Is pedophilia born out of extreme slovenliness?

Or are pedophiles genetically fucked in the brain?

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What does that even mean, also that girl is definitely of age


Does it maybe relate to Slovenia?

It's important to define age OP. If a girl has had a period she's of age.

slovenly: untidy or unclean in appearance or habits.

btw I think pedos are fucked in their brain but if it weren't for porn they would have it easier to control themselves.

There is no evidence that pedophilia has a direct genetic cause. There is some evidence that it has some genetic risk factors. Like -most- forms of mental illness, it's usually a malfunction caused by environmental factors. What those factors actually are, we don't know with any great deal of accuracy. Because of the legal issues and the stigma, it remains poorly studied.

Kill yourself.

10/10 thread.

Like they are so lazy that they go for the stupidest, most vulnerable, easiest to fool humans around? Probably.

What other marker would you use of womanhood? Let's hear it

My theory, is that it is a malfunction, that can have many sources.
It is said, that men are attracted to young looking features(forgot the english n... word for it), that are extremely displayed in animes etc.
But it must be fertile. So I think, there is something wrong with this condition being applied in their brain.

>btw I think pedos are fucked in their brain

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Totally fucked in the brain and sinful urges go hand in hand, OP.

There's some credence to the theory that pedos were victims themselves as children, which sets off this fucked up mentality that a relationship with a minor is somehow acceptable. No one saved them, they survived, so the kids the traumatize will be okay, mentality.

Funny how Europe dind't have that problem when pic related was going on.

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all pedos are incels

>1 post by this ID
Nice thread, OP.


I would never want to be associated with them personally so I say they are fucked up in the brain and should be euthanized

You are as pedo as your hairline.

We all exist today because some pedo chad fucked a young girl and knocked her up back in the good ol days.

>virgin pedophile

>chad child molester

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For me, it started back in 1998 when I got my first computer. Before then it was just adult porno mags. Once I got my computer and as the years went by fapping to porn, I kept looking for that next thrill. About 6 years ago I ran across a nudist website and tried fapping to some girls who looked around 12-14.. I could not get off no matter how hard I tried because I could not picture myself entering them and rape does not excite me. So while it was fun looking at the pictures it did nothing for my fapping. While some call that CP it's technically NOT yet morally, it's still wrong even when its cultural, at least in this day and age. Nowadays when I am not having sex with my girlfriend I enjoy fapping over a video I took of her sister in the shower and various eye contact pictures of her friends.

breeding age had nothing to do with arbitrary numbers for millions of years and now suddenly (((about one century))) it does. Just in time for feminism to start destroying Western Civilization. hmmm really makes me think.

QuinceaƱeros were a celebration used to let society know that a girl had entered womanhood as she had gotten her period and was already educated in housekeeping. It announced that the girl was ready to be courted for marriage, usually by men at least twice her age. She was at or close to peak reproductive fertility age.

Don't waste your time, bro. Too many emotional faggots on here.

Government should have zero say in when people get to start having sex, the very idea is disgusting and dystopian. And for the record im more of a cougar chaser than a teen fan. Gimme divorced 35yos all day baby

>normal raising
>grow up and date a few women until you find one worth starting a family with
>marriage may or may not survive but at most you'd only have to divorce once and remarry, and at best the first marriage lasts
>make a nice family to carry your lineage
>no regrets

>abnormal raising
>sexually repressed during puberty, be it from homeschooling, religitard chastity, falling for chink cartoon propoganda, etc.
>mentally believe that you were "wronged" in some way and are owed young women
>always wanting to seek girls to fuck, abandon them once they start maturing
>never want to have kids unless they're daughters that you can also rape

You can't set a random number and say all sex before that number is immoral
>inb4 it's about mental maturity
Women become mentally mature at menopause

this, this and this.
Maturity in woman seens to vary strongly too.
This is why islam said, that it is ok, once it bleeds.
Very debatable, but it would make sense. Also considering, that I heard of someone who got period just by 16.

Womanhood is irrelevant. It has everything to do with consent, which requires a suitable level of brain development. Improved nutrition and possibly growth horomone exposure have resulted in earlier puberty. If for example, you go read what the ancient Greeks had to say on the subject, you'll notice that they describe puberty as hitting several years later than it does today (14-17).
Brain development as it regards to risk evaluation isn't even really 'finished' until you're 24, but obviously no one is going to wait that long. So for now we have a fairly good set of laws that allow adolescents who are of similar age to explore without getting thrown in jail, and keep the advances of people who should know better than to try to take advantage (adults) away.

Obviously there are exceptions to this, and some people are capable of excellent decision making at a younger age than is average, but because we have no means of reliably or objectively determining that, it's ethically irresponsible to not err on the side of caution.


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source? also is that for male and female, or only for male?
I agree, that some girls get their period before being fully developed. I think this schould tell us something, as it is an emeregency reaction.

>It has everything to do with consent
>Brain development as it regards to risk evaluation isn't even really 'finished' until you're 24, but obviously no one is going to wait that long
So it is permissable for someone who, by your vague definition, cannot completely consent to sex, to go for it anyway, because they're over a number that gets picked out of thin air?

>for now we have a fairly good set of laws that allow adolescents who are of similar age to explore without getting thrown in jail, and keep the advances of people who should know better than to try to take advantage (adults) away
We have laws that imprison 18 year olds for having relations with 17 year olds, and brand them for life.

completely agree.
Also can they even consent or are they always driven by their nature, to hop on it, when attracted to it?

Consent is a spook. To the victor goes the spoils GANG MONKY

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Well, to be honest, I'm into 14 year olds because girls didn't like me when I was a teen

It is over.

>We have laws that imprison 18 year olds for having relations with 17 year olds, and brand them for life.
I doubt that, there has to be some common sense in those cases surely...

I think its a form of sadism, they get the pleasure by corrupting something innocent.


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So you're asking if it's a choice or they're born that way...



they probably think of themselves as innocent also

It's not pedophile, when it has that big boobs.
Not even hebephile I'd say.
Just illegal

Beautiful grill, looks just like my ex. Too bad she turned out to be a cheating whore and got a bunch of tattoos. Yikes!

I think it comes from low self esteem. The low self esteem male knows he cannot get an adult woman because she will know how low status he is and realize he's not a suitable partner, but a child won't know that, the adult is always the dominant one in the relationship because of age and the child respects and depends on the adult because of age. I think it served an evolutionary purpose when resources were scarce, war was high and there were a lot of orphans. Basically without pedos, no one would have any incentive to take in the orphaned children and they wouldn't survive, so over time the trait was passed down because societies with pedos had better survival rates for children and because it allows the beta male to pass on his genes.

Anyone considering fucking a minor should be ass raped with a knife. You sick pieces of shit.

I don't think its related to slovenia

it's just natural

str8 men naturally desire young innocent girls
gay men naturally desire young innocent boys

child marriage is written into every abrahamic religious book

We'll start with you, then.

Neoteny. Youth is more attractive than older age. The same thing is behind women using makeup to look more attractive, mimicking the skin and eyes and hair they had as little kids.
Even in young boys, neoteny can cause sexual attraction.

It's nature. You can't win against it. Get over it already.

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can you define "slovenliness"

i'm pretty sure that if my life had followed a different path, i wouldn't be attracted to little girls

youre all completely off

pedophiles dont act upon a sexual impulse, they act upon a predatory vicious instinct. Their actions might surface sexually but the cause isnt, theres a reason they are worse than faggots

there is nothing wrong with teens having sex with adults.

Please explain. Don't we all have predatory instincts? At least males.

Power tripping is a hell of a drug. Also I thought sexual frustration was the reason of grown males targetting children, they are weak to refuse.


Its human nature to be attracted to younger women. Notice I said WOMEN, so in other words, girls past puberty. Take a look at the top models, celebrities, and see how feminine and young they look in the face.

Being attracted to pre-pubescent kids makes no sense in nature and is for that reason a mental disorder.

The age of 18 isnt some magical number that the body is all of a sudden ready for sex. No it's a societal number that really has no basis in anything. Age of consent around the world ranges from as low as 13 (too low) to 17..

The girl in the pic look like she could be anywhere from 14-18.. You just cant tell

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I learnt a new word at least

its natural desu. Wonder why women have expiration dates?

The species as a whole is in a boxed, dumb fuck state. This is due to three factors, stupidity, restriction and mediocrity.

Females don't have power, they are traps one way or another, in that they must entrap a man's power. The girls who grow up without a Father who loves and cares - still need power; they do what they can and look to media. This is good for you and you're an idiot if you think otherwise. Rationalized dogmatic function and irrational fear leads to righteous thinking. The majority of everyone is INcapable of determining what is good in life and is much, much farther from acting upon good intentions in the face of truth - in this case its true beauty. Unwilling to see beauty at its best.

why is homosexuality not a mental disorder then?

Isn't that Emilie? She's like in her 20s

it is. obviously.

Why would "nature" want you to be a faggot? it goes against nature and natural order.

Its a disorder.

Another thing is whenever this topic comes up about adolescents or younger, the main issue is always sex. If you can recall back to when you were that age, hopefully you had a girlfriend, sex was only part of the whole, you were being young, beautiful and free .. the whole time was sexual

Because having too many kids can overstress the community, but sex(orgasm in males, more precisely) is the only non-drug limitation on mania caused by excessive dopamine receptor agonism(via prolactin release at ejaculation). It's basically a "way to relieve stress" and is indeed found in nature.

but it isnt considered one by doctors

Yeah but "attraction" top the opposite sex isn't found in nature.

Gays like to say that animals are gay sometimes, well no, thats usually just them showing dominance towards another.

It's a mental disorder.

The same "doctors" that preform life altering transgender surgery?

get a clue