Be humble pizza delivery man

>be humble pizza delivery man
>get an explosive collar locked around your neck
>shotgun thrust in your hands and told to go rob a bank
>police catch you
>notice the timer has started
>it explodes, killing you while the entire country watches

Anyone remember this? Hard to believe this happened all the way back the year Jow Forums was founded, let alone so long before Jow Forums. Rare to have a Happening of this caliber, this is the kind of thing folks in these parts pray for.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I remember the 4 part documentary they had on it.

no i really never heard of this, was that really happeding? there might have been a happeding in yurope at that time so we missed it

source on dat

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Watch Evil Genius on Netflix

he was part of the scheme if i understand correctly

Not really.

this it was a fraud scam and no one even died

I think he agreed to help rob the bank with the explosive device, but didn't realize it was a real bomb until they strapped it to him. The 'mastermind's apparent motive was to get money so his partner could hire a hitman, but more likely he just wanted to fuck with someone.

He was in love with some junky prostitute and they used him.
I thought OP was trolling us with a movie synopsis, I'm sure this was in a movie but here it is in real life user.

Oh yeah he ded

>I'm sure this was in a movie
Exactly what i thought first. There was this 90s film about prisoners wearing similar collars.

Shit, they even built a cane-gun for him. That was a clever plot.

Yeah there's a comedy called 30 minutes or less with indian faggot from parks and rec and the actor for zuckerburg in it. It's loosely based on a true story

Mastermind was a woman.

what kind of jigsaw shit is this!

fucking nightmare fuel

nah it was 'Bill Rothstein' that woman's partner. I just listened to the casefile podcast about it.

Even the "aftermath" after the bombing was crazy, this is some Breaking Bad shit

There's plenty more fucked up shit than that, they hide it pretty well but you can always find it. Anyone else remember those 4 corpses they found that were ripped in half by force dumped in a pile next to a freeway in Utah back in 1998? I remember it being on the news for a maximum of one day then they never spoke about it again.
Also the mass banker suicide that has been going on for a while with no explanation, one actually said they knew they were going to get suicided soon and did.
Also all the "child services" employees showing up in Australia and New Zealand lately trying to take people's kids then leaving immediately without a word the second even the most minor questioning comes up, but their human services say they never sent anyone when called. There's been a huge massive investigation for this in the UK for a while now and remains one of the largest actively investigated unsolved case in the world right now but only like 1/80 people I talk to even know about it.
Or South Korea's President admitting she was controlled by a shadow cabal government of women and that Hillary Clinton was a part of it and a bunch of politicians fled the country as their president got arrested. Not even one single major news source talked about here, not a fucking peep.

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>Or South Korea's President admitting she was controlled by a shadow cabal government of women
>and that Hillary Clinton was a part of it

Yeah a bunch of Koreans on here were freaking out about it heavily at the time and claimed she was involved with the cabal.

I'm aware of the Korea thing, but I don't know where I'd find a decent source to show others for discussion.

I remember that, a bunch of shit got buried on here and the magatard newfags barely speak about it

I saw people talking about the South Korea thing but never saw anything about Clinton involvement.

I need a source on this

Yeah anons these memoryholes are interesting and all, but do you think we could talk about Kavanaugh for a few more weeks?

I remember the event
I didn't remember it being that long ago.

You probably won't ever either.
Apparently when Deep Water Horizon happened there was an orbital laser detected in our atmosphere, and the only laser we had in space at the time "officially" was MIRACL. Two large holes were found through the rig's helipad.

The attack on the embassy in Cuba where they thought it was an infrasound weapon turns out to have been a directed energy weapon which they hypothesize remotely created energy inside of each target's brain to kill them. Just google "cuba sonic attack energy" and read the shit, it all gets pushed in the back but they report it because it's too public to put a rug over like they do most of this shit.

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>nah it was 'Bill Rothstein' that woman's partner. I just listened to the casefile podcast about it.

Then you should watch "Evil Genius". Because Rothstein was a patsy.

The mainstream media in Australia at the time barely covered this story. It was in the days before youtube, camera phones and social media. I thought it was an urban myth until I saw video of it on Youtube, straight out of Hollywood.

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Google it and prove me wrong or lick my feet.

what does the BB 18 signify?

BB18 is a high grade explosive and those are those Mossad agent jew students connected to 9/11.

I can confirm about the people pretending to be CYFs.
A couple of those people showed up at a mates of mine place a few months ago they asked for ID or proof they were from CYFs they made excuses and fucked off.
My mate rang up CYFs to check what the deal was, they said they'd never dispatched anyone or anything.
I'd heard rumours about it before but it's never made the news for some reason.

Wedlock, with Rutger hauer?

It was in Running Man and not so long ago in Continuum if I'm not mistaken...

>all the "child services" employees showing up in Australia and New Zealand lately trying to take people's kids
Wait, what?

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>I really want to talk about this event that I have no intention of providing information on

Why is OP always a fucking faggot?

It started in the UK a few years back, a ton of cases reported where a couple of social workers would show up at people's house and say they needed to see their kid, knew the kid's name, and would leave and come back a few times before saying they needed to take the kid. If the parents questioned them at all or resisted they just got up and left without a word. Parents would call social services later to find out they didn't send anyone out.
This started again around 2017 in Australia and New Zealand now, same exact thing.
This is probably more or less all you'll find on it right now. but people are talking it up a bunch everywhere else.

jews did this.
the lady and the guy that set it all up, were in fact jews.

what city?

He was in Dunners mate

>when Deep Water Horizon happened there was an orbital laser detected in our atmosphere

This horrifies me more than it should

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the beginning of The Running Man.

Really makes me want to start living off grid, or as off grid as you can get and still have security cameras mounted all around your property.

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sry wrong one

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There is evil in this world that most people cannot even comprehend. They like taking the most innocent and sacrificing them.

Actually I have a few friends who work in fish and game and they say the weirdest scariest shit they've ever seen in their life happens out in the woods.
One says he say a clear view of a naked guy with no head walking around then off into the woods. He tells me this story a lot, he was sitting in his truck by the river filling out a report and saw some movement in the corner of his eye, looked over, and saw a headless body stumbling around with its arms at its side towards the river. Walked in the water and stood there for a bit then turned and walked off up the bank and into the woods. Said it walked really stilted like someone with braces on their limbs.
Other friend says he's found a ton of dead deer in Oregon that haven't been worried or poisoned, just a bunch of dead ones showing up on the side of roads without any damage to the body whatsoever. We thought it was possibly someone dumping bodies out of their yard or something but he recently saw one walk up to the road and lay down then die.

That's in extremely poor taste. Imagine dying in a totally bizarre, fucked up way and then they make a comedy film about it.

>Also the mass banker suicide that has been going on for a while with no explanation

It's still going on at an impressive rate rn, especially in yuropoor, while it was massively in jew york back when it started. Of course it's the cabal trying to protect it's back murdering the bankers who got involved in the derivatives CDS scams. Now it's particulary intense in Italy, while the banks are about to crash, how surprising.. And as always the (((msm))) are totally hidding this under the rug.

From what I understand, there ended up being about six people closely involved in this case. Money was the main goal, which would be split between them and used to hire hit man to kill a target that would make them more money.

>Prostitute and here abusive bf want money, booze, and drugs.
>Woman convinces Jew to help her with petty crimes, which makes the JEw easy money, but ends when the Jew is paid $2000 to hide woman's bf body.
>Jew wants out, but woman convinces Jew with more money, promising him a cut if he can rob a bank for her.
>Jew deosn;t want to get his hands dirty, so gives a prostitute and her bf some goods, in exchange, they inform him of a random nobody tht would help with the crime.
>Enter College drop out, Mr. Wells, who has made his living delivering pizzas for a local Italian whole in the wall for the last 30 years.
>Wells is given a pizza delivery order to a dirt road radio tower in the middle of no where.
>Prostitue bails and her bf mysteriously disappears.
>Jew appears and promises a three way cut of profits between him and the woman who is black mailing him if Wells robs the bank.
>Wells is unsure, but woman tells him that nobody will get hurt, so long as he follows directions.
>Wells is equipped with a Cane that has a hidden single barrel shotgun inside, in case guards attack him.
>Jew begins to attach explosive collar on Wells, who thinks it is fake.
>Woman slips up that it is real, Wells runs away, is shot, and is forced to wear collar.
>Shows up to bank, nobody gets hurt, he steals 8K.
>On his way back, police arrest him and don't believe his story, even though timer is active.
>Deputy calls bomb squad, just in case, but they arrive right as the collar explodes.
>Wells dies from the collar blowing a hole down his adam's apple, into his upper chest.
>Because Bomb Squad arrives, cameras are rolling, so the explosion is caught on live feed.
>Millins of people see Wells die on Television screen.

Yep, crazy stuff

That story is incredibly stupid and convoluted too, and a good chunk of it comes from notorious hysteric liars. I'm thinking Occam's razor takes the lead here in whats more likely and they're all just a bunch of sadistic narcissistic trailer trash who went on a major power trip.

I'm not understanding what their goal (megalia) was. Just... insane feminism and communism and reunification? with some occult mixed in, I guess?

The one where the msmbc reporter does an article about the federal reserve missing 40 trillion dollars and 4 hours later her and her entire family are murdered by her nanny and the article is shoad. Spooky.

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I absolutely love this kind of shit. Stay away from stairs innawoods.

fuck I think I remember that one

>Stay away from stairs innawoods.

Checked and this is no bullshit. I went on an hike with a buddy in an area we always used to hike as kids. The area was bought by a trust and they cleaned it up, put in real trails, etc. We are going up hill and he asks me if I want to check out the staircase. I was like lol wut? Nigga you trolling. But there was a staircase to nothing dead ass in the middle of the woods. I said nope, don't go near the stairs, bro. And kept it moving.

Why don’t you faggots use text wrap?

It's an awful shame threads like these don't happen anymore 4pol has really changed since 2016.

Yep. Then the jews made a comedy movie about it called 30 minutes or less with a jew and a paki as the stars.

The jews did make a comedy movie about it later called 30 minutes or less.

The movie the jews made about it was a comedy called 30 minutes or less came out about 5-6 years back.

redpill me on the stairs

Also the threads about all the Holistic niggers getting murdered by big pharma. Something like 50 of them got an hero. Speculation was that they found a cure to cancer.

Back in the day buildings cought on fire and abandoned, leaving only masonry like intact chimneys, and stairs. Pretty common.

what would have happened if you went near the stairs?

Sadly requires a trip to plebbit to get the fun reads. I have ridden thousands of miles in the US desert (NV, AZ, ID, UT) and vaguely remember once seeing a set out in the middle of nowhere. This was before I read about the "don't go to stairs" stuff, so I didn't really concern myself with it. Haven't seen any since I read about it. Pretty sure I might go poke them with a stick now, but no way I'd go up them. "Search and Rescue Officer for US Forest Service" is the term to look for. It's a fun read though - despite venue. I can see some of the more common explanations for why they might be left standing being accurate. However, I'm not about to find out the hard way there's actually some ayylmao, or extra-dimensional, or demon portal reason they are there now. I might dare other riders to go up them while I film it and yell "WORLLSTARR" though.

Some say with a wistful sigh you never come back down again, then fall silent as their gaze stretches towards the horizon.

Sounds like a DC plot

Imagine being cucked enough to not resist getting your kid taken away.

I think even most neuter cucks would put up a fight if some DHS agents came in to try and take their kid.
The majority population of people who wouldn't are probably really really fucking awful druggy parents.

So many (((whites))) involved

These are fantastic. I almost want to become a glow in the dark just to get to investigate them now. Shit this is a good thread. I have nothing to contribute, sorry.
Poast more. Actually these would go great in /x/ innawoods threads. Have your faggot friends dump there.

The night before the Hoboken train crash:

This shit is why I got into law enforcement but I don't have much else or I'd still be posting. Oregon has a fuckton of killing fields from truckers and vagabonds. We also still have ritualistic cults made up of small towns here and there, they pop up from time to time. People say that Satanism was just a scare but we actually had cases of child sacrifice and unbaptized babies being abducted and killed in the woods. I remember even seeing some pictures my Mom had when she was a cop of them arresting a bunch of people in robes, it wasn't until a lot later that she told me they had hung three kids from trees nearby.

God that shit is so cool. Really, please dump on /x/ now and then. Fuck, I really screwed up, my job is boring. Should have gone for detective or forest service. God damn, fuck me.

>I need a source on this

Start digging if you never read about this. Its 100% insane shit.

I was hoping you meant stairs down, not up.

Just watched. That's super messed up the cops didn't even help him- waited an hour & 1/2 to call the bomb squad.

I'm wondering if this guy could've deactivated the bomb by jumping into a pool?

Oh yeah here's that lady wearing the pizza pedo symbol

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retard pizza guy with zero situational awareness and a willingness to comply with committing an armed bank robbery...

Pizza guy gets called to the middle of fucking nowhere, is held at gun point and gets a bomb latched to his neck. He's told he has to rob a bank and make it back of the bomb will go off.

The cops catch him and he tells them its a bomb. Cops don't believe him and a stand off begins. There is video of the bomb going off while he sits in OP's pic.

My family are cops
They still shake their heads about The Family cult murders in Adelaide.
Was some very weird violent shit that went for decades, and was getting covered up at the highest levels of public service

40 year old Pizza guy had also planned the robbery, just got double crossed.

SO was telling me on trip through Oregon about some cult there that actually poisoned entire water supply for city, and was killing elected officials back in the 80's. I don't remember it, but few friends corroborated.

>The movie the jews made about it was a comedy called 30 minutes or less came out about 5-6 years back.
starring mark zuckerburg and justin trudeau

Were the scavenger hunt instructions ever made public? The police claim the route would have been impossible to complete, but the wikipedia article doesn't really say anything about the nature of the bomb, or what the "keys" on the scavenger hunt actually were if they even existed at all, or whether the bomb was capable of having the timer delayed or defused.

Found a large rundown on the Korea stuff, and it's even better cause you don't have to go to NPR or Vox.

Attached: Megalia large rundown.jpg (1552x7337, 2.6M)

No I don't think he did. Think it was the cops trying to save face. The robbers also got off without a death sentence because of that narrative.

Graphic should show the former president's pedo swirl. It's interesting she was wearing that.

MSM really buried that SK cult story after pizzagate broke. Wouldn't want the sheeple to see how real a ruling cult can be.

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Why would anyone actually wear something like that?

Idk why would anyone put it in their music videos or put the logo on their pizza joint? The answer is hubris. You don't see anyone flaunting that symbol after the pizzagate dump though.

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Anyone have any run downs or places I can go for more info on these specific things? Damn I miss this shit

t. when no money to bury Grandma