those who were higher, who were nobler, who were stronger, who were smarter. How could you possibly defeat such a foe? Turn everything good about him into something evil and turn everything bad about you into something good!
Be prideful about having nothing to be poud of. Be prideful about being miserable. You are not weak, you are meek. You are here to shame the strong.
God died pathetically on the cross. Even the highest being is pathetic. So being pathetic is something divine and good.
It's not that you are too weak to act, no, you hold the other cheek and love your enemies, like Jesus told you to. Your inability to act is divine.

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If white people were more modest they wouldn't be ashamed of doing certain jobs in the economy that immigrants are now doing

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you are so subhuman it is laughable. Profoundly, pitiably ignorant. No wonder you cause so many wars

The eternal Christian, angry about being called out

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Because hubris leads to undoing.
Sins aren't sins because of some magical reason, they're called sins because they're a bad fucking idea and the easiest way to keep dumb people from doing dumb things is telling them that God doesn't want them to do that shit.

What if I said our kids are supposed to be doing those jobs, not 40 year old Mexicans

That has been a meme the whole time to justify immigration. It's pure conjecture that works because parents glance at their kids and think "yea!!! kids are so lazy!!! in my time we worked hard at any job we would get!!!".

If we were more bloodthirsty we wouldn’t have to.

I'm angry the oxygen wasters and dumkopf schweine like yourself waster Earth's resources and pollute them with your presence

Pride is the sin of not giving all praise and thanks to God. It is akin to idolatry.

>Chink lecturing me about pollution

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>It's pure conjecture
No you fucking swedecuck. Your parents are evil and you should kill them because they know better than you and they just torment you like your worst enemy would with the "kids are lazy" stuff.

Primitive mentality breeds retards like yourself

Bloodthirstiness gets rid of menial jobs?

This thread joins the mighty yank and kraut intellects into a peak of rank stupidity

>Roman Empire and white supremacy starts to collapse after it converts to Judaism/Christianity
Well jee oh golly gosh I wonder why

That's Italy you embarrassing retard

Weakness and shitskins breed retards like yourself

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> God died pathetically on the cross

And then He rose again. Meanwhile Nietzsche went mad and died due to the syphilis he got from a whore and (unless he repented without us knowing) is in Hell. Also there's absolutely nothing wrong with being strong, the point of strength however is to serve God. I think it's pretty freaking funny that weeb neckbeards like yourself pretend to be stronger than the Christians who chose to pain horrible painful deaths rather than submit to Roman authorities.

All religions are started by narcissists who get the dumbass peasants to follow rules that involve grovelling to God. Rules only a psychopath would invent.
Notice that the priests always stand in front of the crowd (with their backs to whichever god the muppets are grovelling towards, which is most disrespectful).
What kind of god would create the multi-trillion galaxy universe, only to have some semi-evolved monkeys crawling on the floor in front of him? What kind of god would want his worshippers going to a draughty old building on their day off, so they can sing at him?
On his day off?
Not any god I can respect.
Pride is a sin because it puts you on an equal footing with the psycho who has wedged himself between you and your creator. No Narcissist can tolerate this.
If god has a message for me, I'm pretty sure he can tell me himself, not play chinese whispers via some choirboy fiddling, middle class, workshy tosser.

Pride is the reason why women refuse to settle with Mr. Good enough


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>And then he rose again
>missing this point this fucking hard

> freaking funny that weeb neckbeards like yourself pretend to be stronger than the Christians who chose to pain horrible painful deaths rather than submit to Roman authorities
Oh wow, they died. That's such a fucking hard thing to do. It's not like 100% of all people on the world can do this. But thanks for proving my point that dying a pathetic death is considered divine thanks to Christ.

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Look whose talking Ahmed the child rapist

Just as you can eat to sate your hunger without being gluttonous, you can take pride in your achievements.
If you become too arrogant and prideful though, it may ruin your life and the lives of people around you.

>a decent, well thought-out post on Jow Forums
it's just so weird to see

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>Notice how our age of greatest achievement happened after we started to ditch the Christcucks?
When was that? The 1970s was our era of greatest acheivement?

You will understand when you grow up.

Always some tard with an American flag so no one will forget what niggers we are

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The Muslim horde are retarded animals and if they ever stop killing each other long enough to focus on us, they will get the boot. Hundreds of thousands have been killed since 9/11 and the west barely batted an eye. Imagine if you did something to really make us hate you

BRAINLET fedora tard
Every one of you dumb cunts is a miserable faggot so dont think youre changing any fucking minds with this gay shit

Are you a special ed teacher?
Because my thoughts are dont waste your time with an idiot that would actually need that explained

Youre engaging in convo with an atheist jew that hates itself.

Those dresses are so deceiving.
I once had a gf who wore such a dress.
It's one of the main reasons I got with her.
Take her dress off... just a B cup.

> muh idolatry
spoken like a jew.
That's all you judaized Americans are capable of thinking.
Everything that's bad is some form if idolatry.
No wonder America is notoriously ugly and uninspiring place.
Israel for Goyim.
Kikes whisper dumb talmudic jew shit into ur ears and u goyim repeat it.
I'm not an idol worshipper, but I see no problem with honoring God by materializing our heavenly IDEALS. It's the least we could do on this plane. Except Shlomo doesn't think so and you dumbfuck protestant goyim oblige.

Thank you Richard Dawkins.
Stick to zoology.