PSA: Red Dead Redemption is a liberal piece of shit...

PSA: Red Dead Redemption is a liberal piece of shit. You have to kill the KKK like Mafia 3 which was "niggers killing Trump and his supporters - the game", it's all "muh p00r slaves", you do have to help a suffragette rally and you can't stop it with violence like you would in a GTA game. You use violence against liberals, it's game over.
Avoid buying, or at the very least buy used.

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the horse's balls contract

So its the same as always

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I had it pre ordered. Going to return, unopened, for a refund.

And then just pirate it.

That sounds like a Jow Forums ancap.

Yeah Rockstar shit has always been kinda lib faggy.

There’s a guy in the beginning who complains about having to sleep near darkies. I was upset he didn’t call them niggers

Must whitey continuously satiate their bloodlust in the pursuit of the alleviation of their bloodlust in the name of the guilt they feel at having conquered the continent?

It's insulting.

It's embarrassing. It would be less embarrassing if the character partook in some sort of genocidal act against the natives and had the natives fight back and offer resistance, as they are famous for. But no. They're simply reduced to pets for the gruff white man to pet.

Disgusting, rockstar.

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>playing video games

>not having internet access outside of a smoke filled cafe that you pay by the hour to use

So it's a pass is it? Damn, is there any fps coming out that are worth it. Should I ask this question on /v/

They're based in California so

>owning a console
>paying for a game


From Polygon.

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And this is more specific

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rdr isnt an fps..

Kkk are the shame of america. Its not a liberal thing to take em down. Its public service.

They're South Park tier based nihilist middle of the road Gen X fags

It's a very sluggish tps, all reviews and the gameplay we have seem to point out to that. They focused on the open world, horses balls, and cinematic bullshit, and way less on the gunplay.

Thanks, I figured this was going to happen. You just saved me a few hundred bucks.

I wasnt calling it one, I was asking for fps recommendations


This. Get a life you little fucking virgins.

Get Down the gym, start lifting, start boxing and sort yourselves out you bunch of soi boy faggots. Stop funding pathetic video game industry and start working on yourselves.

> resetera
pure fucking cancer, faggot.
>Avoid buying, or at the very least buy used.
avoid buying but buy it used? what a spastic. this is /v/ level fucking retardation and you should fuck off to there and STAY THERE, wog.

>the writing tends to stay away from the vapid irony and satire that plagued other Rockstar games
What an utter faggot.

> be indian
> shitting in the streets
> not buying anything ever
indians, everyone.

Op you can literally lynch people.
>Inb4 mods
This is da best game op

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You can't lynch niggers, you can shoot spics in the head if they try to get your cash, and that's it.

what does race has to do with playing video games? get help

>They're simply reduced to pets for the gruff white man to pet.
>Disgusting, rockstar.
Yupp pretty much this.
Instead of a war with the drunks we have to pretend they were noble.

You can play first person and theirs guns.
Fuck off.

Sounds pretty gross. Wasn't going to get the game anyway, but if this shit is true I am not going to play any Rockstar game anymore.

So hes like john marston again?

AAA titles are a SJW platform used by (((them))) to further indoctrinate the people.


And yes...


Ubisoft is (I know RDR isn't Ubi) one of the worst in terms of psyop SJW bullshit insertion.

I think the game is a lot o' fun

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>This. Get a life you little fucking virgins
Alright I got laid and dated plenty.
>Get Down the gym, start lifting, start boxing and sort yourselves out you bunch of soi boy faggots
Already did that back in middle and highschool.
Maybe you should try stopping all those gang rapes and acid attack and stop calling me a faggot with that projection.

>You have to kill the KKK
Why it is liberal game if you have to kill 19th century democrats?

You guys really will complain about anything. One, you're freaking about a onions site reviewing a game based on stupid shit that doesn't equate if a game is good or bad. Two, stop being degenerates crying about video games and do something productive. Plenty of dogs out there that could use a good owner, raising and training a pup is far more rewarding than crying about a video game.

Dont you people shit on the streets.

>Plenty of dogs out there that could use a good owner,
I live in a commie block and I dont feel like spending my money on a shit machine I have to pay to feed.
Fuck off. I dont want a pit bull either.

Killing Mexicans and Native Americans is what made this country. and they were killing each other for thousands of years before we stepped foot here.

Anyone who feels a shred of guilt over it is a thin-skinned faggot.

The gang you’re in is super diversed lol you have a bunch of niggers living in your camp. Not just Lenny.

If you get to kill the KKK that means "Red Dead redemption has a missions where you kill democrats".

>go raise a dog
Fuck that shit. What a stupid thing to say lol

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I go to the gym, I box, I read literature, and I also play a little vidya to chill out sometimes. What’s the problem?

>Actually being surprised a western AAA pozzfest is a leftist pozzfest
Whoever actually pays for this shit is a fucking idiot

You will never find a single democrat admitting it was funded by the democrats before the ideological bait and switch.

Nice excuses for being a beta who can't even lead a dog. Continue to complain about video games on your computer then, I'm just telling you guys how much better and rewarding life is when you decide to work with an animal than sit in front of a screen. Have a good weekend man.

PS pitbulls aren't bad dogs they were just bred to fight big ass animals like bears if you are a good leader any dog will listen to you.

Betafag detected


I wouldn’t mind the accuracy if it wasn’t blatant social justice warrior propaganda. If someone chooses to kill KKK, why can I also join them and burn down black communities?

That guy was a "racist" you kill in the first game.

It's our street. We'll do whatever the fuck we want. You can go fuck yourself.

>someone doesnt want to spend hundreds of dollars so something can literally just shit and bark all day
>lol he betafag
>you ain't a man unless you raise a dog hurr durr
How about you actually do something beneficial and have kids faggot instead of being a fur baby daddy.

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only the poor ones who can't afford anything
probably too hard to understand for your naive mind

Because today's democrats swear up and down that those are 19th century republicans.

Get it through your thick skulls.
Yes, they are all trash.
No, there are no exceptions.
Buy only from Japs and Eastern Euros.

Also viral marketing teams using the same images with the same image names should probably learn that autists rarely if ever sleep


This, the KKK should be a faction you can join also

Thanks for the headsup! I was actually about to get it. $50 FUKKEN SAVED!

Focus on buying some form of indoor plumbing system before you buy video games, pajeet

They were a warrior race. Even then there were large pockets of wild natives wreaking havoc on white towns and settlements. They were so ill tempered towards slavery America needed to ship in blacks.

Some respect for a race which fought off slavery from white Americans is in order, I think.

>criminals are multi-ethnic

>Some respect for a race which fought off slavery from white Americans is in order, I think.
Are you a faggot or what

>the virgin big gov bootlickers upset about the Chad ancap master morality gang

Lol at the Indian crying muh bisons in the game



Doom eternal is /pols/ game, white man of polish decent killing subhuman invaders

you don't know anything about me
there are rich people in poor countries and poor people in rich countries
judging by your response you are probably a poor retard

Are you really arguing in earnest against the street shitter meme?
That's about as stupid as me arguing against the argentina is white meme.

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this is now a poo in loo thread

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You are so obviously a foreign poster as are many people in this thread
Whether its a faggot contingent of gamers or a literal viral marketing team is up to personal interpretation

>theirs guns
Hahaha holy shit dude

Guy tries throwing a drink i'm shooting and telling the judge i had reason to believe it was acid.

I'd love to learn boxing. The only boxing gyms to go to in my area are group fitness exercise shit. There's nothing for someone who really wants actual training.

Who needs to learn how to box when you're that good at making excuses?

any suggestions then? and I don't need the same suggestion of Kingdom Come Deliverance and JRPGs, what else?

I boxed for a few months to learn how to throw punches. Aside from the basics (where to keep the hands to protect the face, how to lock the arms to protect your ribs etc), most of it is generic training you can do at home: the fucking tennis ball bouncing to learn footwork, the fucking punching bag, the fucking rope, the fucking pear, running and so on. At the end of the lesson you can get to spar with someone so that they break your face little by little.

>Insert corporate approved sassy "insult"
as clinical as these threads

It's not on PC, nigger. Instant no buy

If you struggle to find enough games in the Easter Euro and Jap library to keep you entertained maybe its spend less time playing videogames and more time doing something else.




Every fucking time.

It's not like you shut-ins ever stop buying them.

You're assumption is that all I do is play video games? Wow you're fucking useless. Thanks user.

go back to school
also maybe use fucking torrents like anyone with a brain
unless you actually enjoy funding leftist bullshit
fucking idiot

I actually quit gaming for this very reason, we had a good thread few months ago about this. The mere thought of paying the DNC through videogames makes me violently ill, and I suffer from acid reflux when I see kikery in the world so you can bet your ass I had to quit gaming.

When you're allowed to defend yourself from wild refugees raping your women you can talk shit, noguns.

totally agree about ubi- ESPECIALLY Ubisoft Montreal. I was like in my early teens/tweens when the assassin's creed games first started coming out and I loved them but looking back they were so full propaganda its shocking. i'm talking way before their "we wuz kangz" and "hellenes looked like arabs" recent titles. I didn't notice it until AC revelations (I was a little older) but the game upset me with how unfair it seemed to be towards Wallachians and Byzantines. on the other hand the fact that the game was so anti-Europeans and pro turk launched me into reading more real history and it made me realize what utter lies the previous games were full of as well.

How about you go fuck yourself reddit

Based poo

Whos guns??

Are you suprised?

Last decent game R* did was GTASA, even then just want an open world to mess about in and do crazy shit and it turns out SR3 does just that too but yet GTA4/V are kinda shit and a step backwards.

Look at BFV too more liberal made up crap thrown in because of the current state of things.

Games have always been a source of freedom to an extent and no one really noticed for a while but slowly the left has realised that this can be used as another tool to control and subvert the masses. Some developers will bend, others will not and the rest will play the grey area but aslong as they make money then they will just produce more shite but if you back devs who just produce good games with no political BS involved then they can continue to do the same.

The end result is a choice, if you buy then you are agreeing with what the devs are doing and they will continue down that path i think anyways.

>if you back devs who just produce good games with no political BS involved then they can continue to do the same.
other than Kingdom Come Deliverance (which I have, Vavra is cool as fuck) any suggestions for games/studios that are okay?

You don't kill him except if a) he catches you cheating at poker and you kill him in the duel, b) you decide to do it while free roaming, like you can kill most NPCs. He will respawn though. At no point in the story are you required to kill him.

He does however get eaten by the deputies in Undead Nightmare, but Marston doesn't kill him.

>Kingdom Come Deliverance
how was that one anyway meant to get it when it came out