
Intro twitter.com/RealVinceJames/status/1054236858291376128
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>2nd round polls: JB 56% X FH 44% (Datafolha), JB 60.6% X FH 39.4% (Paraná)
Bolsonaro vs. Haddad run-off will happen in October 28th.


Jair Bolsonaro is the front-runner in Brazil's presidential election. He is a conservative Christian, pro-gun, a former army captain, and the only candidate with no corruption charges against him. He's looking to modernise the lethargic Brazilian economy with the aid of UChicago economist Paulo Guedes. He wants to align Brazil's foreign policy with Western nationalist governments against the influence of China, Eurasianism and regional socialism (Venezuela and Cuba). He has a hard stance on crime and supports increasing the power of police forces and the army to tackle Brazil's drug and violence problems. Under heavy fire from the media and academia, with an extremely restricted campaign budget, and having survived an assassination attempt, Bolsonaro's presidential run is nothing short of extraordinary.

JB's antagonist in the presidential race is Fernando Haddad, a sociologist, former minister of education under Lula and former mayor of São Paulo. He's running for the left-wing Labour Party (PT) under the guidance of former president Lula, who is currently in prison after being convicted for corruption and money laundering. PT had been the ruling party in Brazil for 13 years, but is facing high rejection in the polls after a police investigation uncovered the largest known corruption scheme in Brazilian history, which PT architected.

MORE INFORMATION: pastebin.com/raw/fuZH3p7g
PREVIOUS THREAD: Thread theme: youtu.be/c_gPaqM-Z4g

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First for Jesus

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fuck libtards

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>acknowledging datafoice at all in the OP
should be a bannable offense desu

>global recession bigger than 2008's is about to happen right when Bolso is about to win
fucking hell

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Agreed desu boy

Reminder to not vote Paes.

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>let's ignore anything that makes look bad!!!
I'm not a dishonest leftist faggot. If they're manipulating the results, and they probably are, we'll know on Sunday and will dab on them.

Don't be like that.

Just a reminder that those who voted for Amoedo have the same guilt as those who voted for Haddad.

Put Mídia Ninja articles in the OP while you're at it.

A Portuguese and a German complaining that we are electing a big daddy, but they are under the progressist dictatorship of big mom merkel.

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Brazilians are brainwashed from their cribs to believe in the supreme dogma of equality.
Many would rather leave their problems unaddressed than being forced to recognize their true causes.

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Any mathfag can confirm this?

Based. Only our Lord Jesus can save us from all this damnation.

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Uber hue dissonance

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The prophet of chaos Dilmanta

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>it's a monkey shills for some random gringo to come to his state and fuck his woman, promoting the sex tourism episode

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glory to Christ.

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But seriously, democracy has to go. It's poisoning not only our country but the west as a whole.

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I always call those cucks out when I see them.

First we have to destroy media
then universities
then bring back monarchy

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If women's right to vote were revoked the West would quickly convalesce from its current deadly ills.




depois do pau de arará


Pau de arará faz muito mal.

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Weak men would vote them into rights again in a generation.

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That’s actually good but I don’t have the time to explain

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Sorry user, I don't like that word.


the four white cities that less voted for bolsonaro are from rio grande do sul, of course

but I dont believe in those numbers, by the way

>check some pro-Bolsonaro article
>check the comments
>women against him and pro-faggots
literally the nigger of sexes

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as I said, limit voting rights to tax payers and the problem solves itself. that's much more likely to pass the congress and filters out many more garbage voters. the majority of women,socialists, poorfags and welfare leeches don't pay taxes


Redistribute to non-maconheiros, it's great, krautbro

RS has been a target of leftist subversion for some decades now, I'm actually surprised how much they've resisted

Women shouldn't be allowed to vote before their 50s. They're uber-NPCs, they only develop consciousness after menopause.

doesn't matter who runs your country, it's always going to be full of murderers, wanna-be drug dealers and child raping brazilians. only solution for your rats nest of a country is to burn it down and start again.

>nova era

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Wrong, crime only exploded after the military regime ended and we were ruled by pro-crime communists and social-democrat controlled opposition for decades.

They should never vote.
They are not political entities, the only healthy order in any human society, is for women to only occupy the familiar space, and nothing more.

Exceptions should be open by basis of merit and talent.

Meh, I think you guys have much bigger problems than that. As I said in previous threads, you really ought to stop wasting your time and money on church, and actually doing something productive. Also let go of fucking whatsapp groups for a second.

They generally have an easier time grasping complex neo-marxist bullshit theories, and had their fair share of exposition to it. Our average João looks at reality and reacts to it instinctively (our instincts are quite redpilled), while more rational people might learn to suppress such instincts and live in an internally consistent world of fantasy.
Read "The Decline of the West" by Spengler, if you're interested in that theory.

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literally who?

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You know what would really trigger the left?
Appropriation and mockery.
Imagine a million yellow shirt Zilians parading for Bolsonaro with shitlord grins in their faces chanting, all across the major cities of Hueland:

O Brasileiro
Está cansado
Ó PT tchau
PT tchau
Tchau tchau
O Brasileiro
Já elegeu
O Bolsonaro
P'ra nos governar

It would be glorious lads, glorious, I tell you.


Choque de Redditura

Crusoé is an hypermegaultraright magazine though.

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That's one of the most NPC opinions about Brazil I've read on Jow Forums. You'd fit right in with pro-Haddad faggots in Brazil.

I'm not religious but the church is important for enforcing ethical guidelines for the masses, there's nothing to gain from abandoning it.

We already do that. I've been to a few pro-impeachment protests, it's always a fun atmosphere.


Probably this has been said, but Luciana Gimenez already recorded her next Monday show announcing Bolsonaro as pres.


They shouldn't be allowed to vote period. Middle-aged women who think conservative do so because of their husbands' views and because of nostalgia for their by-gone time.

so its the same pattern as in the usa?

Are trying to tell us the jews are behind this?


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based af


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100% of communist marxist student body is fueled by MACONHA.
Expelling even 30% of those social cancerous humans would greatly improve our academic institutions.

Churches are the great anti-marxism defenses, I was surprised of how radicalized anti-commie they were, they were even more extreme than me. And I lurk this place before Drumpf became a thing.

I am the Portuguese.
Things are more complex than you seem to realise.


> portuguese
> complex


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To a certain extent.
The way you guys treat religion is absurd. I drove by shitholes (from Rio to Paraty) and the only buildings I saw with more than 1 floor were the churches. Everything else looked like garbage.
Turn on the radio? Half the shows are about jesus and the bible.
Sure it's fine in moderation, but you guys are raging alcoholics on jesus. Tone it down a bit, and stop giving your hard-earned money to IURD.

>Diogo Mainardi and Mário Sabino
Jesus Christ

Our media presented pic related as an indication that fascism already rules Brazil.


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This is a good one mate

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So I presume these are the final polls then?

I wish.

Yeah it's worse, you are a slave of an international (((entity))) that you have absolutely no influence on.

>only solution for your rats nest of a country is to burn it down and start again.

I think they have already done the burn it down part.
Electing Bolsonao will hopefully be the start again part.

Based aussie poster.


I am not complaining about Bolsonaro. I want him to win and to burn commies/favelados.
My point is that your fixation on maconheiros is absurd, and that it should be the least of your concerns in my opinion.

Churches are the least of our problems, idiot.
We're approaching a fiscal crisis, our pension system is about to crash the country's economy, we have some cities that are more dangerous than Syria, we lack basic sanitation in many places, our school test results are consistently at the bottom of world ranks, and our problem are CHURCHES?

Thank you for your expert NPC opinion

Last one tomorrow

Quero o Andrade ganhe mesmo
so quero meu gás a 50 mangos

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luv dat Xingu pussy

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Dude, the whites who've destroyed Brazil (communists) live on drugs. It's them, their teachers, and their politicians.

Banning drugs in that way would make them lose most of their power.

This is must be bait.

What's his position on restoring the monarchy?

I am the Brasillian
Things are more complex than you seem to realise.

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>get's knocked up by Mick jagger
>Fucks Dicaprio like it was nothing
>predicts the winner of the elections
this bitch is based as fuck lmao

Real-life experiences mean nothing to these people. They understand everything according to an internally consistent, yet wholly hysterical plane of discourse. Whenever this "academicist" phenomenon is manifest on a larger, institutional scale, you get what's happening now in Europe.

what's BNDES mean?

Nem me surpreende.

O próprio subconsciente da mulher é orientado sempre em função da sexualidade. A diferença é o aspecto qualitativo da mesma: Sendo através da senpaiília através da maternidade ou através da anarquia através da prostituição. A própria mulher moderna tem consciência disso e sabe que precisa monopolizar a sexualidade de tal modo que ela assegure isso. Por isso que elas querem aborto, relacionar com 500 homens, sistematizar a busca por aparência, ganhar likes em redes sociais e etc..

Nice to know.
Checked how wonderful your gets were.
Sadly, Youtube says that video is forbidden in my country for some reason.

I would rather be governed by Haddad, than be from a country member of the EU.

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he defends the constitution as it is