Debunking prisontard nonsense

>be statist
>support freedom
>have prisons and police
that's not how it works, sweety...

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>be me
>support freedom
>mom tells me to stop playing fortnite and go to bed

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Literally fuck off


Right? Fuck prisons, we should just shoot felons in the street and be done with it.

I saw this balls to the wall retarded 'zine' at an anarchist book sale and was incredulous, how can people be so wilfully stupid? the bookseller actually asked me ''since you're interested in prison abolition'' to look at something else too,
>what is YOUR solution to criminals?

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Public hanging would save a lot of money

>dude just trust people lmao people only commit crimes because da police provoke them
That last part is real btw. They genuinely think hooliganism would not be a thing if there weren't police "provoking" them.

Also you could make them work instead. What is the point of just keeping them in the cell and feeding them?

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nice try but no one even said that. learn to read hunny

have you run into anyone from the radical left like that?
do they just have genuine mental problems as an excuse?

My dad says it. His friends say it.

Of course katsap want gulag.

I have talked to anarchists. It's just not a coherent ideology. People who hold it are usually from high trust white places where you can keep your door unlocked etc. They think the reason every place isn't like that is racism, oppression and so on

Honestly though it's more complicated than just like, getting rid of prisons and leaving it at that. Some anarchists are braindead. Some have solutions to crime in the short term and the sociological long term.

Well it is stupid not to utilize them in any way. You could pay them a little bit for working I guess.

That's already a thing though

Working class anargist here. It's pretty coherent in the left wing varriety depending but there are disagreements between different veins. For example Bakunin and Kropotkin are both leftist anarchist but have totally different value forms.

The idea that people will just do the right thing without coercion is idiotic and anyone who holds it is a fucking idiot who should be given no power.

>It's pretty coherent in the left wing
Left anarchism is a fucking spook. The natural law reigns in anarchism. That means NAP, free markets, hierarchies, Jesus Christ, and P H Y S I C A L R E M O V A L

Firstly, we don't want to give people power lmao. But secondly, if you do the wrong thing, you can expect to have bad shit happening to you.

Natural law is literally a spook though, it's the definition of spook. Constructed moral frameworks are less spooky as they're pragmatic.

Statoids btfo eternally

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Anyone else think we should make more prisons and just toss all the minorities, degerates, and Democrats in there? Just toss em in one day. Build em in California. Then ship California to China or something. Chongs would buy it.


>physical removal
8th grade history class sure is hard

durruti dissaproves

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Former leftist here. This is a case of, a bad solution to a problem with no good solution. There is a limit to human innovation and even at optimal levels we are pretty much shit—despite what the progressives right and left try to say.

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indelible in the hypothalamus was my laughter at these posts

That's a pretty fucking broke opinion sociologically speaking. You're saying nothing. You being a former leftist, I'd expect you to know that what leftoids are after isn't something intangible. If you read their books, as dumb as they may be, it's achievable. The question is whether it's ethical.

I agree. Criminals should be whipped, forcefully amputated, or even executed on the spot when found guilty of a crime.
Commies and anarchists should get free helicopter rides.

Here is you circa 1945

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Fuck, you found my old photo? Did I upload it to kikebook? No matter, I'm planning to take some more modern photos soon. You wanna be in one?

you don't have total freedom ,you're not superman.
do you think if there were no policemen that you would walk around without a care?

>indelible in the hypothalamus

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Agreed. The Code of Hammurabi is sufficient, and all the amputations will do wonders for the prosthetics industry.