Think Before You Vote

Before casting a vote this November. Watch these videos on the history of the Democratic Party. Why are you voting Democrat? What have they done for you past or present? If you believe in the "Great Switching of Sides" you really need to watch these and find out how you were convinced of this ridiculous falsehood.

Why Did the Democratic South Become Republican?

The Inconvenient Truth About the Republican Party

Dinesh D'Souza Destroys Liberal Professor On "The Switch"

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Other urls found in this thread:–1972)

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There's nothing wrong with hating niggers.

Nonwhites are subhuman, and the kikes who push them on us are literal demons.

2 weeks

2 weeks till what?

Right, cause obviously nothing has changed in decades. Democrats are still racists and still hate black people. That makes sense.

Democrats promote abortion to get rid of black people

wtf I'm voting dem now

Abortions are being promoted in every western country, even in those that are 90%+ white. That's a liberal trend that has nothing to do with the Democrats.

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I'm a registered Republican you retard.

Hating Civic Nationalism doesn't make me magically a democrat.

you are a dumb mother fucker (I mean that in the friendliest way), think it through. It is not about you. Shut your cock trap for 2 weeks.

I'm confused now, what are you trying to get at?

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Lincoln would be a Democrat today. The parties switched.

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Why Did the Democratic South Become Republican?

The Inconvenient Truth About the Republican Party

Dinesh D'Souza Destroys Liberal Professor On "The Switch"

Wtf I'm voting Democrat now

MLK was a communist and a bisexual hedonist

Wow this is a real Kremlin propaganda campaign! 20 threads per hour all dissing the Dems. It's no use, tho. I voted Trump, big mistake, he's a Putin commie patsy, daily disasters. Fuck that. I'm voting a straight Dem ticket this time.

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wtf i love democrats now

Maybe the Dems got it right?

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w-wait, wh-what???

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which part is giving you trouble?

Try reading books instead of burning them.

the genetic fallacy

I was indicating a strange contradiction. You know, that an actual civil rights activist who got bashed in the head by a Democrat cop, is now dancing like a good little monkey for the Democrat party, when they want to call into question issues that relate tangentially to "civil rights", so they have "the higher moral ground". Sorry that it was too subtle.

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Post these in every major city.

didn't know that today's south was blue

When will Russian trolls and their useful idiots acknowledge that their jihad is over?

Trumptards and right-wing media attempting to tell everyone else they are peddling fake news, when it's been them for the past decade. All of a sudden everyone that objects to anything Trump says is somehow wrong and an agitator. Don't let them mind-fuck you into sheeple. American ideals/values are all we have left!
Vote Nov 6! Save your Nation from this scourge of disinformation and hatred!

Put the niggers back on the plantations. Fuck Republicans.

GRIDLOCK 2018, make the government useless again!

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Fuck a job. Mob mentality best mentality.

Good try...

> implying this line will ever work

The media has become NPC

Dems love some eugenics....

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How the fuck did the Dems and Republicans change so fucking much.

Yes, we know your stated goal. Unfortunately, we've know since 1945 that you'd go underground and pop your head up eventually. You'd do much better to work on self-improvement and improving your own nation rather than wasting so much resources on trying to subvert the US.

It is an NPC coded lie so the left can live with itself. Watch these videos, worth the time.

Why Did the Democratic South Become Republican?

The Inconvenient Truth About the Republican Party

Dinesh D'Souza Destroys Liberal Professor On "The Switch"

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Isn't that what Pol is rooting for? Hypocrisy levels are astonishing

Enjoy your winter in Olgino, Sir!

what gave it away my USA geotag. My native English skills. Would you feel better about yourself if it were true? Why the need to make shit up? It the truth that unbearable?

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Does deflecting ease your conscience? Think for yourself user. The Dems are a bill of lies.

Toвapищ, я знaл Maкc Oттo фoн Cтepлицa, и вы нe Maкc Oттo фoн Cтepлицa.

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why this over rational thought? Why not think it through user. No need to shitpost. Just think. When you are taking a dump... think. It is not your fault you have been fed these lies.

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You may as well go back in your hole. American idealism will never submit to your vitriol.
We're watching.


hahahhahaha ayo hol up where be da shillz at sheeeiiitt

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What idealism? Importing 20 million more spics and starting the slow, hellish descent into Brazil mixed-race clusterfuck status? No one who has read history wants this nightmare to unfold. The empathyfag left does though.

Hopefully all these Trumpshills will find employment soon.

ok fine, we get it. ill vote democrat. tell kushner you did your 'job'

Nobody said anything about open borders or letting thousands or millions of immigrants into the country. It's all in your head.
The caravan will likely reach the US border and the existing process will be followed. If they have a legitimate asylum claim they will be investigated. If they are criminal, they will be deported. If they don't have any legitimate business inside the united states they will be denied entry. If they have valid papers and want to go on vacation, they will be allowed to.
Stop all your BS and try being productive.

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6 more and I get a set of steak knives!

ahem.... kate steinle

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Yes, crime happens and sometimes the perpetrator happens to be an illegal immigrant. To perpetuate that this is common or even pervasive is grossly irresponsible and doesn't focus on legitimate issues. It's racism and nationalism at best, but doesn't address the genuine crime problem in this country.

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why does kushner want you retards to shill for the democrats?

Illegal = crime.

that would be easier to accept than the truth. Denial is when the truth is so unbearable we make up an alternate reality.

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Nobody's denying that. If you want to blame somebody, blame Law Enforcement budgets and priorities.

You do realize that no one other than already right-wingers believe DR3, right? It doesn't convince anyone to switch sides.

"Woah! Woah! We can't insult Cops, but we can blame Democrats!" - You

well duh–1972)

Forwards from grandma

You can be better than this type of post... better for all of us if you tried.

If you need to blame cops, go ahead. I believe in accountability for oneself.

If it hurts too much to think, don't do it. Keep voting the way you do.

It's complicated. LBJ set the stage for the parties flipping ideologies by making civil rights a pillar of his (Democratic) administration, although Theodore Roosevelt and the Old Guard's opposition to Taft tested the viability of a schism in the Republican Party, while FDR's administration forced the Democrat Party to embrace a Shitload of progressive postures, especially on the labor front.
Seriously, FDR delayed white slavery in the U.S. for decades.
In the end, though, LBJ's pandering inspired the Southern Strategy, which successfully exploited racial antipathy and made the parties what they are today. you have no argument for the facts I presented.
Now is the time, you apologize and admit that the information I presented has extinguished your misunderstanding with the promise to live a better life going forward.

That elephant doesn't look like a visual representation of demand.

>Yes, crime happens and sometimes the I may have missed the post with all the facts. "Yes, crime happens and sometimes the perpetrator happens to be an illegal immigrant." There is this which seems to not acknowledge that being an "illegal" is a crime in itself. That almost all illegals have committed Social Security fraud which is a felony.

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You realize Lincoln was for big spending right?

those were pre-development days. no infrastructure was around. Spending was a must.

350 million people in the US. There's going to be a handful of folks that aren't supposed to vote that will try. There's going to be a handful of folks that try to rob banks. There's going to be a handful of folks that try to run for President. You're conflating eventual circumstances into legitimate problems. Why don't you try to offer realistic solutions?

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Now I have to solve immigration after the Dems created the problem. OK... easy enough... an economic wall is a simple realistic solution. Make the penalty for a company filing a mismatched social security number $10,000 per mismatch. Then if a company has over 500 mismatches the penalty is $20,000 each. Over 1000 mismatches $50,000 each. No company will hire an illegal and they will self-deport and wait in line with all the LEGAL immigrants trying to get in the right way.

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In effect that's exactly what you want by supporting the liberal system that even gives these subhumans due process or the chance to enter the country. That's what the offer of asylum and due process does. You say you don't support the beaner invasion, but the mechanisms and policies you support effectively do just that. Spics can fuck off back to the vast swaths of land they already have to make something out of. They're violent, retarded subhumans and can't make functioning societies? Not my fucking problem.