
This fake bomb event is still new enough I think we could get a mainstream outlet to idiotically report that the man responsible is white male right winger Sam Hyde.

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I would die from an acute lack of sides.

god you're the very first one to think of it
you're so original if i could upvote you i would do it all day long

Clockboy is really stepping up his game.

You have overstayed your welcome on this planet.

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You have to go back maplesyrupnigger

wow thatd really be some based libtard pwnage, ebic style

Hello, fellow Magapedes. Who are you sending the next wave of packages too. Top Kek.

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Does your wife's boyfriend know you are posting this?

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why not just ignore it and stop falling for their tricks?

no, sam hyde meme is long over. they're all aware of it, now.

Good point... It hurts only a little...

I want to blow this bomb in my ass.

It's not gay if it's made with nitroglycerin, am i right, Jow Forums?


i almost got banned for a similar thread yesterday. i hope you almost get banned for this one, else i hope the mods get dick cancer.

The days of just posting Sam Hyde memes on RT and making headlines are long over, it just takes some more finesse and cunning to achieve the "got 'em" moment of sweet shitposting.

Leave a trail a breadcrumbs that indicate a "right wing former comedian" being responsible.

Behold, this fine Italian specimen...
We should have just finished you off after you all turned on Mussolini because you started losing. SAD!

Because anytime is a good time for lulz and making the media look bad.

why not just blame it on bill burr? he's fucking nuts anyways.


yeah the problem is people that are going to get it already get it, if youre over 25 and still havent awakened to the lies around you theres very little hope.

let's use a different name , something they won't expect

He can't keep getting away with it!

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Wow Bill Burr is bombing every night now.

He'll get caught eventually

bill burr builds bogus bombs. if anything, it'd get him on Jow Forums, and his twisted mind meeting our twisted minds would be a world ending event.

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#believeallbombs you sexist faggot women can be bombers too

also, pic related is bill and mrs. burr

Attached: bill and nia burr.jpg (780x523, 47K)

And people clued in are watching enough websites like a hawk that posting this out in the open is basically like shouting it in the town square. Jow Forums isn't a secret clubhouse you numbskull.

Don't talk about things you will not do anyway.
It's not honest

Rosanne Barr when?

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>Dick Cancer
Wouldn't that enlarge their dicks ?

Honestly, if i had to make a bomb to take someone out, i'd be autistic enough to make it look like it came out of a cartoon too.


What if it actually is him though?

You seem awfully fixated on dicks.
I guess Europeans are just more in touch with their feelings.

without a million dollar manifesto?

One minute you guys say Sam is a tranny loving jew the next you are sucking his cock. Which is it?

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>a fucking leaf

Someone dug up the clock that was on Obama's package from amazon. Anyone got a link?

You seem awfully fixated on people that are fixated on dicks.

You seem awfully fixated on people you think are awfully fixated on you being ABSOLUTELY fixated on dicks.

Lurk more.

How many times has he successfully gotten away with it?

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They can't release his name because he's not convicted. Even though it's obviously him from the evidence. Legal stuff.

Just who needed the media off her back... she is suspect number 2 (because she is shit-tier)

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