Regardless of your political views the fact remains that immigration continues on the Southern US Border with Mexico at unprecedented levels. Many of these migrants are women and children. With the Honduran migrant caravan moving north charities and aid organisations will find themselves unable to assist all of those that require aid. Please help by donating what you can afford to one or more of the charities below:
All hold certified charity status and are not for profit organisations.
And why is immigration of 3rd world migrants to advanced countries good and why shold people support it I just don’t understand why do people wilfully kill their own natuons with imigrants
Luis Campbell
I am agreed with him
Carson Butler
lol,, fuck you and your Soros made rapefugee caravans. I'd rather donate ''beer runs'' to those good men and women guarding the border against the degenerates
Kevin Nelson
I do not put forward an argument for immigration. This is a plea for common human decency.
Ethan Hughes
>are women and children Cool. Back in 2015 you complain why we don’t want refugees. Now you can experience it yourself. Have fun retard. Also don’t complain if they don’t want to work.
Ayden Hughes
>meme flag >shit tier post Checks out Kill yourself and SAGE
Caleb Green
One thing comes to mind. INVADERS. What can be done about INVADERS? SHOOT THEM of course. They make good for coyote and armadillo chow, buzzards and hawks too.
Brody Perry
>give money to your replacements Nah
Benjamin Edwards
The charities don’t give money, donations buy humanitarian aid. For instance Borderangels set up water points and leave food on known migrant routes.
Sebastian Sullivan
>This is a plea for common human decency. There has to be a name for this shit-tier argument that women and weak men constantly put forward to justify such insane policies with regards to helping the Third World. There are rational arguments for why one shouldn't feed animal populations that can't naturally support themselves on their own. In fact, I've seen this problem before where irresponsible assholes feed stray cats without sterilizing them, and all of a sudden there are 100's of cats everywhere, they go on to burden the environment around them. But what happens if their artificial food sources were to stop? They all starve and die.
Then an ignorant person will say, "but their human beings. not animals, have a heart". Doubling down on such ignorant thinking is infuriating. All I have to say to that is: the principle still stands and nature doesn't give a flying fuck.
Luke Thomas
Yeah no, I'm not funding for terrorists to make it into my country
Alexander White
bump, are you going to answer charity shill? How do you defend your insidious ideas?
Jaxon Cruz
There is nothing decent about throwing away the country your forefathers worked to build.
Kevin Flores
If I had the means I would be making my way to the border to help stop this
Oliver Sullivan
fuck off euro
Henry Roberts
kill all the fucking invaders, kike flag
Hunter Bailey
Hope we turn you into fucking glass. That ends all other caravans. We wont and others will take advantage.
Only be decent to people who are decent. These people are not. We'll give them food, water and toilet paper fror the journey back, and that is all.
Isaac Campbell
>This is a plea for common human decency.
Sheep's clothing on wolves. Your so called short sighted human decency is going to make the situation worse for everyone in general. If you care so much about this, then how about you help them on the personal level without forcing everyone else to go along with you?
James Turner
Common human decency is aiding those countries with problems through charity, not bringing them to your country and handing them gibs. The place they come from is still a shithole and the people who dont migrate are still suffering. t. grandparents were missionaries
Jacob Flores
You think we give a shit about women and children anymore? You got a lot to learn schlomo
Brody Collins
If i ever hear "woman and children" one more time i am going to loose my shit. FUCK woman and children.
Gabriel Ward
american machine guns will overheat before the last of the spics are done for
> fucking niggers need to stop crossing my damn imaginary mine listen here bigots. My girl firends girl friend told me that we need to accept all people regardless of their violent nature (that means it's biological).
Long story short fuck those black fucks. (anime is also shit)
Luis Nguyen
Why should anyone help those who willingly burn the American flag and call every white person a fascist nazi? They're invaders, not immigrants. Also, a person coming to a country isn't an immigrant until they're officially declared so.
Brayden Stewart
>and women You sound brainwashed.
Nicholas Gutierrez
I personally don’t give a fuck what happens at the border but I donated ten quid anyway just for shits and giggles. Hopefully it’ll buy Paco some sunscreen for when he’s climbing that non existent wall.
Eat shit antiWhite shillfag Ill only ever donate lead, bitch
Christian Gray
About 95% of the horde are single adult males possibly higher. They have already found 50 plus children being trafficked in the horde. Over 10 ISIS members have been identified in horde.
I summon Kek to wreck havoc on the horde with Hurricane Wilma.
OpenSociety can go fuck itself they should have their entire assets stripped clean by the IRS for undermining US Sovereignty.
Levi Rivera
Bring your sword then
Dominic Hughes
Regardless of your political views the fact remains that immigration continues on the Southern EU Border with North Africa at unprecedented levels. Many of these migrants are women and children. With the Somali migrant caravan moving north charities and aid organisations will find themselves unable to assist all of those that require aid. Please help by donating what you can afford to one or more of the charities below:
When I heard about the Mandalay Bay massacre, I laughed out loud and hoped for more. Natural selection eliminates the weak subhumans to make way for the stronger and everyone that died in the shooting deserved to die. I openly despised all the sheeple that cried because of the shooting in the following days and I happily smiled when my "friends" at school became afraid of more shootings. I am a stone cold sadist and I take great pleasure in other people's suffering, and I laughed out loud again when I heard about the massacre in Parkland. After the massacres, I started to walk around with Natural selection and Humanity is overrated - t-shirts and I played Stray Bullet loudly with my portable speaker. I am so far above sheeple that I didn't even bother to spit on them when they came to me to complain about how inappropriate my dressing and behaviour are. I didn't have anything else to say to these subhumans other than "I will not discuss with anyone that hasn't read Nietzsche" and I laughed sadistically at their faces. I am not a psychologist by training, but as an ultraintelligent individual I was able to diagnose myself as a psychopath based on Wikipedia-articles, and this raises me above the pathetic sheeple that linger in the shackles of morality. It makes me downright sick that I have to be in any kind of contact with idiots that have the intellectual capability of an earthworm, in other words, with normal people. Nowadays I am in contact only with people that are members of Mensa and people that are capable of having an intellectual discussion, and I take care of all the other things online, because you pathetic human monkeys don't deserve to speak with me. I admire Hitler, I hope for a new holocaust and a nuclear war.
Henry Robinson
I'd rather burn my money.
Parker Harris
It's good from many perspectives. Your bias is obvious so your ability to appreciate the benefits is limited.