Let them in

Let them in

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only the women, i want indios qt wife

The only place that caravan is heading is straight to hell if they keep marching towards the border. The United States military has a missle strike locked on their coordinates which it will use if they don’t stop coming this way

no, but you are free to leave with them.

little piggy, little piggy let me in!

straight to the welfare office and jobs americans won't do*

My fellow White men.
We must allow these poor desperate people in, in order to make good our historical atrocities against their people.

Where's the A-10 when you need it

this is so pathetic.
at least 40k come each month.
this is a drop in the ocean.
there are 100 million non europeans in the usa.

>let us in

Let me into your home, why do you have a lock on it? We’re all humans right? I’m harmless I just want to stay in your house.

They deserve a home, food, alcohol, and young vagina, bigoted incels!

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>there are 100 million non europeans in the usa
actually 300 million

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i meant racial not geographical

so did I

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Help me understand why please? I'm a neutral. Non political.

Why should we openly allow people who were paid to be a part of a staged mob, uh caravan, access to our home? If they represented real migrants that is one thing. This however is a coordinated effort by those who claim to love our nation.

Tell me this? What happens when the money runs out from papa Soros?

>straight to the welfare office
there, fixed it for you


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You people aren't even thinking about the women and children who earn less that .15 cents a month in their homeland. They make meatballs out of flies. 1 in 3 are missing limbs due to some kind of fucking disease. The girls are all raped at 10 years old.

Look at all those doctors and engineers ready to help build the economy

that's all I'm thinking about

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please stop talking about them! we realized how bad this walking billboard for a border wall was so we did the clock bomb thing, please talk about the bomb thing now!!!!

(do it or we do the mass shooting thingy!)

Slaves choose their own path. So do plantation owners. Need is a false assesment based upon lack of underatanding of how to use the already available abundance we have. Their inability to see creates that.

Next argument?

Then move to Honduras

Flagellate your own damn self, faggot

Don't do the same mistake we did.

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Do we look like we want to let them in?

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What does the Honduran domestic situation have to do with questions of national sovereignty other than the most tenuous of guilt by association chains blaming America for everything and playing on white Protestant guilt?

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plz liberate us

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From a country that get fucked by refugees
America do not let them in.

Based Magyars. Thank you for fending off the hordes for 600 years

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basted first post

I've been thinking about this, knowing how celebs are going to start giving you shit with letting them in once they get to the border.

Why not try to use a hashtag with some shit like '#myhomeyourhome' or some faggotry like that, were celebs and Democrats are encouraged to invite a family to their house.

It's a win - win, you either show their hypocrisy or get those people a nice home to live in with those who want then there.

The Lost City of Gibs is located in the middle of Death Valley. Plz march there.

build bridge

Haven't you heard? Apparently the US is on the brink of a fascist dicatorship and is rife with systematic racism and other opression. I'd stay the fuck away from there if I was a migrant.

>meatballs out of flies

How about no

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Any soldier not willing to do what needs to be done, stand aside.
I’ll do it!

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Friendly reminder there are 40 MILLION illegal spics living permanently in the US and nobody cared until this caravan of a few thousand showed up. Kek

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>tfw you walk 1500 miles just to get napalmed.

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