whats no to like pol?
Defeats half the worlds muslims...twice
People in pol are astro cucks who are just jealous of Jewish success
>opens the gates of toledo
>funds isis/al qaeda
whats no to like /po?
>whats no to like pol?
Everything, fuck off.
Nice flag you got there shlomo
i dont need to like one and hate the other.
i hate all of them
they look the same regardless
glass the middle east
I love israel and I love THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
oh come on, this isnt funny anymore
Nice face 56%
get out JIDF
Jehovah did nothing wrong.
Change my mind.
God bless Israel.
Let us all have a minute of nice appreciation for our soldiers? Ok?
Lets go!
>Defeats half the worlds muslims...twice
christcucks sure go long way to revise history for their masters
just wait until we defeat the final goyim alliance and claim earth which is rightful israeli clay
A friendly and daily reminder that Hitler did nothing wrong. That is all.
didn't your shitbox army have platoons that surrendered to CNN trucks in the desert??
based ayelet
would be surprised if that story was published in mutt media and the mutts swallowed it
get fucked achmed ,we will retake abraham's homeland for greater israel and get rid of all you sand people that thought you could fuck with the greatest nation on earth .
Abraham's homeland belong to descendants of Abraham, via his first born heir Ishmael
no some mystery meat turkick slavic oven escapees
Fuck off sandnigger, cant even take on 100 lebs much less Muh greater p*issreal
>Plans to send half the world's Muslims into Europe for revenge on Europeans and hybridization of the races
Get helicopter'd
damn are you the paid mercenary who work in Irak ?
you went a long way since a saw you here the first time you sound mucho red pilled
>oven escapees
my sides
Nip or english teacher?
wow that handpicked girl specifically chosen for propaganda purposes is truly representative of jews
this version is better
You live in a terrorist land its not even a state at this point
I have Muslim friends :c
Pls stop this now. Why can't we all be frens
said the guy that chops people with machetes
i was an iraqi native when you first autisticly accused me of that
and still am
Why are you promoting this
kikes are evil vermin
We are their only “ally” left in the world. When America finally wakes up it’s curtains for Israel
Israel just another populist, religious, right-wing illiberal democracy. Any sane person wants a world filled with love instead of hate, so why would we support a country that was built on and upholds ethnic cleansing?
No I don't. These LiveLeak videos are from poor and violent places I live in a highly industrialized place. There is still inequality but not so much violence.
Why aren't you returning to morroco you shitskin?
it belongs to human descendants of abraham , you are gentiles and therefor nonhuman .
why are u saying this. are you a troll
Israel is vassel state for the banks(((Rothchilds))) made so they can have a headquarters for their crimes, unless the banks grip on america lessens (((they))) wont stop.
>to human descendants
>Modern israeli
>decendants of abraham
pic related.
Ebola kills niggers but I still don't want ebola
you wish
>pilpuling this hard
Nah it was just made by Zionists. Israel used to be a communist country.
>nearly 2 billion muslims on earth
>defeated twice
all jews are evil shitskins
Someone post the merchants as idf girls
When America wakes up Israelis will be genocided faster than the South Africans
Hearty kek straya, have a (you)
>defeats muslims
funding their transport to Euroland is not what I call defeating
why are you saying this.
thank you israel, very cool!
i don't get this. we shouldn't fight over dumb issues we have a lot to understand and explore. this is just creating issues. We all need to study metapolitics and postmodern philosophy. also anthropology and literature
Arabs can't fight.
"Always fight Arabs" - The secret to winning wars.
Name a country besides US that bankrolls and fights for Israel
nice id moot
You simply have to stop giving foreign aid, accepting politicians with dual citizenship and lobbies. you need no violence.
also your country does a of bad stuff too don't be hypocrite.
Yet they conquered Europe without a single shot
This haha. Europe cucked
Feminist wymyn create policy based on rape fantasy
They didnt lose.
Apparently humanity are fucking retarded, we spend so much time fighting among each other rather than spend all the time research and do something more productive, like space exploring and stuff.
This is why we can't advance further.
>all Jews are evil
>using Jewish tactics to advertise his degenerate discord server
You're the lucky the mods on Jow Forums are absolute faggots.
it's a miracle iraq even survived after such loses
we got you good in 2003 tho
Israel wasn't part of that war