Be 27 year old man

>be 27 year old man
>married with a son, who is a toddler
>can't easily afford healthcare for my son
>support bernie sanders because he consistently fights for universal healthcare
>show up to a rally to hear him speak
>suddenly, from behind me, i hear the screeching of an obese man in a MAGA hat
>incoherent rambling about "NPCs" and "cultural marxism"
>ask him to quiet down so i can hear bernie speak
>he ignores me and says "kek, i'm triggering so many libtards today."
>tell him that i don't understand what he means
>"yet another leftist who doesn't know how to meme. retarded normies lmao"

Attached: npc.png (960x720, 1003K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>be 27 year old kike
>suck dicks constantly
>be OP

>Having a kid

Irresponsible retard.

fpbp , fuck you OP


>and then everyone clapped
why bother kike. also why the fuck does a 3 year old need healthcare nigga just feed him clag paste

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duu duduuuuuuuuuuu

If you have a half decent job he'll be covered under health insurance. That's a right-now fix though. Health insurance is also fucked because hospitals can charge whatever they want and the corporation will pick up the charges, so the corporations charge the consumers more. It's not an easy fix and I'm not a doctor, but socialized medicine is not the answer. There's a reason why British doctors are seeking work in different countries, their pay is fucked

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yeah, if you want your poor son to have healthcare PAY FOR IT YOURSELF FAGGOT what do you think this is the greatest country on earth? You think this country is super rich? HAHAHAH ridiculous. I support Trump because im afraid of mexicans making the healthcare you cant afford for your son even less affordable, because that makes sense. Plus im so afraid user I live in fear of other races daily. I need daddy Trump.

Today OP is not a faggot and he found out the true NPC

Attached: Laughing-Meme-Face-02.png (390x470, 6K)

You know, you could always get a job that offers healthcare, you stupid faggot fuck. Fuck you and your gay ass kid


Dear Diary,

OP was a total faggot again. He made up a lame and gay story that wasn’t even funny. Sometimes I think he might be a kike. Also, my crush walked past me in the hallway and our eyes met. She gave me a slight smile. I think I might talk to her soon and maybe ask her out on a date. It’s time for me to go to bed, Good night diary

Suck a fat one, little bitch

You married a toddler? How progressive of you.

>bernie faggot can't take care of own child

imagine my shock

Breaking news: OPs LARP gayer than an arse full of AIDS.

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I thought it was screaming BLM fanatics that interrupted Bernieberg.

Trump literally just changed this. Expecting prices in the health industry to not be fucked in the near future.

>>married with a son, who is a toddler
>>can't easily afford healthcare for my son
Maybe you should have waited till you could afford a kid. That is why God created facials and swallowing.

>Be OP
>Make up shitty story in between sucking nigger dicks
>Post fake and gay story
>It gets saged
>Go back to sucking off Jamal and Tyrone

>>married with a son, who is a toddler
>>can't easily afford healthcare for my son
Keep your fucking dick inside your pants until you can afford the potential consequences.

Not our problem. YOUR problem.

You see, if we lived in a normal world I wouldn't have doubts about that poc being fake, but the fact that I do have doubts is telling something.



Op blown the fuck out in the first post

Why can’t you niggers understand supply demand, less population equals manageable workload for health care, clearly high population doesn’t equal high percentage of medically trained individuals it equals a bunch of hungry niggers

Fpbp plus the Sequential Numbers confirmed and blessed by Kek.

Is bernie like jesus to you?

Did he feed everyone from five fish and two loaves of bread from his magical, commie ass?

Fpbp you son of a bitch

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