How the fuck can people not understand we are part of evolution? it's a fucking logical fact
Other urls found in this thread:
>evolve to spend all day in the sun
>modern (((science))): "the sun is evilllll. it gives you cancerrrr"
Evolutionfags not sure who to side with
Posts a photo of a genetically altered species. I don't think you understand what the word technology means.
science has to recreate life from scratch before you leave the theory realm, until then, you have nothing. adaption is very real, but something from nothing, is horseshit.
>genetically altered species
Faggot, if you watched the movie they are the true humans and we're genetically designed to be slaves
what movie?
Only rednecks, christcucks and muslims would deny evolution tho, and we arent part of anything evolution is not an entity also that scene was kino
Also to answer your question about the movie evolution made the engineers happen they probably better up themselves by genetic engineering and thus created us everything is still natural
The only reason you believe in evolution is because you were taught (brainwashed) it when you were young. You were also taught the world is a globe, another brain wash. Trust yourself not what teachers or other people tell you.
Evolution makes absolutely no sense. All species were born as they were and will always be as they were. The earth is also not a globe, i don't know if it's flat, but its not a globe.
>The only reason you believe Australia exist is because you were taught (brainwashed) it when you were young. You were also taught the world is a globe, another brain wash. Trust yourself not what teachers or other people tell you.
>Australia existance makes absolutely no sense. All countries were made as they were and will always be as they were. The earth is also not a globe, i don't know if it's flat, but its not a globe
For people like you nobody believes the actually true jew conspiracies theories
Well, for one we havent found any species that are "mid" evolution.
> muh platypus
>Its perfectly evolved for its ecosystem, so its not evolving its evolved.
Also, Horseshoe crabs
this is what i believe, its more adaption than evolution.
Also scientist face the same problems we do when it comes to money and creating a life. They say stuff to get funding, it has to sound exciting to get funding or donations. Or really extremely like 'OMG the earth has 20 years left, GLOBAL WARMING!!! PANIC' to get peoples attention to grow the scientific narrative. Its is pros and cons, but there is definitely an agenda to get the money coming. Also scientist want millions/year.
Here’s an important thing to understand about the pushback against concepts of evolution.
What does it say about our source and our destination?
When you compare yourself today to the man of a million years ago? What sort of adjectives would you use?
These may seem like nonsensical questions, but they have a point: they are to show that evolution reverses our traditional framing of our minds and our histories. Evolution instinctually makes us believe the past was “barbaric” or “less evolved” and the present is “progressive” and “more evolved”. Aka old=bad; new=good!
This is the biggest problem with evolution because it skews our traditional perceptions of understanding cycles and our universal one-ness (from which divine and magnificent origins we came from). The traditional thinking was that men were descended from gods.
With evolution, now men were evolved from monkeys and amoebas, and this framing has allowed our moral fabric to decline to tolerate niggerish behaviour because we’ve all been taught to compare ourselves to animals instead of gods.
Now I am not saying anything against the mechanics behind natural selection and mutations, but I think evolution misses a vital part of “inner knowledge” and framing that is key to a wholesome understanding of our world.
You form an opinion that is not your own and is a reflection of what is correct by society. Your box is small and shrinking. You are the problem not somebody afraid to reach different conclusions.
Relax, user, what’s really the matter?
But even the catholic church endorses evolution. But if you get your info from family guy, then yeah it can be confusing.
>evolution is not an entity
How the fuck do you know. That thing designs and evolves species. You could call it life
Well I've never been to america and i shouldn't follow what society tells me is correct so by my own formed without external influence i decide that nothing outside of italy exist you dont exist m8 fuck off
Stop being such a naive little girl the catholic church would endorse ANYTHING that they cant deny anymore, they wouldn't be endorsing that earth isnt flat if it wasnt because it'd make them look ridiculous
Evolution is just a word that represent a process of how biological information survives through time, there's nothing spiritual about it
I'm not saying anything about spiritual bullshit. But how the fuck do you know if it's not an entity? We don't even know fully what evolution is and how it happens, just because of some bacteria evolves fast that's nothing comparing to a big animal and their existence
because we are de-evolving dumbass
Evolution is bullshit, faggot.
Thats because your little brain cant possibly understand/conceive the full extent in time of several billion years despite how much you could try nobody can, in such great amount of time is totally reasonable that a simple bacteria becomes a complex organism
I love these threads. They really bring out the most absolute stupidity of that board.
Muh creationism
Muh flat earth
Muh conspiracy
There's only one race, the human race, you fucking bigot.