What the fuck happened to Jow Forums?

Last night, the thread about pic related was about sucking this niggers dick, and apparently hes based and the fact that he has a white wife and mutt children doesnt matter.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Why does pol say that racemixing white women are undesirable. His wife is pretty and white women like her would never choose the incels on this board over her husband and good looking black guys

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We civic nationalism nao

You are not getting rid of niggers.
You are not building the wall without enough votes that support it.
You are not changing migration laws without enough votes that support it.

I assume he’s running as a republican. Right now with all the crazy shit going on, people realize they have bigger fish to fry. Everyone can get back to racism later

i'll vote for any nigger before i vote for a democrat.

>What the fuck happened to Jow Forums?

We are now firm believers of Afro eugenics.

Only the smartest nigglets will survive.

James now has a good change of winning. Everyone I know is voting for him (myself included)

>1 post by this ID
its early, but i doubt you'll see another shill post from this kike

Would suck his dick again desu senpai

He is not a Nigger, he is a Black Man. There is a difference...

>West Point grad
>3 combat tours iraq
>2 masters degrees

So not a nigger

T. Shitskin vermin

most niggers are anti-gun, is this one?

His primary commercials had him standing next to a missile. No, he's not anti gun


i'd take 1 of him to 10,000 white liberal niggers(wligger)

mulatto civic nationalism is the only way to save western civilization, get on board faggot.

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His opponent voted with Feinstein on Based Brett's confirmation. I'd vote for a socialist with downs syndrome if I thought he had a chance of beating her.

same MI bro

>commercial shows people being blown up

how triggered do you think people were

he's an exception to the norm, please remember that. u may be correct, but civic nationalism does NOT work

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Their children will have an average IQ of 85 and they will be competing against full blood Europeans and Asians with average IQ of 100+

Yay for all of her descendants. They will be tomorrows "oppressed underclass".

At least she is not a racist I guess.

kys boomer.

The democrats were so sure that Stabenow was going to win, they went to sleep. At one point she was ahead by 23 points. In the latest polls, he's now down only 7 points, and that is within the margin of error.

I have friends who are fairly high up in both the republican and democrat parties in the state. The democrats are making the same mistake they made in 2016.

Nearly all their models (which still show Stabenow winning), show a heavy turnout in Wayne county and flint, and nearly all the vote going for Stabenow.

They've taken a cart-leading-horse attitude toward their polls, and don't realize that the social and psychological factors are going to be far more important than the historical voting trends.

Here is how this works.

>White people fuck white people

>Black people fuck white people

Eventually, all Black people will un-nigger themselves with all the white DNA.

There is no shortage of white women because they're the bottom barrel snowflakes of this generation.

Be happy Niggers are legit trying to solve their genetic issues. But don't forget your own genes.

these nigger lovers.
these were are slaves... niggers in this country were bested by an other nigger with a stick and sold

His father's company he works for is a supply chain management and logistics corporation for fortune 500 companies. This guy is part of the swamp.

>muh white people
Your demographics have irreversibly changed. Don't be a dinosaur; judge people based on their mindset and thinking rather than skin color.

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I don't disagree with you, but that data is flawed. The US policy of identifying race is to accept self identity. If you say you are white, you are white. Not even the supreme court can tell you what race you are. Take Elizabeth Warren as an example to the flaws in our racial policies.

Liberty or your death, is fine with me, OP.

He’s based and op is a brockbot

sub humans breeding with mentally ill white trash arent going to make a super race

So you would rather turn the seat over to someone who wants your daughter to shower with transgenders, who want to tax you into non-existence, and who wants to open the borders to any illegal who can make it to the border?

If you want to be racist, that's your own choice. But someone who would choose suicide rather than to take yes for an answer is delusional

trying real hard today arnt you?

This nigga gets it, race mixing is the only way get rid of blacks. They will be bleached.

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niggers dysgenics are more than their skin color, you know that my darker skinned cousin

>but that data is flawed.

I hope you're not implying that your post is any kind of proof that the data is flawed.

The USA (and most western societies subject to the experiment of multiculturalism) have differing definitions of race, based on sociology and culture. This does not change the reality that genetics is at the heart of race.

If i judged people based on their mindset rather than skin color, nothing would change. This nigger said open borders is a moral imperative

>This nigger said open borders is a moral imperative

Source, otherwise fake news. John James told he that US veterans are always better than refugees.

haha... hes a fucking nigger. i swear to god you fucking christcuck boomers need to fdie already

>I called his wife a coalburning whore and was told to KYS
Yes shills and faggots are everywhere

/ptg/ (((civic))) scum.

>based black man
>based asian woman
>based mulatto girl
>no shortage of white women
>literally just 10% of world female population(this includes the elderly ones so its even less for fertile ones).
>White demographics nosediving across the west, going extinct in Sweden and Netherlands by 2040 based on the UN mandated replacement numbers.
>Literally every womb now matters as women are the gatekeepers to a racial group and its survival.

Attached: (((Civic Nationalism))).jpg (1600x1600, 817K)

sure am old man.

t_d needs to get out

It’s like you want a very large Puerto Rico.

>what happened
Well funded shill raid.

That nigger is decent meme fuel though... Compare his character to that nigger gillum in florida, that he would be the first nigger senator in michigan and couple it with the fact that the commies have completely ignored him but give plenty of airtime to gillum. Is it the best situation? No, but there are plebs out there that still need to be redpilled on the commie scourge.

Being a Michifag I have two choices:

1)based nigger who largely supports Trump, who is a successful business man, and would be his first run in a political office

2)stabbecow who is an establishment career politician, demoshit, does not support Trump, and has not done a whole lot for my state

Im voting for the nigger

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McCain recieved more affirmative action than this guy.

Why is there only one other guy in this thread who is somewhat smart? Are we really the only 2 people here who think racemixing is bad?

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I am voting for him, a lamp is better than that kike stabenow

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Still a nigger that fucks white women, but he killed muzzles and is running against a dem, so my guy

>Are we really the only 2 people here who think racemixing is bad?

No, but your priorities might be as backwards as Antifa if you expect everyone to turn down a chance at a Republican supermajority in the Senate.

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do you expect people to vote for a white communist just because the opponent is a negro? you have no brain cells, faggot

Based cuck

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Because we are civic nationalist if you dont like it you can go to stormfront like the rest of you nazeees.

It would be immensely better than your land leaf.

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Blacks are below replacement levels. That means that race mixing hurts them more than us. We should have made it illegal for blacks not to marry whites back in 1867. We'll just replace the American coalburners with white European women running from terrorists.

However a retrovirus that rewrites all black DNA into white over a few generations would be better.

out now newfaggot

How about you go out instead? Nobody likes you people anyway.

It seems the new JDIF shill tactic is to larp like CivNats.

You can tell by the fact that all other shilling has dried up.

Only newfags are vehemently racist.
I was here before you nazi faggots showed up, and I’ll be here long after you leave.

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It couldn't be people just fucking around, clearly it's the kikes.

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Some of the most redpilled men are nogs.
Pic related

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>shills shilling in their shill thread

He's an Uncle Tom. Trained and knows where his next meal is comimg from

Its always the kikes, and when not it is a golem like you

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He made it to the big house. In bed with the slave masters daughter

Don't worry about it. Let them have a future of shitskins.

You know you're getting close with a response like that.

There are no panaceas fren, grow up and come up with a better ideology

Most of us are mutts. We'd be 100% on your side, but it varies because the very core of your ideology promotes the eradication of our existence. Our individualism overrides our sense of community because we are in a constant inner battle with ourselves as to whether or not we're acceptable on one side of the political/socio-racial spectrum or the other.

tl;dr mutts can't decide whether or not they want to live for themselves and those they care about or save western civilization by effectively shoah'ing themselves.

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Good morning moshe, we have been waiting for you

thats a mexican flag, are u fuckingretarded

implying there's a difference

yoo gawt a loicence fuh tha' meme, mate?

>Always vote for white people

Fully half the white people in this country are actively pursuing their own cultural and genetic obliteration so I don't think that is a great idea.

ill shoot any nigger before id shoot any white.

John James is more of a man than probably anyone in this thread. Apache Squadron Leader? Sounds like something a caffeinated 5 year old would tell his parents he wants to be when he grows up as he runs around holding a toy helicopter.

I'm inclined to think all these "exceptional human being that happen to be black are still n*****s!" posts are secretly CNN making posts that they can then report on.

>I can't believe Black people would ever be a republican, just look at these horrible Jow Forums posts!

John James is a real american hero.

His opponent is trying to cuck the entire white society. I will take a pet niggy over a kike sucking cunt anyday

Are we really going with the "Military men are the biggest heroes" meme?

You know, the cucks defending israel's border instead of their own border.

Fuck them. And fuck this nigger.

yeah, including this niggers wife.

the only good nigger is a dead nigger.

Lets be honest here the only reason why you have a problem with this black guys is that he married a white woman and because of that you act like that.Maybe grow up and realize people can choose to be with whoever they want.

Dude this guy is prob gonna be president by 2034 or so. So get used to him.

He's a race traitor

niggers arent people.

That depends.

How triggered were people when McSally(R AZ2. First female USAF pilot. Flew Warthog CAS missions) and McGrath(D nominee KY6) started doing politics?

You know what's funny?
McGrath claims she's a "fiscal conservative", and yet she is:
>against tax cuts
>against repealing obama care
>for letting trannies do sex changes on uncle sam's tab
>for baby killing and financing PP

(((Fiscal conservative)))

>muh race traitor
Grow up already.
He is more american than you are thats for sure.

Stabbecow would be pushing out niglets if her ovaries weren't shriveled up. Racemixing sells to the Dems.

Lol @ Michigan

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I am grown and with a healthy family. And I will defend White identity for a very long time you mongoloid.

>He is more american than you are
americans are worthless mutts serving kike overlords. so yeah, i guess this zogbot subhuman is more "american" than me.

You're a literal mentally retarded shitskin. Kys Jamal Rodriguez.