Those are Jow Forums screenshots

Apologize RIGHT NOW pol. You created this.

Attached: 698375DE-BE80-47EA-B805-658E948AA19F.jpg (640x362, 31K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>1 post by this ID

doesnt proof anything

They look more like infinity chan than anything

I wonder if they stole the car or put the stickers on themselves

If anything it proves it was some Q-tard newfag.
God I hate what this board has become after 2016.

i think styx called this one right on the money. next they'll check his search history and see dozens of orders for maga stickers and other shit in the last month

there's no way someone smart enough to make an actual, effective bomb would fail to wire TWELVE of them correctly, do this all in a van looking like THAT out in broad daylight, and then get caught so quickly.


Attached: just.jpg (800x450, 81K)

>the 808lb hacker known as Jow Forums
>50yr old boomer bomber
>the absolute state of /pol right now

Attached: 1540442731629.jpg (410x550, 29K)

FBI or CIA probably was in contact with him before. Remember he was involved in terrorist related activity in the past. They staged this. FALSE FLAG USING MAGATARD

its called being a fucking schizophrenic

>there's no way someone smart enough to make an actual, effective bomb would fail to wire TWELVE of them correctly, do this all in a van looking like THAT out in broad daylight, and then get caught so quickly.


wait, did he bomb something?

Too obvious

Attached: B255B319-9A84-4D7D-AC9D-A06632C994BB.jpg (1024x768, 175K)

Jow Forums intelligent as always kek no wonder you worthless narrow minded shitstains deserve to be reviled

whether or not the person is a nutjob is out of the question, they had a goal here. if it was to actually kill they'd have done it properly and not been so blatant with their 'allegiance'

im still of the opinion that this person intended to sway public opinion right before the midterms by making it look like a trump supporter tried to mail deliver explosive devices to democrats.

Too obvious is the fucking MO of the fake bomber though.

>boomer electionfag magapedes taking the hacker on steroids' exploding vans literally

Attached: 1506566927855.jpg (1024x520, 41K)


Attached: 1466360821269.jpg (400x400, 17K)

That picture was obviously taken in traffic - not in a parking lot.


Attached: 1537197854567.jpg (480x442, 38K)

One of your peers actually shot a republican congressman you forgetful retard.

Attached: 1494890497.png (400x396, 186K)

Framing it as the "Right", look at how over the top they set up the plain "I'm not IC or a kid snatcher" van.

>white male

Attached: 48B74BCF-3BE3-4FE8-A7B5-C58018EA33FF.jpg (964x835, 185K)

>Those are Jow Forums screenshots
There is what seems to be a kek meme on the side but everything else doesn't come from here.

don't see pepes

anyone who says this is a deeper scheme or a false flag are literally the people occam made his fucking razor for

why don't you do something important with your life instead of overanalyzing some guy who wanted to get famous by scaring everyone with fake ass bombs

example: someone is going to reply to this reply and say i'm either:

1. pushing liberal agenda by telling you to stop worrying

2. ignoring evidence that it's a false flag (which doesn't exist)

3. not even giving any coherent rebuttal and resorting to attacking an entire spectrum of ideologies instead of what i just said

why can't any of you snap out of this sad fucking lifestyle of spending so much energy trying to scrutinize every little thing you partially disagree with and find millions of ways to discredit it or devalue it no matter who or what it is as long as they are aligned with different views than you when you're so unimportant compared to these people that you as an individual will literally never make a difference in any of it in your lifetimes

and checked

Put me in your article faggot.
Which newspaper do you work for?


Attached: pepe777.jpg (959x960, 292K)

Evidence like uncanceled stamps hmm?

This is objectively terrorism, those were objectively not bombs

This guy had previous terrorism charges and no one was watching him? The sunlight never faded the stickers? He was never pulled over or had his car torched for being a Trump supporter like so many others?

I’m so sick of you goddamn “people”

Attached: B1A18ABB-FB5D-4C3D-918D-C43EC63C9370.png (595x336, 46K)

Magatard's twitter

Seminole confirmed

Attached: 197AF5C5-5DE1-4F48-B519-6DB1EB0CFF02.jpg (1125x1249, 724K)

Maybe a bit TOO obvious?

Like that Jew moving van with a picture of a plane hitting the WTC painted on the side.

DNC/CIA used and set up Seminole MAGATard (with history of terrorist charges) for hoax bombings as last resort effort to influence midterms.

Attached: 25DC8C01-CA16-4CD0-BD1D-C15109DD93DB.jpg (1024x350, 155K)

AP said he was convicted for selling steroids, who knows what else did he inject

They found a retard and groomed it

Our super secret mind control memes are working.

I like how liberals think this will help them with that fake blue wave, if anything this will get more republicans out to vote because this looks fake as fuck


The left can't mem....

Well, now because of this persons reprehensible actions I cannot, in good conscious, vote republican anymore. We should all vote blue in this upcoming election so we can stand in solidarity against hate and bigotry. I mean, we are better than that, right /pol?

twitter and facebook


Attached: wtf.png (220x229, 24K)

how convenient for a false flag both in response to the NPC meme and to try and drum up support for the democriminals for midterms
yawn, it's all so tiring
try hiring smarter people who know how to do convincing false flags, you glow in the dark CIA niggers

How the fuck do you call that white

Attached: 1522271969051.jpg (331x500, 59K)

Attached: John Mccain fan discordy orange.png (754x723, 373K)

Shittt checked

top kek m8