Why does the average millennial have student loan debt?

Why does the average millennial have student loan debt?

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Because jews who work in banks wanted to give money to jews who work in universities, but at the same time the creation of money needs debt as collateral. So once again these two groups of jews thought that the goyim should work for them, and they tricked the goyim into the student loan so now they have to work (for another jews in the porn industry) in order to pay.

Yes, most goyim are stupid enough and they don't think if this loan worths the tuition they are going to get. But if you follow what i said, you can solve everything by geting rid of the jews.
>random pic

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Because they got student loans and their job isn't as good as they thought it would be.

shit degrees that are not marketable

>living beyond your means
Head explosion

Because University is almost mandatory for what people would consider a "good" job, however it's just having a degree that matters not what field the degree is in. So you end up with a load of retards who have spent thousands of pounds/dollars to get a degree in Therapeutic Interpretive Dance with a minor in Black Studies. Then when they get into the real world it turns out that, yeah, it DOES matter what your degree is about and so you have University "educated" people working in Starbucks for pittance.

I am one of those retards who did a shit course at a shit Uni in a subject that I was passionate about but not very good at. So now I have a useless degree and £17000 student debt and a barely above minimum wage job.

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You can put blame on two groups for that. First being the student that takes out the loan for a meme degree. Second being loan companies, namely Sally Mae, who has driven up the cost of college.

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I think you're forgetting the most important group in all of this.

Jews? Of course, but if you get rid of loan companies, the cost of college would plummet.

Her looks are fading fast, she used to be cute in your old threads

because they want to be better than they are
they think material goods make them better
there is absolutely no reason to try to find reason in a retard's mind

anybody have her feet pics?

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Not too bad mate chin up. What you study?

Took the CS/IT meme so my job could be given to trannies/poos.

People trying to live like rich people, and behaving above there station in life. (((They))) are tricking people into believing that the only way to make money in life is if you get fancy degrees(which it isnt)

what is student loan debt ? i really dont know

Their parents who, just have to finance a new car every 2-3 yearns to keep up with the shekelburgs told them they have to go to college to make something of themselves.

> t. daddy issues

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Because they go to college to study underwater lesbian basket weaving instead of going to a trade school and picking up a trade that can get them 80-120k a year

They didn't look into roi when deciding on a school and degree.

Its going in a hundred thousands buck debt to bansters, to go into college and be brainwashed into a golem, get a meme degree and flip burgers for the rest of your life.
Possible bonuses:
Get a set of STDs
Get falsely accused of rape
Get pregnant from white trash chad or tyrone
Based isn't it ?

>do something that requeirs money when you dont have money
why lol

>be 60k in debt from college
>1st job pays six figures

I'm fine with it. Still wish I got my 2 year HVAC.

Why does the average Xer have both student loan and mortgage debt?

It means they're all stupid because they weren't so smart that the college would pay for them.

oh user

Ikr. Never understood. And worse, going so far in debt for something so worthless, and even damaging. When i was younger, i had a small loan of 7k euros, but i knew my education would give me a real job. And it did. Paid in one year, now living comfy for an interesting and decently paid office job.

>Soe will never love me

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*weren't such an npc